Dawnwood Geographic Location in Deabros | World Anvil


Nestled within the realm, the Dawnwood stands as an enchanting realm of nature's marvels. Its dense canopy shelters a symphony of twisting trunks adorned with fiery red leaves, creating a breathtaking sight. Known as the Forest of Fire or the Red Forest, this ethereal realm ignites in a brilliant display of crimson and amber hues during the dawning and twilight hours.   Within the depths of the Dawnwood, each step reveals a landscape bathed in warm tones, as if the very essence of sunrise and sunset has been captured within its tapestry. As light filters through the foliage, delicate beams caress the forest floor, casting an ethereal glow upon the meandering pathways.   The Dawnwood is filled with red leafed, twisting trunk trees. The forest lights up in brilliant reds and oranges during sunrise and sunset and is considered a land to be protected by the Kalashtar and the wandering Fey.
Alternative Name(s)
Forest of Fire
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Deabros Map in 691

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