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Session 17: Marking your Territory Report

General Summary

It was a blockbuster few days once you returned to the ship with a fresh shipment of treasure. The crew managed to secure a few (3) boars while y'all were shipwrecked and otherwise indisposed. Magnum Opus also managed to secure a boar on the way back and named him PePe. The crew was delighted, and you celebrated with a ship born Luau. Martin d'Jorasco took credit for planning the whole thing, but it was truly a team effort.   Before the Luau, Vivienne had a conversation with Martin bringing up a few issues she is seeing with how the ship is being run. Words were exchanged, but ultimately I think maybe the point was made that Martin should come to Vivienne before making massive changes like suggesting Unlimited PTO. That was, until Martin started to hand out the First Ship Survey , which Rosie Cusswell brought to Vivienne's attention. She was livid, to say the least, and said that anything the crew needed to say should be said to her directly.   Artemis Sindarin, on the other hand decided to harass PePe le Pig. He was caught trying to feed him some smoked pig, which Magnum was none to pleased about. There was a confrontation there, but ultimately cooler heads prevailed and PePe was taken below deck to his barrel home. It was at that time that Viviene was made aware of another survey, Second Ship Survey , which Magnum was using to determine who was threatening to kill PePe. Annoyed, Vivienne just decided it better to turn in for the evening.   The next day was full of shenanigans involving putting lipstick on a Pig, and Announcement about a restrictive new rule regarding bestiality, and Moe Boom being made head of Pirate Resources. Magnum found lipstick on PePe, and immediately tattled to the Captain. He then took justice by way of Ratscalibur, informing them to tell all of the rats on board to shit near Artemis's bunk. Artemis swapped bunks with Martin upon realizing this. Moe did a drawing and got everything signed off by Vivenne to become the new head of Pirate Resources, and tried to find a workspace. Finally, in the evening, Vivienne formally announced that there was no Unlimited PTO, and that the crew was not to sleep with the Pigs on board. She was astounded that she had to make these announcements, and the crew was upset about the first; confused about the second.   The next day, Magnum awoke to find PePe's body divided into portions like he was on the way to the butcher. This set him off again, but by this point he was just thinking of ways to protect the pig. By Mid day, the group was finally at Rickety Squibbs, and talking to ol' Rickety Hake himself.
Cum as you ARRRRR!
Magnum Opus
Artemis Sindarin
Martin d'Jorasco
L3-37 Redgrave
Moe Boom
Report Date
29 May 2023


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