Noble Elves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Noble Elves

Noble Elves hold a distinguished and revered position in the annals of Dramoor's history. Renowned for their instrumental role in concluding the Last War, specifically post the cataclysmic Loreech Explosion, they are widely celebrated as peace-bringers. However, their significant contributions have further amplified their already considerable egos, and they rarely miss an opportunity to reminisce about their past glories.   While their societal stature is undeniable, their personalities often make them less sought-after companions. Noble Elves are typically self-aggrandising, tending to be condescending and extravagantly flamboyant, sometimes bordering on the theatrical. They usually mingle within their elite circles, distancing themselves from non-Noble Elves, possibly due to their easily bruised pride and sensitivity.   Yet, beneath these potentially off-putting traits lies a foundation of unwavering loyalty and integrity. A Noble Elf's word, seldom given, is as solid as the ancient oaks of Dramoor. They are forthright, honourable, and unwaveringly committed to their promises, even if fulfilling them places them in peril. Their decisiveness and unyielding confidence enable them to act swiftly, driven by their profound convictions, even if it occasionally leads them into jeopardy.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

  • Heightened hearing, approx. twice as sensitive/detailed as humans
  • Infra-vision up to 50 feet
  • Additional 90% resistance to sleep and all charm related spells.
  • +1 attack bonus when using a bow or dagger.
  • Opponents suffer -2 to surprise rolls under most conditions. That penalty increases to -5 if the Noble Elf is fully alert, prepared and attentive.
  • If actively seeking concealed access (doors, windows, passageways,etc) there is a base 50% chance of finding it. This bonus may be tested once per hour of active and uninterrupted searching
  High Elves are robust and challenging opponents. They will avoid combat when able, preferring to negotiate or even outright bribe someone rather than fight. If they do fight though, they will do so without further reservation. Due to their obssessive grooming and aversion to uncleanliness, they have developed a somewhat weaker physical resilience than humans.

Ecology and Habitats

Noble Elves can be found throughout Dramoor but almost exclusively within opulent cities. They enjoy nature but reserve their day-to-day lives for exclusively urban settings where they freely engage in live more pleasurable and cultural pursuits such as promiscuous sex, art, music, theatre and songs. They tend to leave the more wild aspects of their species for the Wood, Stone and Dark Elves that also call Dramoor home.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Noble Elves enjoy a wide range of foods such as meats, vegetables and other plant life. Curiously, Noble Elves also have a general 'weakness' for candy. It's not unheard of for a Noble Elf to value candy trade for items not usually associated with the candy trade (eg: trading Zymerium weapons for access to regular supplies of high quality candy).  
  • Hunting/Foraging:
    Noble Elves are proficient and skilled hunters and foragers. Their long memories, ancestral knowledge and long life spans means they have refined these processes to a level that considered an art form.
  • Cooking:
    Noble Elves enjoy the highest quality food and drink. Noble Elf wine and cheese are considered the best to be found on Dramoor, at least that's what they'll tell you, completely unprompted. If a Noble Elf offers a non-Noble Elf and invitation to a meal or other food-oriented gathering, it is considered a strong signal of friendship, trust and near-equal status... again, if someone isn't a Noble Elf, no matter what they do, they'll always be just below them in perceptual status.

Biological Cycle

Noble Elven females will usually have 1-2 children during their long lives. The time between children can range is is usually based on the whims and preferences of the mother. It's common to have at least one child before they reach 100 years old, but that's a more traditional, yet still popular, approach.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Most High Elven societies are made of kingdoms, maganed and operated as any other kingdom. The main difference is the for High Elven leaders, securing their legacy is both important and vital. A High Elf ruler without an heir will find themselves swiftly replaced in favour of a candidate who will supply a stable and well educated dynasty over the extreme long term.

Facial characteristics

As all elves, Noble Elves have sharp upturned ears, but in the case of Noble Elves the ears can reach back past the top/backs of their heads. Their ears are typically longer and narrower than other elven species on Dramoor. Their ears are a point of pride and to insult a Noble Elf's ears is to invite a swift blade to the offenders belly.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

World wide with denser and more frequent populations found on the continent of Kormangashi, in particular, Kasteris Valley (the attributed birth place of all elves).

Average Intelligence

On par with above average humans, rarely are Noble Elves encountered who will be dimwitted, brash, abrasive, slow minded or unfocused, as a general rule. due to their long and sharp memories, Noble Elves usually have a stronger sense of intelligence and mental fortitude. This doesn't make them more clever, critically minded nor more effective at analysis. the smartest of any species can be compared to the smartest of Noble Elves... just not by Noble Elves themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Most Noble Elven names are long, pretentious and notably flamboyant. For the sake of 'lesser beings' they'll shorten their names to avoid wasting time having to watch someone struggle with pronunciation. It annoys them more than having to artificially shorten their names. The lesser of two annoyances I suppose.   Noble Elven names will usually follow these conventions:

