Scarfig Geographic Location in Dramoor | World Anvil

Scarfig (Scar-Fig)


Scarfig is a sprawling city that has witnessed the test of time, war, and nature. Nestled within a landscape marked by an eclectic blend of nature's beauty and the scars of history, Scarfig stands as a testament to resilience and unity.   Expand/Collapse Interactive Scarfig Map
  Amidst its rich history and political intricacies, Scarfig stands as a testament to resilience and rejuvenation, with the Great Reef Market at its heart, and landmarks like the Scarfig Gardens and the East Bridge accentuating its beauty and significance. The town is a vibrant blend of old-world charm and new-age dynamism, where tales of adventure, treachery, and valor echo in its cobbled streets and bustling marketplaces.  

House Of Scarfig

The ancestors of the Scarfig family still reside in the town, even though they no longer hold the reins of power. Once a noble house, they have now been reduced to a clan of wealthy aristocrats. While they enjoy the privileges of their namesake and accumulated wealth, they are perceived as being gentler and less assertive. Despite this, they retain significant ownership over the fishing fleets that rely on the Great Reef for commerce. However, these businesses are typically managed by other, more adept entrepreneurs.  

Bobel Putzig

Bobel Putzig
Character | Mar 8, 2024
  Scarfig, located at the southernmost tip of the Neritoph Kingdom, is a bustling coastal town nestled by the expansive Great Reef. Serving as the region's busiest fish market, its importance is magnified by its strategic location. The town's foundation has a rich and turbulent history; it was built upon the ancient ruins of Castle Scarfig, a structure that stood proud for centuries before the catastrophic events of the Loreech. Five hundred years ago, a devastating war ravaged the region, decimating the landscape and altering its course forever.   Over time, Scarfig emerged from the ashes, revitalizing itself into a hub of commerce and culture. The scars of the past are visible, with remnants of the old castle intertwining with modern structures, and blackish rock salvaged from the dungeon ruins is evident in many of the town's buildings. This architectural quirk serves as a poignant reminder of Scarfig's past glory, and many residents proudly highlight these materials to emphasize their connection to the town's storied history.   The political landscape of Scarfig is equally complex. While House Putzig currently holds power, with Bobel Putzig at its helm, several other influential houses like House Quesik and House Cellikop play significant roles in the town's governance and economic activities. The Scarfig family, once the noble rulers, still reside in the town but have seen their power wane over the years. Their legacy remains, as they still own a substantial portion of the fishing fleets, even though the day-to-day operations are often managed by more proficient business professionals.  

Geographical and Architectural Features:

The city boasts varied landmarks, from the serene Scarfig Gardens with the ancient willow tree known as "Old Gramps" to the eerie ruins of the Scarfig Dungeons and Castle. The Gardens offer a peaceful respite, while the dungeons, with their maze-like catacombs and tales of malevolent forces, intrigue the brave.   Prominent structures built from the black-ish rock of the destroyed dungeons can be seen scattered across the city, serving as symbols of Scarfig's rich history and its inhabitants' connection to its past glory.   Scarfig is also marked by several bridges, with the East Bridge being the most trafficked. Another bridge, longer than the East Bridge, has faced several collapses in recent years, stirring rumours and controversies.   Near the bustling Great Reef Market, Scarfig's ship works area can be seen, marked by the collaborative efforts of multiple Houses.  

Economy and Trade:

The Great Reef Market is Scarfig's heart, reflecting its prosperity and cultural richness. It is the busiest fishing port in the southern regions of Neritoph. Almost anything related to the sea or the Great Reef can be found here. The market's daily workings are controlled by House Scarfig, with Carvach Putzig overseeing its operations.   Adjacent to the market, ship works managed by multiple Houses, including House Scarfig, House Putzig, and House Quesik, play a pivotal role in the city's maritime activities.  

Political Landscape:

Scarfig is marked by a complex interplay of power dynamics between various Houses. House Putzig, under the leadership of Bobel Putzig, plays a prominent role. The Great Reef Market's control is an evident power symbol, with House Scarfig controlling the incoming stock. House Quesik, meanwhile, faces rumours surrounding the bridge collapses.  


