Daggerford's Pantheon in Creative Name Not Found | World Anvil
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Daggerford's Pantheon

Daggerford Approved Deities

These are the deities that are openly worshiped and approved by Daggerford.  
Name Portfolio(s)
Taiwei, the Gold Emperor Vitality, Wealth, Power, Glory
Kelemvor, Lord of the Dead Death, Fate, Balance
Heironeous, the Archpaladin Chivalry, War, Lightning, Power
Camus, the Sea King Water, Destruction, Chaos
Prince of Frost Winter, Ice, Swordsmanship
Oberon, the Green Lord Wilderness, Hunt, Skill, Duel
Helm, the Watcher Judgement, Justice, Light, Protection

Daggerford Banned Deities

If you are caught worshipping these deities you are considered a Heretic.  
Name Portfolio(s)
Tiamat, the Dragon Queen Chaos, Destruction, Power
Hextor, The Warmonger War, Conflict, Discord
Asmodeus, Lord of Nessus Knowledge, Contracts, Order, Indulgence


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