
Jaime is an inquisitive, but socially-stunted Corsair who is equally skilled in stealth as he is swordsmanship. He has the distinction of being one of the founding members of The Party, but often finds himself seperated from them due to a poor sense of direction and inability to recognize faces. Slight in stature, he is often mistaken for a child (or perhaps seldomly mistaken for an adult?), but that does not stop him from taking on opponents far larger than himself.   He rarely fares well in social situations, often failing to maintain eye contact and regressing into feral behavior. Even communicating information as simple as the true pronuncation of his name (evolving from Jay-Mee, to Hai-Mei, to Jai-Mei over the course of the adventure) gives him difficulty. However, Jaime's poor social skills do not stem from a lack of intelligence. He has a keen mind for identifying ancient artifacts and learning ancient techniques. It's just that a lifetime growing up in the wastes of Mong Bal with only his ancestors for company left him with little ability to interact with the outside world. Neither does Jaime often exhibit shyness. He will often insert himself into conversations, even if only to offer a non-sequitor. He has a fondness for wearing hideous masks during conversation, his mainstay beign an assassin mask used by the Koa Ta. He is also very impressionable, often emulating the traits of those he observes.   In combat, Jaime fights with his family's ancestral sword, Nine, capable of changing its length and other traits at will. He usuallly enters combat using stealth, but is also perfectly capable of going toe-to-toe with enemies in open combat using his sword. Don't expect him to offer much help aboard a ship, however, as Jaime suffers from crippling sea sickness. While quick to disappear and return on a dime, Jaime is a valuable member of the team when he is able to find them.  

Early Life

Jaime grew up in the wastes of Mong Bal, scavenging ancient ruins for scraps of food and knowledge from the ancient civilizations buried in the sands. As a kitsune, he enjoyed the benefit of his ancestral conference for companionship and guidance whenever he could find a hidden fox shrine. At the head of the conference sat Jiro, a ruler of her Hidden Village during its heyday. Jiro was a staunch traditionalist and provided a wealth of information about his people, but often found himself stuck in the past, ignorant that the Kitsune golden age he lived in had long passed. The history books said Katsu was once a bloodthirsty pirate who terrorized the skies of Mong Bal. However, he had mellowed in his afterlife, and Jaime could always count on him to lend a sympathetic ear to his plights.   One day, Jaime received a plea from his ancestors to aid a distant cousin named Kylia. Kylia was a member of the Huli Jing, a secret order of Kitsune spirit thieves, who worked on behalf of the ancestral conferneces. Membership in the Huli Jing order allows a kitsune to become a member of their descendants' ancestral confernece upon death, but only if they are interred in a fox shrine before their spirits pass to the deep. Kylia had fallen in battle against an enigmatic figure named Blowfish, and Jaime's ancestors requested that he venture into Blowfish's lair to recover her body so she could be properly buried.   Jaime visited the location his ancestors designated to find that Blowfish operated a flying nightclub inside an old Erryl Ruin, where he went by the name "Papa Fu." Jaime managed to sneak into the nightclub to scout the location of Kylia's body. There, he met a Mong Bal named Jin Bei, who was also searching for Kylia. Jin Bei was saddened to hear that Kylia had passed, but agreed to help Jaime recover her body. Jin Bei explained that the nightclub stayed aloft using an anchor that tied to a lane that travelled across Mong Bal. If Jaime could disable the anchor, the nightclub would crash land, affording him an opportunity to exfiltrate with Kylia's body.   At Jin Bei's instruciton, Jaime snuck into the back rooms of Papa Fu's Flying Nightclub. There, he encoutnered Blowfish himself. True to his name, the nightclub's owner looked like an obese pufferfish who wore a moo-moo like kimono. He explained that Kylia had snuck into his club to learn secret techniques from him, forcing him to put her down. Blowfish proved a more powerful opponent than Jaime was able to take on, but he managed to scurry away from the battle long enough to disable the night club's anchor and send it tumbling to the ground. He grabbed Kylia's body in the comotion, and returned to the wastes in search of the nearest fox shrine. He reconvened with Jin Bei, who explained that Kylia was a member of the corsairs. Given his valiant efforts to recover Kylia's body, Jin Bei offered Jaime a nomination into the Corsairs.   Jaime buried Kylia at a fox shrine and took her family sword, Nine, which was capable of changing from a dagger, to a sword, to a long katana at will. He wasn't sure if he had arrived before her soul departed, but he went to sleep at the shrine to speak with his ancestors. Jaime was pleasently suprised to find a new ancestor had joined his conference, none other than Kylia herself. She thanked him for retrieving her body. Jaime set off to meet with Jin Bei in the alliance's capitol, glad he had a new mentor to guide him in this new career change.  

