Legend Slayer Lord Elion Aelthorn Character in Dramoor | World Anvil

Legend Slayer Lord Elion Aelthorn

Legend Slayer Lord Elion Aelthorn (a.k.a. The Mantis)

Eldritch Knight Fighter, Lvl 26 (Legend)


Ability Scores

Strength (STR): 20
Dexterity (DEX): 20
Constitution (CON): 14
Intelligence (INT): 18
Wisdom (WIS): 10
Charisma (CHA): 16
Perception (PER): 16
Pain Threshold (PTH): 17
Luck (LUK): 13

Hit Points

HP: 144 +60 magical (legendary bonuse)


Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: Repair kits, provisions
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Athletics, Acrobatics, Perception, Persuasion


Golden Mantis Armor: AC 19, resistance to slashing damage, +2 DEX saving throws
Glimmerstrike: +3 magical greatsword, 2d6 + 3 slashing + 1d6 radiant damage
Pendant of the Enchantress: +1 to spell save DC, additional 3rd-level spell slot


Mage Slayer
War Caster

Class Features

Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting
Second Wind
Action Surge: Twice between rests
Indomitable: Three times between long rests
Eldritch Strike
War Magic
Arcane Charge
Improved War Magic


Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (4 slots): Shield, Magic Missile, Absorb Elements
2nd Level (3 slots): Blur, Misty Step
3rd Level (3 slots): Counterspell, Fireball
4th Level (3 slots): Stoneskin, Ice Storm
5th Level (1 slot): Cone of Cold

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Elion's physique is statuesque, embodying the ideal blend of strength and agility. Standing tall at 6'7", his muscular frame is a testament to years of rigorous training and battlefield engagements.

Body Features

His body is lean and well-defined, with muscles that hint at both his noble heritage and warrior discipline. Despite his physical prowess, there's an inherent grace to his movements, characteristic of Noble Elves.

Facial Features

Elion's face is chiseled, with piercing azure eyes that reflect a lifetime of wisdom and battle. His skin is fair, bearing the sun-kissed undertones of many hours spent outdoors.

Identifying Characteristics

A thin scar crosses his left cheek, a remnant of a close encounter with a mythical serpent. It's a badge of honor and a reminder of his vulnerability and strength.

Physical quirks

Elion possesses an almost ethereal grace, moving with a fluidity that belies his formidable stature. His demeanor is calm and collected, with a presence that commands respect.

Special abilities

Enhanced Agility and Senses: Thanks to his armor and training, Elion can react with supernatural quickness and awareness.
Arcane Amplification: His pendant allows him to cast spells with increased potency, reflecting his deep connection to the mystical forces of Dramoor.

Apparel & Accessories

Beyond his Golden Mantis armor, Elion favors attire that reflects his noble status, often adorned with symbols of his house and achievements. His accessories, including the Pendant of the Enchantress, are both functional and symbolic.

Specialized Equipment

Golden Mantis Armor: A masterpiece of elven craftsmanship, offering protection and agility. Glimmerstrike: A radiant two-handed sword that echoes his prowess in combat.
Pendant of the Enchantress: A magical amulet enhancing his arcane abilities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born into the esteemed House of Aelthorn, Elion was raised amidst the splendor and ancient traditions of the Noble Elves. His life has been a blend of duty, study, and the pursuit of martial excellence, shaped by the rich history and expectations of his lineage.


Elion received comprehensive education from the finest tutors in Azall, covering martial skills, arcane arts, history, diplomacy, and leadership. This education not only honed his abilities but also instilled a deep respect for his heritage and the world around him.


His primary role has been as a protector of Dramoor, leading efforts against threats both mundane and arcane. He serves on the Noble Elf council, contributing to the governance and strategic decisions affecting his people and land.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Notable for slaying legendary beasts, defending Azall from the Goblin hordes, and his leadership within the Guild of Paragon Hunters. His deeds have earned him the title of Legend Slayer.   Among the most legendary creatures he has slain are:   Zephyrclaw the Sky Terror: A massive, winged beast with scales that reflected the sky, making it nearly invisible at high altitudes. Zephyrclaw was known for swooping down on villages, its breath a gale that could flatten homes. Elion tracked the creature to its aerie atop the Stormspire Mountains, using a combination of stealth, enchanted arrows that whistled through the air to confuse its keen hearing, and a final, daring maneuver on the creature's back to strike it down.   Grimmroot the Underearth Warden: A colossal creature that dwelled beneath the ground, causing earthquakes and sinkholes with its movements. It had a hide as tough as stone and could manipulate the earth to attack or defend itself. Elion ventured into the deep labyrinth of caverns that served as Grimmroot's domain, using his knowledge of arcane geomancy to navigate and eventually confront the beast in a cavern lit by luminescent crystals. The battle was fierce, with Elion using a combination of physical prowess and spells that turned the creature's earthen strength against it, ultimately trapping it in a prison of crystalized roots.   These epic battles not only solidified his status as a protector of Dramoor but also as a tactician who combines his strength with a deep understanding of his foes.