  • First Name(s):
    Tend to signify something graceful, poetic or romantic. Their first names tend be no less than 3 words long with many reaching upwards of 8-10 words.
    Eg: Falling Silver Moon or Falling Silver Moon As Gentle Wind Upon Ponds
  • Last Name(s)
    Noble Elven last names are something to behold. Lengthy and full of compelling language that will attempt to communicate life achievements, bravery, feats of battle and other similar experiences.
    Eg: Falling Silver Moon As Gentle Wind Upon Ponds Where Blood Of The Beasts Of Ashmora Became As My Iron Heart A Signal From The Stars To Follow
  Few non-Noble Elves will ever hear or speak a full Noble Elven name. To do so means the speaker has either saved the life of a Noble Elf, sacrificed something great in the service of the Noble Elven community or other wise demonstrated a character trait that the Noble Elf in question deems of the greatest respect. This honour is not taken lightly and will endear the speaker with a respect of just beneath that of other Noble Elves... after-all, they aren't actually a Noble Elf, are they?   Naming Stuff & Things
Noble Elves revere their environment almost as much as they revere themselves and will take great care in identifying something. A tree is not simply a tree to your average Noble Elf.
eg: Willow Tree, Father Of Summer Beetles, Shade Bringer Of Bent Back and Limbs

Major Organizations

The Kasteris Valley Academy Of The Noble Elves Of The Milky Tower Beyond the Mind's Veil
This ancient, elaborately decorated and sprawling complex serves as the archives, courts, wizards guild and cultural centre of High Elven culture.

Beauty Ideals

Noble Elves are intensly preoccupied with their personal grooming and presentation. It's been said that the only thing that can distract a Noble Elf is a hand full of mud thrown on their clothes. Jewelry of the most delicate and intricate design, it's common for High elevn jewelry to made of Zymerium.


Noble Elves claim a common birthplace with all Elven races in Kasteris Valley immediately following The Union Of The Chaos Gods.   When the First Elves saw Dramoor they were split into four distinct but related Elven races. The Noble Elves embodied beauty, intelligence, authority and presence of the will with a view that they, above all others, must be the heir to Dramoor. As they stand upon Dramoor they gaze out and see that the world is theirs to guide and rule.

Noble Elf Trait Bonuses

  Noble Elves are distinguished by their refined heritage and innate elegance, traits that are reflected in their unique set of abilities and characteristics. These trait bonuses and penalties encapsulate the essence of Noble Elf society, emphasizing their social grace, keen senses, and certain physical delicacies.   Charisma +2: Noble Elves possess an inherent grace and charm, a result of centuries of living in highly structured and cultured societies. This bonus to Charisma underscores their natural ability to influence and captivate others, making them exceptional leaders, diplomats, and artists. Their eloquence and poise set them apart in social settings, allowing them to navigate complex social landscapes with ease.   Perception +2: With senses honed by their close connection to the natural and mystical worlds, Noble Elves have an acute sense of their surroundings. This bonus to Perception reflects their ability to detect subtle changes in the environment, read unspoken cues in social interactions, and notice details that others might overlook. Whether tracking through the forest, deciphering ancient texts, or sensing the intentions of those around them, their heightened senses are a testament to their elven lineage.  

Noble Elf Trait Penalties

  Pain Threshold -1: Noble Elves' refined nature comes with a certain degree of physical delicacy. This penalty to their Pain Threshold indicates that they may find it more challenging to endure physical suffering or push through physical limits compared to other races. While they are capable of remarkable feats, they must often rely on strategy, agility, and their wits to overcome challenges that require sheer physical resilience.   Constitution -1: Reflecting their slender and graceful build, Noble Elves have a slightly lower Constitution than some of their hardier counterparts. This reduction signifies a vulnerability to ailments and poisons, as well as a need for caution in harsh environments. Noble Elves must often rely on preparation, magical protection, and avoidance of direct confrontation to preserve their well-being in the face of physical threats.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Princeps Dryadales
Kasteris Valley
500 years avg., upwards of 1200 years in extreme/rare cases
Average Height
1.9 -2.1 metres (6' 2" - 6.8") Taller High Elves are not uncommon.
Average Weight
59​ to ​82 kilograms (130​ - ​180 pounds)
Average Physique
Slender, tall and graceful in movement.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Noble Elves do exhibit a range of melanin differences. The melanin levels are rooted in the climate zones of any particular Noble Elf community. The range is similar as to humans with the major difference being that Noble Elves are naturally symmetrical, beautiful to look at and blemish/wrinkle-free skin, even into extreme old age. There have been legends of blue and stark white Noble Elves, but those have never been substantiated outside Noble Elven communities. If those rumours are true, the Noble Elves aren't revealing the dark of it. Noble Elves see no difference, preference of advantage to their melanin levels and do not understand, nor practice any type of racial bigotry towards themselves in the manner that is common to human culture.   Having said this, Noble Elves do not have the same bigoted reservations for other species, including Wood, Stone and Dark elves, who they generally get along with while also seeing them as 'non-perfected elves'. That term is considered a pejorative and should be treated as such.
Geographic Distribution