Cleric Citrinne Character in Charyba | World Anvil
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Cleric Citrinne

Citrinne is a tabaxi cleric from the Catfolk Freehold on Udarich. She is worshipper of Sindara and as such, she is a nature domain cleric. For much of her life, she worshipped at the Six Tenet Monastery.  


Born in 3151, Citrinne lived on a farm near to the border with Pascatia. When she was 16, an armed force marched into the Freehold. Citrinne's parents were killed and her farm captured as she fled into the forest. She hid among a giant tree's roots while Pascatian soldiers followed her. Praying to Sindara, Citrinne begged to the goddess to help her hide. The tree roots shifted and moved to shield her from the soldiers until they had passed her by. From that day on, Citrinne was a faithful follower of the Goddess of Nature.   Citrinne decided to wander Udarich rather than settle in another Freehold community. When she was 20, Citrinne traveled to the Sintar Farm Tribeland and found herself at the Six Tenet Monastery. She found spiritual sanctuary in the monastery dedicated to all six of the gods and decided to finally settle there, worshipping Sindara. Among the many close friends she met there was a woman named Ravenna, monk serving the ways of Atero.   At the age of 50, Citrinne found herself restless once more and left the monastery. She eventually made her way back to the Catfolk Freehold. As fate would have it, she stumbled upon a group of Freehold rangers beset by Pascatian soldiers. Citrinne used Sindarin magic to defend the soldiers. When Catchief Urthpaw heard of this, she offered Citrinne a Councillor position in Ghispar.


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