Chamber of the Rebis

Discovered by Björn Stormeye, Peter Platinum, Tija Rithtar, Sharp

One by one, pin pricks of light emerge in that inscrutable void. One by one, they appear quicker and quicker until the room is swiftly an explosion of swirling colors and dazzling flashes of light. The lights flow together in spiraling fractals, filling each and every available space of the void with -something-, which all worked together to gradually illuminate the half-sphere chamber the four now stood within. Each spiral, the way it drifted across that cosmic backdrop along the walls drifted in a way that said to the observer it was no different than a telescope, that if you were to peer through its infinite center you would be able to observe some critical or unseen function of the universe. Why yes, you could even compare each of those spirals to swirling galaxies intermingling and melding ad infinitum.   -The Voice Beyond the Page, Sands of Time
  This enigmatic chamber exists in a place beyond time and space, somewhere perhaps even further still than the Breach's fortress is assumed to be. It is from this strangely small, yet seemingly infinite chamber of cosmic spirals upon cosmic spirals that Pandora - better known to some as "the Rebis" - observes the stories of the multiverse and ponders on the Starstrider's Poem while protecting those Stellar Armaments retreived and returned to the legendary construct.   
The true function of this chamber is known only to Pandora. Characters are free to visit and speak with the construct about virtually any subject, including but not limited to questions about the ongoing narrative of the server and its myriad campaigns, but understand Pandora's answers may be cryptic or hard to understand, if they have one at all. If you would like to speak with Pandora, create a thread in the Breach and mention Wraith in the corresponding OOC channel.
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