Vashk is the western part of the continent of Aashk, which comprises much of the landmass of this part of Azthir-Terra. It is divided from the rest of Aashk by Milastra Bay and the Silver Gulf. Where Valês' Anvil turns into the scrub of the Burned Lands and the The Riverlands marks the accepted boundary of Vashk, but the great emptiness there presents no natural barriers that might stand as a border.
Vaskh is heavily populated, comprising the heartland of of the Sacred Demesne of the Faith Militant, and runs from Valês Rise in the north to the The Southern Peakes. It's bounded on the west by the Central Sea with its two main outlets at Onnbrycg via Metie Bay, and Southport.
With the Danai Plains and the Burned Lands (named for the religious fervor that burned through the area prior to the Founding), it is a rich agricultural area, with Lunegarden and the Danai the breadbaskets of the Demesne.
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