Neritoph in Dramoor | World Anvil


Neritoph is divided, not just by geography, but by the stark contrast of its ruling kingdoms, earning it the moniker 'Three Moons'—a title that speaks of the three dominant realms under its moonlit skies.  
Neritoph, Southern Region, Dramoor (Earth View)

Neritoph: A Realm of Contrasts and Power

  Neritoph, known as 'The Three Moons', is a continent of stark contrasts and delicate balances, located in the world of Dramoor. It is a land where diverse kingdoms coexist, each with its unique culture and political intrigue. The continent is distinguished by its three dominant kingdoms: Vagortha, Scimio, and Azall, each contributing to the continent's rich tapestry of history and power dynamics.  

Vagortha: The Foul Kingdom

  Vagortha is a realm shrouded in darkness and mystery, often associated with dark magic, necromancy, and unsettling practices. It’s a land where the power of the shadows is embraced, and the manipulation of life and death is not uncommon. This kingdom is both feared and respected for its potent magical abilities and the secrets it holds.  

Scimio: The Under-Mountain Dwarven Kingdom

  Scimio, nestled within and beneath towering mountains, is the heartland of the Dwarven people in Neritoph. Renowned for their craftsmanship, especially in mining and smithing, the Dwarves of Scimio are crucial to the continent’s economy. Their forges and workshops are legendary, producing some of the finest workmanship in Dramoor, including the rare and valued Zymerium metal.  

Azall: The Mountain Kingdom

  Azall, also known as Mountain City, is a beacon of cultural diversity and military might. This kingdom, rich in the coveted Zymerium mines, is a symbol of opulence and power. It serves as the gateway between the northern and southern regions of Neritoph, holding a strategic position both geographically and politically. Ruled by the formidable Emperor Lleidos, Azall is a melting pot of various races living in a tense but stable peace.  

Society and Culture

  Neritoph's society is as varied as its landscapes. The continent is a melting pot of traditions, beliefs, and races, from the dark sorcerers of Vagortha to the stoic Dwarves of Scimio and the diverse populace of Azall. This diversity brings a richness to the continent but also a complexity in politics and societal interactions.  

Politics and Power

  The balance of power in Neritoph is a constant game of chess. Each kingdom vies for influence and control, maintaining a delicate balance that prevents any one kingdom from becoming too dominant. Intrigues, alliances, and sometimes conflicts are common, as each kingdom seeks to protect its interests and expand its influence.  


  Neritoph’s economy is diverse, with each kingdom contributing its strengths. Vagortha is known for its magical artifacts, Scimio for its craftsmanship and mineral wealth, and Azall for its control over the Zymerium trade. The continent’s economy is also boosted by trade routes that pass through Azall, connecting the northern and southern regions of Dramoor.  

The Essence of Neritoph

  Neritoph is a continent where history, magic, and ambition intertwine. Its kingdoms, though diverse in their cultures and practices, are bound by a common history and the need to coexist within the shared land of Neritoph. It’s a land where the past is always present, and the future is an unwritten scroll of endless possibilities.

Vakortha (Sometimes Vagortha)

A realm cloaked in whispers and shadows, where the air is thick with the cloying taint of dark magic. Its lands are a hellscape of twisted flesh and bone, a kingdom where necromancers wield their power unchallenged, bending the will of the dead and diseased to their nefarious desires. Here, mutation is not a curse but a blessing to the twisted denizens that thrive under a rule of malice and decay.  


Beneath the craggy exterior of the Zymer Mountain range on the far-east of Neritoph lies Scimio, the stalwart under-mountain kingdom of the Dwarves. Its labyrinthine tunnels and vast underground cities are a marvel of Dwarven engineering, glowing with the fire of forges and the gleam of untold riches. It is a kingdom that values the strength of steel and the sanctity of stone, a bulwark against the darkness that festers so close to its borders.  


In stark contrast stands the Kingdom of Azall, a melting pot of cultures and races living together in an uneasy truce. It is a microcosm of Dramoor itself, where elves, humans, gnomes, and others strive for coexistence amidst a backdrop of political intrigue and the ever-present threat of discord. Here, the streets buzz with the languages of a dozen races, each adding to the rich mosaic of Azall's identity.   Together, these 'Three Moons' cast their light over Neritoph, each kingdom shining with its own hue of power, peril, and possibility. It is a continent where the past is intertwined with the present, where every alley whispers stories of ancient glories and every shadow could be the birthplace of the next great saga in the tapestry of Dramoor.