Bobel Putzig Character in Dramoor | World Anvil

Bobel Putzig (Bo-Bell Putt-Zig)

Ruler Bobel Putzig (a.k.a. The Fist of Strength)

Lord Bobel Putzig

Head of House Putzig and Ruler of Scarfig.



  • Stature: Short in stature but robust and imposing. His rotund frame hides a strength that many often underestimate.
  • Facial Features: Stern gaze from beneath bushy eyebrows, with a full black beard that adds gravitas to his appearance.
  • Dress: Typically seen in richly embroidered robes and leather in the deep green and gold hues of House Putzig. The emblem of the house - a fortified tower with a gilded shield - is prominently displayed on his attire. Hidden beneath these robes, close to his heart, is a pendant of Zymerium metal.
  • Personality:

  • Astute and strategic, Bobel is known for his ability to see the larger picture, making decisions that benefit Scarfig in the long run.
  • Despite his stern exterior, he holds a deep sense of responsibility and care for the people of Scarfig.
  • He is known to value justice highly, a trait reflected in the motto of House Putzig, "Justice Above All."
  • Background:

  • As the head of House Putzig, Bobel inherited the throne amidst trying times. Under his leadership, the city has seen a delicate balance of power, especially concerning the relations between the various Houses, including the influential House Scarfig.
  • He's the younger brother of Carvach Putzig, who manages the Great Reef Market. Their relationship, while built on mutual respect, also has undertones of competition.
  • Affiliations:

  • Directly oversees the operations of the Looming Hold, ensuring that law and order prevail in Scarfig.
  • Has been seen to intervene in market matters, especially when rumours arise that might destabilise the city's economy or its reputation.
  • Rumours & Scandals:

  • Some whispers in the alleys of Scarfig suggest Bobel may have secret dealings or agreements with other Houses, but no proof has ever come to light.
  • With the controversies surrounding the bridge maintenance and House Quesik, some say Bobel has a hand in the power plays. However, his political acumen ensures that he remains above direct suspicion.
  • Notable Achievements:

  • Plays a pivotal role in the city's unity and management.
  • Successfully managed the potentially volatile relationship between the Great Reef Market and the powerful fleets of House Scarfig.
  • Quote:

    "For Scarfig to rise, we must stand united. Not as separate Houses, but as one people under a shared banner."   Related Links: Scarfig   Secret:
    Lawful Good
    Current Status
    Ruler of Scarfig and House Putzig
    Current Location
    Current Residence
    Ruler's Keep, Scarfig
    Darl Brown, Intelligent, Serious and Attentive
    Short, Dark Brown/Black, Wild
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale, Ruddy
    198 lbs

      20th Day of the Harvest Moon,   The dusky glow of the setting sun casts a resplendent veil over Scarfig, my domain, my charge, my eternal commitment. As I, Bobel Putzig, sit at the ancient oaken desk that has borne the musings of my forebears, the quill feels alive in my grasp, eager to dance upon this parchment and spell out the soul of our city.   This morn, I walked the cobblestone arteries of Scarfig, where the heartbeats of merchant, artisan, and common folk merge into the rhythm of a city both robust and refined. The marketplace, a kaleidoscope of chaos and color, thrived with the barter of goods and dreams alike. The air was alive with the clangor of the blacksmith's hammer, the heady aroma of freshly baked bread, and the soft strains of a lute spun by the fingers of a hopeful bard. Each sense was a testament to the vitality of my people, the very essence of their indomitable spirit.   Yet, as the day aged, I was drawn to the serenity of the Scarfig docks, where the waters whisper tales of the deep and the winds carry secrets from afar. Gazing upon the tireless expanse, I am reminded of the ceaseless duty that binds me. Like the steady lighthouse that guides the seafarer, so too must I be the beacon for my people, unwavering and resolute.   Under the twilight's embrace, as the stars begin their nightly vigil, my thoughts turn to the morrow. Plans must be laid and strategies woven. The council awaits my words, and the sentinels look to me for their orders. There is a weight to rulership, a mantle heavy with responsibility and expectation.   Yet amidst the solitude of my chamber, as I pen these words, a solitary truth illuminates the shadows of doubt: I am not alone. For every soul that finds solace within Scarfig's embrace is a thread in the tapestry of our collective destiny.   Thus, I lay down my quill, content in the knowledge that the morrow brings not just challenges, but the unyielding resolve of a ruler fortified by the strength of his people.   Till the sun graces our battlements anew, Bobel Putzig

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