The Jungle's Claw #012

General Summary

Game date: 20th day of the Crow, Year 13944   As Thronn, Fouk and Gherman recover after their narrow escape from the raging termite mounds, the foliage stirs and Scout Nok emerges, catching his breath after a panicked dash through the jungle. His expression is grave as he delivers an urgent warning. Nok explains he was drinking at a nearby tavern when he overheard Bloodclaw soldiers bragging about destroying a jungle lab and dumping chemicals into the river. Soon after, Nok received word - the Bloodclaw wiped out the entire Kurnok village, capturing and torturing Chief Krolok for information.   Under relentless interrogation, Chief Krolok confessed that Thronn had given the Kurnok intelligence allowing their attack on the Bloodclaw basecamp. Enraged by this betrayal, Thronn's orc chieftain father Chief Gruznak has mobilized 300 elite Bloodclaw warriors to capture Thronn for brutal retribution.   Scout Nok warns that the war party now encircles the entire area, allowing only one possible path of escape - through a Goliath-built tunnel into the Ironedge Mountains. Time is against them. The group still aims to reach the Corpseflower Temple to free the Djinn Azural, but Xolotza and the half-orc child sacrifice Brakka are missing. Their only option is cooperating with Gherman to convince the Goliaths to grant them passage.   In exchange for navigating the tunnels, Thronn promises Gherman a valuable gemstone. Gherman says that for safe passage, they must pose as his slaves in the village. This includes publicly "holding his belt while walking around" - a strange custom that perplexes Thronn and Fouk. With no alternatives, they reluctantly agree to follow Gherman's lead.   Some twenty minutes later, Gherman leads them to the concealed mountain entrance and easily shifts aside the giant stone plug blocking it. Just within they find disturbing signs of orc excavations - attempts to burrow attack routes into the tunnels. They hasten deeper underground just as explosions echo from behind them as the vengeful war party blasts through the entrance.   Farther along, the tunnel divides unexpectedly. As Gherman puzzles which branch to take, Scout Nok succumbs to utter panic. After Thronn deduces the correct path, they race ahead. But soon Nok screams horribly up ahead - he has stumbled straight into a hidden barbed net stretched across their route!   Rushing forward, the group discovers Nok ensnared by the trap's hooks and razors, tearing through even his thick crocodilian hide. He wheezes for help but Gherman spits dismissively. "We waste time on already dead vermin! I'll not halt merely to ease his passing."   Thronn reluctantly agrees. "This is a kinder fate than what awaits up top." He draws his sword, prepared to end Nok's misery. But sudden shouts and the clash of arms echoes from behind them - the Bloodclaw have navigated the tunnels faster than anticipated!   "Make peace with your gods, coward!" Gherman growls at the whimpering Scout Nok. He grabs the lower end of the blood-slicked net and begins dragging it roughly upward, ignoring Nok's weakened protests. The rest have no choice but to follow swiftly, hearts pounding as they flee for their very lives.

Rewards Granted

50 XP to Thronn for committing to disastrous dice rolls in service of an unpredictable and exhilarating roleplaying experience. Adds exciting randomness that pushes the story in unforeseen directions.   50 XP to Fouk for advancing attunement with the bone dagger and moving closer to unlocking its powers through continued experimentation. Drives important magical item questline forward.   100 XP to Gherman for clever use of traps against pursuers, playing up his ancestral tunnel knowledge, as well as dramatically saving Thronn from a lethal pit fall, showcasing combat prowess. Highlights key character traits.   50 XP to all for dramatic tunnel escape scene, leaning into desperate harried flight and tension of Bloodclaw war party pursuit.
Dead Gods
Fouk Shadim
Neutral Evil Variant Human (Criminal / Spy)
Rogue 4
31 / 31 HP
Thronn Zamda
Lawfull Evil Goliath (Outlander)
Barbarian 4
45 / 45 HP
Report Date
12 Jan 2024
Primary Location
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