Tribunal Hall

Discovered by: Regin , Irthos, Klaruk Nokorz, and Paradox

The Tribunal Hall is an auditorium sized to fit an undefined number of everything. It always seems large enough to fit however many creatures arrive to attend a meeting hosted within it, and yet it never quite feels like it's any larger than a typical auditorium. Those presenting find they can magically project concepts and images throughout the hall, even if they themselves lack the aptitude for magic.   The chamber is always suffused in an ambient sort of twilight, in spite of having no apparent light sources. It is open air, and while it feels like there should be a ceiling, there is none. It's like the chamber houses the concept of a sky, but does not truly have a sky.   The central pit, where individuals can be held on trial or present to the masses, is surrounded by benches made of an unknown, stone-like material, much like the rest of the "Fortress" within the Breach. The benches are divided into eight equal sections by carved staircases connecting from the base of the pit to the highest seats and out into the beyond, where visitors can come and go seamlessly from other regions of the Fortress.   Curiously, at the highest edges on each side of the circular chamber are eight colossal thrones. No one has ever been seen sitting in them, but the thrones feel significant nevertheless. Like something older than time itself is there, watching the tribunal's proceedings. Each throne has a distinct "personality":  
  • A throne of bramble, thorns, and ivy. An exotic flower unlike any flower in existence grows at its crown, and it is as if a forest of dreams grows around its feet.
  • A throne forged from the very cosmos itself. Entire galaxies swirl in and out of existence from within, glittering like distant stars.
  • A throne of obsidian wreathed in undying flames. On the right-hand arm of the chair sits a strangely lifelike depiction of what can only be described as some kind of... magma squirrel?
  • A throne of jewels woven together in a shape reminiscent of the lotus flower. Light passing through it seems to shine in a particularly spectacular fashion.
  • A throne made from the purest blue ice that's ever been seen. It is harder than any known metal and exudes an ominous aura, like peering into the deepest depths of the sea and knowing, knowing it somehow sees your most secret desires.
  • A gray and violet throne seemingly woven of the clouds themselves. The smell of fresh rain permeates its surroundings, and the flicker of distant lightning can occasionally be observed within its roiling interior.
  • A throne of gray-black metal that brings to mind a great hammer striking an anvil. Something about its appearance calls forth fantasies of a forge giving birth to entire worlds with each rise and fall.
  • A thone fashioned from the bones and scales of dragons unlike anything any legend has ever known. The apparent size and scale of their remains would strike even the draconic gods of the Chromanexus with awe and an overwhelming sense of inevitable mortality.
  Whoever built this place, it was clear this chamber was a place where great things were once discussed, debated, and decided. Standing in this place, you can't help but feel like you're somehow standing in the very center of all things.
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