Joining the Corsairs

Jaime arrived on Aspidie to the unpleasant realization that he got seasick easily, which might make his career as a corsair difficult. He overheard Simon and Wukong discussing Jin Bei, so he decided to trail them from a distance. In his reconaissance, he managed to find a map of the town, annotated by Blaine Antilles. The map held the combination to a safe owned by a local Koan Artifiicer. Jaime snuck into the shop and opened the safe, which contained some money and a blue frog assassin mask. A fan of ancient artifacts, Jaime fell in love with the mask at first sight, and it became a mainstay of his ensemble, even if it creeped out most people who saw it.   With his new mask giving him confidence, he worked up the courage to approach the group. He tried to explain that Jin Bei had given him a list of people he could trust, but in his confusion used to word "map" instead, which caused all sorts of confusion.   The Party set off with Blaine to find Jin Bei. In the smuggler's cove where they found Jin Bei, Prince Lucas made a hasty escape on his airship. Not one to let a mark get away, Jaime had Helix launch him up toward the prince's airship as a "fastball special". Jaime snuck aboard to find an unconscious woman sleeping in a bed that belonged to Thane Kestrel. She had taken a drug popular on the Rim known as ambrosia, which causes those who imbibe it to enter a dreamless state of sleep. A note nearby hinted at an alliance between Prince Lucas's White Lion Aramada and a pirate confederacy from the Rim, known as the Midnight Parliament. Jaime wrote Thane a threatening note, hoping to sabotage the deal, and proceeded to the engine room. Jaime used a sack of magic seeds that exploded when heated that he found in the smuggler's cove to force the airship to make a crash landing near Lion City.   After swimming ashore, Jaime reunited with the group to relay what he had learned and begin preparations to take the Corsair Exam. During Princess Halle's nineteenth birthday, Jaime suiccessfully stole an invitation to the Black Sail Auction from Gustav Klimt's confiscated belongings and snuck into Thane Kestrel's room where he found another invitations and a list of pre-written insults he could use on the Party should he encounter them.   During the Corsair exam, Jaime was able to evade capture by King Kaloo's mutants. There, he and Helix recruited an Anduran Emhir and Corsair candidate, Emhir Shadi Pratha al Shazade, and his slave bodyguard, Yuba to assist in rescuing Simon and Wukong. Once the Corsair Exam had concluded, Jaime earned four votes from the Chimera Council and successfully joined the Corsairs. With his compass in hand and his new friends by his side, Jaime set off to port to begin his corsair adventures--whereupon he promptly boarded the wrong ship.  

A Meatpop Empire

Because of his cripplingly-poor social skills, it took Jaime some months before learning he had joined a different crew than the one Jin Bei had assembled. Despite his new crewmates repeated efforts to inform him of the mistake, Jaime remained oblivious, referring to the captain as "Wukong" and continously asking where the "turtle guy" was. However, when Jorund Brighthoof united the Geit Clans in a Clansmoot, Corsairs and mercenaries flocked to Jotun, where Jaime again reunited with his friends.   The little fox had seen some development on his travels. His blade, Nine, could now change the shape of its blade and shift to different enchantments, and he somehow got a hold of Kitsune Secret Scroll No. 6 that allowed him to use special powers that refreshed every time he revisited a fox shrine.   Jaime took advantage of Jotun's cold climate to open up a business selling frozen meatpops to any brave enough to try them. He put his abilities and meat pops to good use in helping the Habrok clan and fighting in the Battle of the North Sea. Once the battle concluded and the Geit drove the White Lion Armada out of Jotun, the Party left jubiliant. Jaime did too, but on the wrong ship again.  

Joining the Blue Frogs

Jaime's new ship took him to the Koan home world of Sera. His penchant for wearing a Blue Frog assassin mask got him mixed up with the Blue Frog's themselves. Before he knew it, he was working in their underwater base. For a kitsune, Jaime got along surprisingly-well with the Koan supremacist organization. They never cottoned on to his true identity, given that he never took his mask off.   Much to Jaime's surprise, his former Party members busted into the Blue Frogs' headquarters. They managed to clear up Jaime's confusion, as he never could understand why his "friends" had joined up with the Blue Frogs to begin with. Jaime rejoined the party and helped them escape the Blue Frogs' headquarters, using his secret scrole to turn intangible and hijack one of their mechs.   Following their escape, Jaime was concerned about another party member named Jaime who they kept referring to. Everyone was confused again, which prompted the revelation that Jaime's name was actually pronounced "Hi-Mei." He had been either too shy or too unaware to correct them when they called him "Jay-Mee".  

An All-New Jaime

Jaime rejoined the party taking his place aboard the Nomad properly. He set about trying to build a fox shrine for the ship, using Anh's engineering knowledge and Mara's knowledge of The Dream World. He built his new shrine out of a barrel. He created a false bottom at the halfway point and filled the top with Scalfi pornography to dissuade anyone from accidentally discovering the shrine.   Aboard the Nomad, Jaime tried to make friends with Mara, trying to make shared pet names "Mar Mar" and "Jaim Jaim" a thing. It never became one. Princess Halle, however, was fascinated with Jaime and wanted to hang out, but Jaime didn't take much of an interest in her. Back in the Koan capitol, Ryld generously bought a hyperlight retriever for Jaime to install in Nine so he could call it into his hand from far away. Jaime became a sort of sidekick to Ryld during the voyage to Alteri Island, helping him extort some artificers and adopting a new catchphrase "Money, Money."   Jaime also borrowd a segull from the Leviathan Hunter's Guild, whom he referred to as Sweet Prince. After locking the panicked seagull in his room, Sweet Prince died. Jaime gave him to Noah to boil into a stew. Truly a funeral fit for a prince.   At Sir Reglas's bachelor party, Jaime made friends with a group of sailors and got Wukong's name tatooed on one of his tails. Wukong made a startling confesion to Jaime, which he promptly forgot due to being drunk and infected with the Alteri Virus.   Jaime emerged from his bout on Alteri island changed--and not just becuae he had undergone countless mutations while infected. He started making eye-contact with people and sometimes referred to himself in the third person. He also hinted at a history with Thane Kestrel, beyond just breaking into his room multiple times. Just what is going on with Jaime is unclear, but he marked the transition with another pronunciation of his name, "Jai-Mei."
Full Name: Jaime Fox
Race: Kitsune
Gender: Male
Background/Occupations: Corsair, Meat Pop Salseman, Former Blue Frog
Current Status: In Party
Current Pronunciations of His Name: 3
Number of Seagulls Killed: 1


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