The Bazaar

Discovered by: Gidgit, Shizzi, Zuu'tari

Have you ever stepped into a bustling marketplace and feel, even if only for a moment, like you've stepped into another world? Have you ever owned a shop and even though you know just about everyone in town, you still find an abundance of strangers just "passing through"?    You just might have found yourself transported to the Bazaar.
  An endless sea of stalls, shops, and mercantile establishments, the Bazaar is populated by a menagerie of curious people and curious things. Don't ask how they got there, many simply don't know or notice anything especially out of the ordinary compared to their homelands. There's no use trying to alert those without the Spark that they've travelled somewhere... else. They either don't hear it or excuse it and simply move on with their day as if nothing extraordinary just happened at all.    This is the magic of the Bazaar. This is the realm of the Merchant, one of the few Outsiders the denizens of the Chromanexus are even remotely aware of. If you're extraordinarily lucky, or - heavens forbid - extraordinarily unlucky, the Merchant might just visit you or your shop.    Welcome to the Bazaar, where the only law is exchange.
Dimensional, Pocket
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