Personal Quarters

Discovered by: Civip, Iovaerix, Scraps, Rusaen

A character marked by the Astral Spark will find a set of personal quarters granted to them within the domain of the Breach, so long as they will it to be.   The Quarters themselves are part of an elaborate network of labyrinthian halls somewhere within the indistinct "fortress" of The Breach, with no clear method of entry or exit found by walking around. Most individuals never see anything more than their personal "doors", which manifest in place of a typical Corridor when they wish to visit their personal quarters.   The chambers themselves work on a similar premise as the demiplane created by a rod of security. The interior of the chamber is furnished and stocked in accordance to its owner's lifestyle, offering no less than a modest living to visiting characters. The chamber features a comfortable bed, space to securely stow your belongings, and perhaps a few novelties or trinkets to entertain your character during their down time. Simple food and other essentials restock themselves between visits, but are otherwise too insignificant to be considered any lasting resource (nor can they leave the rooms that created them, simply vanishing instead).   The owner of the chamber needs neither lock nor key to enter or exit the room. The door opens for them according to their whim and will, and likewise appears as they require. Some individuals have simple doors. Others have doors with animated gargoyles that banter and harass anyone who comes or goes. The decision is yours.  
It is virtually impossible to find another character's chambers without their express permission, though that is not to say it cannot happen. If you wish to find someone's room, roll 2d100 and take the lower of both results (!roll 2d100kl1). If the result is a 99 or 100, you find the individual's chamber. The door is magically reinforced, preventing entry from all but the most devoted of master thieves - a DC 30 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check is necessary to pick the lock, and is done so at disadvantage as the lock attempts to beguile your efforts.   Not even the power of a wish can supersede this effect. If you want in, it must be by your own hand (and presumably, with the OOC knowledge of whoever's room you're invading).
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