Scarfig's history is marred by the devastating Loreech explosion and a subsequent war. The city had to be rebuilt from the ashes, with many structures, like the Scarfig Dungeons, facing destruction. The resilience of Scarfig is symbolized by two untouched statues of its visionary founders, Mektra and Foster Scarfig, which stand defiant amidst the city's rebuilt streets.  

Rumours and Tales:

Whispers and tales are an integral part of Scarfig's cultural fabric. From tales of treasures in the deep catacombs of the dungeons to rumours of declining seasonal catches in the market, there's always a story to be heard. The city's structures, like the Looming Hold prison, also have their share of tales, with whispers of secret tunnels linking to the Scarfig Castle ruins.  

Culture and Traditions:

Traditions run deep in Scarfig. The guarding of the ancient willow in the Scarfig Gardens, the tales told around hearths about the city's rich history, and the reverence for the statues of the city's founders are just a few examples. The city's events, like nightly festivals, further add to its vibrant cultural tapestry.   Scarfig is a city that wears its history with pride, its streets echoing tales of resilience, ambition, and unity. It stands as a beacon of hope, a testament to the indomitable spirit of its people.

The Houses Of Scarfig

  Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the merchant districts, and looming over the commons, the High Quarters form an enclave of power, opulence, and political manoeuvring. It's here that the grand estates of Scarfig's influential houses rise, their silhouettes echoing their prominence in the city's socio-economic framework.   Expand/Collapse Houses

Major Houses of Scarfig:


House Putzig:

The ruling house of Scarfig, Putzig's control spans far and wide. From the intricacies of court decisions to the jingling of coins in the city's vaults, they hold the reins. Their dominance extends to land-based imports, tool manufacturing, armouries, stables, and notably, the city's military and policing. Scarfig, as well as House Putzig are ruled by Bobel Putzig.  

House Scarfig:

Holding sway over a vast portion of Scarfig's maritime activities, they manage a staggering 80%* of all fishing fleets, dominate sea-based imports, and have a significant stake in ship construction and maintenance. House Quesik: The carpenters and masons of Scarfig, their focus lies in woodworking, maintaining city infrastructure, and ensuring the roads and buildings stand tall.  

House Vasimis:

In a city teeming with life, death too has its custodians. House Vasimis oversees the morgue and body collection services, but they also delve into the mysterious arts of alchemy.  

House Galtmig:

Another maritime power, albeit smaller, with a 10%* stake in fishing fleets and fish oil production. House Uligomik: Patrons of art, beauty, and opulence, they control textiles, dyes, the city's gem and jewellery market, and warehousing.  

House Meringosik:

Away from the sea, they manage the city's hunting activities, game management, and meat processing.  

House Wimmik:

With fingers in various pies, from the day market, to black market regulation and rumour mongering, they're the city's shadow masters, dabbling in most things shady and illicit.  

Current Minor Houses:**


House Willowbrook:

A foreign house with interests in fishing, they also have a niche in rare book procurement and tool manufacturing.  

House Gundersig:

Holding a small stake in fishing, they're also involved in fish processing, fish oil production, and tool manufacturing.  

House Hatchis:

The heart and soul of Scarfig's vibrant cultural scene. They bring life to the streets with festivals, parades, murals, and the majority of the art market.  

House Yullimos:

Holders of the crown jewel of hospitality in Scarfig, they own and operate The Stinky Fish Inn.  

House Tyngor:

Another foreign house, they're shrewd investors with an eye on jewellery and gems. They offer an alternative to the city's banking system.  

House Caberik:

Entrusted with the unique and vital duty of maintaining Scarfig's cherished parrot aviary. Their authority on parrot laws is unparalleled.  

House Cellikop:

With a significant stake in ship construction and maintenance, they're also involved in warehousing.  
The tangle of alliances, rivalries, mergers, and squabbles keeps the political landscape of Scarfig ever-shifting. The High Quarters are not just residences; they're epicentres of power plays, where the future of Scarfig is written every day.
  *any percentage of fishing fleet ownership is a 'best guess'. There are many minor houses involved in fishing as well hundreds of independents all plying their trade, sea born goods and hauls.

**The Minor Houses list is not exhaustive. Many other minor hosue with similar spheres of influence all vie for control by undermining each other, forming alliances and merging.

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