Udarich Campaign Session 1 Plot in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 1

  • Larka boarded the Raziel with her father Kagero. She spent some time making a potion of healing and some poison while her father lectured her. Kagero made her promise not to lash out at anyone and Larka noticed that he seemed afraid of something. Larka then went to the top deck to watch the sky.
  • Bigwig and Petrichor snuck aboard the Raziel with the other Nightwalkers. They tied up the cabin's occupant and stole some fancy clothes from him. Windtooth told Peacelover and Lockpick to break into empty rooms while Bigwig and Petrichor would pickpocket at the gala. Windtooth gave each of his gang special Sending Stones to communicate while be kept the master stone. On the way, they overheard someone behind a door mention that representatives from the Arctic Gnashers and the Cult of Arazid never showed up. The broke into a room nearby and stole some books and a figurine.
  • Hest got confused for waitstaff and was swept up onto the ship. Confused, she asked the head chef what she should do. Both the head chef and Ravenna shouted at Hest to serve the food upstairs. Hest spoke to a vargar noble and asked for help returning Ravenna's spirit to her body. A tiefling named Argus helped get her out of trouble.
  • After arriving at the gala room, Petrichor caught sight of Hest's amulet and wanted to steal it. Bigwig walked up to her, pretending to be nobility, and convinced Hest to hand the amulet over. Ravenna shouted at Bigwig, then Petrichor once it was handed over.
  • Larka followed her father to the gala. Kagero needed time alone with some of the other tribe leaders and asked Larka to seek out refreshments for herself. Larka happened upon Hest, Bigwig, and Petrichor and got some soup with them before returning to her father. Kagero was speaking with other tribe leaders, including King Hespiro. Hespiro caught Larka's attention, triggering some supernatural instinct.
  • Hespiro asked everyone to dinner before starting his speech. Larka, Petrichor, and Hest picked up on Hespiro being anxious about his speech.
  • "Welcome all. It has been a fine evening and I hope you've been enjoying the festivities. This fine ship Raziel that I commissioned from across the seas is both a beautiful vessel and an engineering marvel unlike anything in history. I shall discuss more on its unique drive system later. I know a meeting such as this is unprecedented in history, with representatives from all across our continent present. Rivalries have run deep between us, some running centuries back. Before anything else, I would like to thank you for keeping the peace tonight and apologize for the manner in which I asked you to do so. I'm sorry but there is one last thing I must ask of you. There will be an open discussion as part of this summit after my speech for you air your concerns but I ask that you listen to what I have to say before passing judgement.' Hespiro pauses once more. "As I mentioned, petty conflict and rivalries between tribes have plagued our continent since time immemorial. I pledge to bring an end to all of this by uniting Udarich under one rule, mine." There are some murmurs from the crowd. People are ready to denounce this when the sound of doors slamming shut. Leonin guards stand by every exit. "Forgive me for this. Returning to my speech, I beg that we work together and establish a united Udarich peacefully but I will conquer if I must. We will need to stand together, for there is a danger..."
  • An explosion rocked the ship, displacing Hest, Bigwig, Petrichor, and Larka to the kitchen below. They saw the ship in flames, others displaced and sticking out of walls, and Hespiro's voice saying to get to get to safety in the cabins.
  • Larka made for her father's cabin and Hest followed. The two ran into a burning hallway and Hest cooled with Ray of Frost. At this point, she realized she could not cast higher level spells without Ravenna's amulet. She opened one of the doors afterwards to shelter in a room, only to realize find no room behind the door, just open air.
  • Bigwig and Petrichor contacted Lockpick to find out where the Nightwalkers were. Lockpick was cut off before she could answer. They ran to their cabin, on the way encountering an old tabaxi woman trapped under some rubble. Bigwig was able to pull her free. The woman offered to keep them safe in her cabin. When she passed through her door, a force field appeared and prevented Bigwig and Petrichor from following. They watched as the woman and her room disappeared in front of them.
  • Bigwig and Petrichor find they're cabin and find it mostly blown up by the explosion. They looked for the man they had tied up and tried to stabilize him, but he wouldn't wake up before the flames forced Bigwig and Petrichor to flee.
  • The four adventurers met up once more and found Windtooth. Petrichor realized he had bombs on hand and deduced that Windtooth had caused the explosions. Windtooth attacked the four and nearly threw Petrichor into the open sky. Hespiro saved her at the last second and told them to seek refuge in his room while he dealt with Windtooth. The four ran into the room, hearing an explosion behind.
  • They felt the cabin fall away from the rest of the ship. The cabin seemed to fail in its protection of the occupants, giving just enough protection to keep them safe as the cabin plummeted to earth and landed in the trees.
  • The four decided to rest in the cabin. They watched as the Raziel struck a nearby mountain and exploded.
  • Petrichor returned Hest's amulet to her
Next Session>


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