Udarich Campaign Session 2 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 2

General Summary

  • Hest, Larka, Bigwig, and Petrichor awoke in the forest the next day. 
  • They came upon a small cave entrance while travelling. The cave entrance looked like it led to part of an underground structure. Subsidance resulted in this part of the structure being exposed. The party decided to investigate the cave so that Hest could learn what caves were like.
  • The party found a ruined necklace under a pile of stone. The centerpoint of the necklace was a fang. When Larka touched the fang, fiery salamandars sprung to life on the backs of their hands and stole prized goods from each of them. 
  • They chased the salamandars, with Petrichor getting stuck in the rockfall at one point, until they could get their stuff back. 
  • Hest's amulet had been stolen once again. Once retrieved, Ravenna decided to bond the amulet to Hest's chest.
  • Bigwig and Larka both heard a voice after defeating the salamandars. This voice came from a sarcophagus and offered them magic and power. The tomb began to fill with blood and the voice urged them to drink it. Concerned about this and the potential of the cave to collapse, the party decided to leave rather than listen to the voice.
  • After some travel, the party found themselves in Popoki Village, a tabaxi settlement. They met a young girl who suggested they talk to her father, Salvidor the shopkeep.
  • Salvidor proved to be excitable and offered to give the party a tour of the town. He mentioned Elna's baked goods, Longclaw's barbershop, and the village chieftain, Meadowyn. When they asked whether anyone had seen the crashing Raziel, Salvidor mentioned a meteor that fell the night before and suggested they talk to the chief.
  • Meadowyn decided to board the party at the local inn, buying them stew-tine for dinner. Hest almost let slip that her magic comes from Wild Magic and realized that her magic is feared and forbidden by the gods. She covered for herself and asked where she could find a cure for Ravenna. Meadowyn suggested going to Ghispar or the Church of Gorthag
  • The party leveled up after going to bed. Before they could rest, though, a scream pierced the night. Running outside, the party realized that the town was under attack by walking skeletons.
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Report Date
10 Sep 2023


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