
Orchus is a brutal land of jagged mountain ranges and harsh stretches of crags. Anyone who's been will recount that it feels as if the land itself is rejecting you, telling you to turn back and seek greener pastures. This is not a problem for the Orcish and Goblish races, though, who take pride in the harsh, unforgiving nature of their lands. It is proof of their resilience and dedication to protect their sacred Deital Springs, which is the one reliant form of communications to the Undergods that exists on Deoryüm. Some even say that the entrance to the Underdark lies nestled into the mountainsides. But even the races that make the rocks of Orchus their home, the Gith, Goblins, Orcs, and Goblins are unsure as to whether their country truly hides such a dark secret or not.   Orchus is a fairly large Nation that lies in a favorable position geographically. Since they've extended their territory southeast enough to reach the coast, the one port city in Sabulum is avaliable to them, and since they have a large enough coastline both Felesvollr and Gebrocha are willing trade partners. Though Orchus is far from the economic powerhouses of Leukos and Khthon, the trade they experience is more than enough to sustain their people and the Neverending War they're engaged in against Nobleon.   Orchus, being a Nation of war and militaristic tradition, finds their culture in a very structural, rigid society. The powerful are worshipped, the weak are thrown out. There are regular demonstrations of power—both physical and political—almost anywhere civilization exists in Orchus, and the people celebrate it. This, of course, is relatively unsustainable when compared to world powers that see Orchus as a sort of primal-thinking, uncaring place. Though this does harm some relations, specifically those of Felesvollr and Nobleon, the people of Orchus certainly don't care, and are happy to continue in their festivals of meat and strength.   The capital of Orchus is Dherdubus, a large mountain-city situated on the outskirts of the largest mountain range within Orchus' borders. The capital used to be situated directly within these mountains for protection against The Wilderlands, but ever since the beginning of the war against Nobleon, the government has gradually pulled urban areas and economic centers into the surrounding taiga for easier and faster troop deployment.
Geopolitical, Stratocracy