Udarich Campaign Session 3 Report in Charyba | World Anvil
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Udarich Campaign Session 3

General Summary

  • The party awoke to find skeletons attacking Popoki Village and rushed out to defend. The skeletons seemed to be of a variety of races but mostly tabaxi.
  • Petrichor used her newfound Wild Shape abilties to become a Giant Hyena and destroyed several of the skeletons. Bigwig and Larka stayed in the shadows to pick off the skeletons that made it close to the villager houses. Unfortunately, Hest was unable to fight off a stronger skeleton and was knocked unconcsious.
  • During the battle, Petrichor noticed a young tabaxi child that had snuck out and was now crying and afraid. She defended it from a skeleton. At first, the child was afraid but climbed on and rode Petrichor once he realized the Giant Hyena was a protector.
  • One skeleton broke down the door of a small family but Petrichor and Larka were able to destroy it before anyone was hurt.
  • Once the sounds of battle ended, the villagers came out to investigate. Meadowyn, the village leader, assuaged their fears and said that he would investigate and update them in the morning. He also confessed that he was going to hand the party over to the Ghispari soldiers tomorrow but now trusted they were not dangerous.
  • Petrichor investigated the skeletal remains. She found no loot but realized the skeletons were unusually cleaned, almost like they had been processed. She also found a rune carved into the skeletons' skulls but could not identify it.
  • The tabaxi child ran home, with the party recognizing it as Salvidor's house. Meadowyn went to check on the villagers. He told the party nothing like this had ever happened.
  • The party encountered Karsta back at the inn, who offered to make them whatever breakfast they wanted in the morning as thanks.
  • Larka, who had picked up one of the skeleton bones as a keepsake, decided to gnaw on it. The bone unleashed necrotic energy after a while and made her feel unwell.
  • The next morning, the party awoke to breakfast with Karsta serving turkey bacon, french toast, and hashbrowns as requested.
  • Outside, Meadowyn and the villagers had put together an impromptu thank you festival. Larka went straight to a cloth butcher and asked the couple to make her a stuffed bone with a bun. Bigwig purchased a form-fitting green tunic.
  • Petrichor went to check out a weaver and purchased on of her baskets.
  • A young tabaxi woman named Ferira walked up to Petrichor for some provocative flirtation. When Petrichor refused spending the next few hours in her private company, Ferira grumbled and walked over to Bigwig to give the same exact speech. Bigwig accepted and was busy for two hours.
  • Larka met a cellist and sat for their performance. The cellist thanked her and offered a musical coin they were given several years ago but never figured out how it worked. Larka recognized it as delving coin that her father demonstrated once. Larka showed the cellist how it worked and they were immediately excited. The cellist did not seem to mind Larka being a vargar.
  • After Bigwig's big event, she reunited with the party and they picked up some baked goods from Elna.
  • The party saw Meadowyn go off to meet the Ghispari patrol and went to join them. The leader, Captain Zinnia, asked them how they got to Popoki village and was surprised they fell from the Raziel. The Catchief of the Catfolk Freehold had sent them on a mission to check for survivors at the wreckage. She suggested they go to Ghispar to tell the Catchief their story.
  • Hearing this, Larka asked to join Captain Zinnia's retinue. Zinnia was hoping they'd go to Ghispar to inform the Catchief about the wreck and the skeleton attack but said they could follow behind.
  • The party followed behind a half hour later with Bigwig leading. She was sidetracked briefly by the sound of a campfire.
  • Petrichor wild shaped into a vulture to investigate and saw a figure preparing his lunch while playing a lute. Petrichor did not recognize the figure's species (just that he looked like a human with thinner features and pointed ears) but decided to steal one of his sausages anyway.
  • She returned and shared the sausage with Larka. The bard ran into them, confused as to why a vulture was in the jungle, and introduced himself as Amroth. Petrichor denied seeing the vulture. Amroth offered to share his lunch with the party. Larka was impatient and wanted to follow the Captain Zinnia, so the party refused his invitation.
  • Amroth was sad and admitted he was hoping for some company. Bigwig pointed him in the direction of Popoki Village and told him to find a prostitute. He was surprised at this, clutched something under his shirt, and said that was not the company he needed. Bigwig noticed this and was concerned what he might be holding, but Amroth said it was personal object related to his own quest.
  • Petrichor, feeling bad about stealing the man's food, offered him a cinnamon roll. Thankful, he gave her 30 gold, not really knowing the value. She happily accepted.
  • The party got the impression Amroth was a little forgetful but believed he was harmless before leaving him and continuing on their journey.
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Report Date
24 Sep 2023


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