Failures & Embarrassments

Despite his many successes, Elion has faced moments of overconfidence leading to tactical retreats and saved by his allies, though he uses these experiences as lessons for improvement.

Mental Trauma

The weight of expectations and the burden of leadership have left their mark, driving him to confront challenges that sometimes push him to the brink, both physically and mentally.

Intellectual Characteristics

Elion is strategic, wise, and perceptive, with a quick mind that can adapt to changing circumstances. He values knowledge and the application of wisdom in all aspects of life.

Morality & Philosophy

Elion believes in the balance between strength and wisdom, the protection of the innocent, and the pursuit of knowledge. He sees his power as a means to maintain harmony and order in Dramoor.


As a Noble Elf, he shuns dark magic and dishonorable conduct, adhering strictly to the ethical codes and traditions of his people.

Personality Characteristics


Elion is driven by a profound sense of duty to protect Dramoor and uphold the honor of his lineage. His quest to defeat legendary beasts and safeguard his homeland stems from a deep commitment to the greater good.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Elion excels in combat strategy and leadership, demonstrating remarkable prowess in both physical and magical confrontations. However, he may struggle in situations requiring diplomacy over direct action, reflecting a warrior's impatience for lengthy negotiations.

Likes & Dislikes

He has a fondness for history and tradition, valuing the wisdom of the past. Dislikes include dishonor, dark magic, and threats to the natural order of Dramoor.

Virtues & Personality perks

Elion is courageous, loyal, and wise, embodying the virtues of a true leader. His ability to inspire and lead is unparalleled.

Vices & Personality flaws

His pride and sense of duty can sometimes blind him to his limitations, leading to overly ambitious endeavors.

Personality Quirks

Elion often touches the scar on his cheek when in deep thought, a subconscious reminder of past battles and narrow escapes.


As a Noble Elf, Elion maintains meticulous hygiene, viewing personal care as a reflection of one's respect for oneself and others. His appearance is always impeccable, with armor and clothing well-kept and clean, reflecting his status and values.


Contacts & Relations

Elion maintains strong connections with his family and the Noble Elf council, fostering alliances with various factions and guilds across Dramoor for mutual protection and benefit.

Family Ties

Beyond his noble kin, Elion is allied with influential figures across Dramoor, including other noble families, leaders of mercenary groups, and arcane scholars.

Religious Views

Elion embodies the spiritual ethos of the Noble Elves, venerating the natural and mystical forces of the world, and adhering to a code that respects life and the balance of the cosmos.

Social Aptitude

Charismatic and authoritative, Elion navigates social situations with grace and confidence, though his warrior's temperament can sometimes surface in moments of tension.


He carries himself with an air of regal dignity, often speaking in a measured, contemplative tone that commands attention.

Hobbies & Pets

Elion enjoys falconry, viewing it as a connection to the natural world. He also dedicates time to studying ancient texts and practicing martial and arcane arts.


Elion speaks in a clear, resonant voice, often infused with a poetic quality when recounting tales of his adventures or imparting lessons. His language is formal, reflecting his noble upbringing and scholarly pursuits.

Wealth & Financial state

His accomplishments and noble lineage have amassed considerable wealth, enabling him to acquire rare artifacts and support his endeavors.
Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Known as the Legend Slayer, he also holds titles of nobility within the elven society, including Lord of Azall and esteemed member of the Guild of Paragon Hunters.
Current Residence
Gold and white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
6'7" (200 cm)
170 lbs (approximately 77 kg)
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the heart of every beast, there lies a story. Some end in tragedy, others in glory. But rest assured, they shall not write Dramoor's final tale; for that is a burden only we can regale."
Known Languages
Fluent in Common, Elvish, and several ancient and mystical languages, allowing him to communicate with diverse beings and access arcane texts.