Salamanders Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


Salamanders are currently non-playable

  In the vast and scorching expanse of the Shimmering Ultra lies the formidable presence of the Salamanders, a race renowned for their mastery over fire and their dominion over the desert. These beings, born from the very essence of flame, have long been the architects of their own isolated but awe-inspiring civilization within the heart of the desert. The Salamanders' society, characterized by its hierarchical structure and its unyielding pursuit of magical and psionic power, stands as a testament to their resilience and their innate connection to the elemental forces that govern their existence. Their capital, Kazarr, a marvel of magical engineering and political intrigue, serves not only as the center of their power but also as a symbol of their achievements and their enduring legacy within the harsh landscape of the Shimmering Ultra.   Historically, the Salamanders' influence extended beyond the marvels of their city to darker endeavors, most notably the enslavement of the Desert Gnome. This period of subjugation left indelible marks on the fabric of both races, shaping the dynamics of power, rebellion, and eventual emancipation that still echo through the desert sands. The Salamanders, once undisputed rulers of their domain, were forced to reckon with the consequences of their actions, leading to a shift in their approach towards other races. Today, they engage in subtle manipulations and strategic alliances, ever mindful of the delicate balance of power that allows them to maintain their supremacy while avoiding open conflict.   Despite their formidable abilities and their control over the desert metropolis of Kazarr, Salamanders remain a reclusive and enigmatic race. Their aversion to open combat, coupled with a preference for long-term scheming, reveals a complex society that values cunning over brute force. Yet, beneath their calculated exterior lies a deep-seated animosity towards those who have opposed them, particularly the Desert Gnomes, against whom their disdain knows no bounds. As masters of fire-based magic and psionics, Salamanders continue to weave their influence across the Shimmering Ultra, a constant reminder of the power and peril that reside within the heart of the desert.

Basic Information


Salamanders closely have serpentine or humanoid forms that exude an aura of heat. Their bodies are adapted to extreme temperatures, capable of withstanding and manipulating fire. Some exhibit vivid, flame-like markings or scales that shimmer with innate magical energy.

Biological Traits

Adaptation to extreme heat, innate magical abilities related to fire, and, for some, psionic powers. Their bodies can generate intense heat, used in both defense and daily life.

Genetics and Reproduction

Salamanders reproduce slowly, contributing to their relatively low numbers. They lay eggs in carefully guarded, heat-enriched environments. The scarcity of their offspring makes them fiercely protective of their young and cautious in their dealings with outsiders.

Growth Rate & Stages

From hatching, salamander offspring quickly adapt to their fiery surroundings, maturing into their magical and psionic abilities over decades. Their longevity allows them to plot and scheme over long periods, playing the long game in political and social manipulations.

Ecology and Habitats

The Shimmering Ultra is the primary habitat of the Salamanders, a desert so inhospitable that few dare to traverse its sands. Here, salamanders thrive, drawing power from the sun and land, with Kazarr serving as a political and cultural center.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Primarily carnivorous, salamanders consume cooked meats and are known to enjoy spices that mimic or complement their fiery nature. They have a unique method of using their internal heat to cook their prey.

Biological Cycle

Salamanders are diurnal, drawing strength from the sun. Their biological cycles are closely tied to solar phenomena, with certain rituals and powers peaking during solstices and equinoxes.


Salamanders are cunning, preferring manipulation over direct confrontation. They view other races with disdain, especially other reptoids and the Desert Gnomes. Their long lifespan lends them a patient, plotting nature, always scheming for the long-term advantage.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Salamanders live in a hierarchical society, with power and respect earned through magical strength, cunning, and the ability to manipulate others.

Facial characteristics

Features are sharp and imposing, with eyes that often glow like coals. Their expressions are usually unreadable, masking their true intentions.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Concentrated in the Shimmering Ultra desert, with Kazarr as their political stronghold. They seldom venture beyond these borders unless it serves a greater purpose in their schemes.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent, with a penchant for strategy and manipulation. Salamanders are adept at playing the long game in politics and warfare.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Salamanders possess enhanced perception in heat and light, allowing them to see clearly even in the blinding desert sun. Their mastery over fire extends to a sensory level, where they can sense heat signatures and magical energies related to fire. A subset has developed fire-based psionic abilities, enabling telepathic communication and manipulation.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names are often derived from ancient languages, with meanings related to fire, power, and dominance.

Major Organizations

The ruling council of Kazarr, composed of the most powerful Salamander mages and psionics, oversees their society's direction and policies.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty is seen in power and the ability to control or manipulate fire. Physical appearance is secondary to magical prowess and the strategic mind.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship involves displays of magical strength and the ability to provide heat and protection. Bonds are often formed based on mutual respect for power and cunning.

Relationship Ideals

Built on alliances and mutual benefit, relationships are often strategic, with personal connections secondary to the advancement of power and status.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Salamanders speak a language born from ancient magical practices, full of terms related to fire, heat, and the desert.

Common Etiquette Rules

Respect is shown through displays of power and the acknowledgment of another's cunning. Direct confrontation is rare, with subtlety and manipulation preferred.

Common Dress Code

Apparel is designed to endure extreme heat, often adorned with symbols of power and prestige. Materials are chosen for their ability to reflect or withstand magical energies.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

A culture steeped in magic and the worship of fire deities. Their heritage is one of survival and domination, valuing strength, cunning, and the ability to control one's environment.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Rituals and ceremonies often involve fire, with solstices and equinoxes being of particular significance. These events are times of renewal, power consolidation, and plotting.

Common Taboos

Showing weakness, especially in public, is taboo. Betrayal of one's kin for personal gain is also frowned upon, despite their individualistic nature.


The history of the Salamanders is deeply intertwined with the dark epoch of the Desert Gnomes' enslavement, a period that casts a long shadow over the relations between these two races. Centuries ago, the Salamanders, exploiting their mastery over fire and their innate psionic abilities, subjugated the Desert Gnome population, turning them into forced laborers within the scorching confines of the Shimmering Ultra desert. This era of domination allowed the Salamanders to construct magnificent edifices and expand their magical knowledge, all at the cost of Gnome freedom and dignity.   The Salamanders' rule was absolute, their control maintained through a combination of fear, magical coercion, and the brutal application of their fiery powers. Desert Gnomes, despite their resilience and ingenuity, found themselves powerless against the Salamanders' might. The Salamanders viewed the Gnomes not as sentient beings but as tools to be used and discarded. This period marked a significant expansion of Kazarr, transforming it from a mere settlement into a sprawling metropolis and a symbol of Salamander power. The construction of Blakvuld Arena, a monumental structure designed for magical duels and public spectacles, epitomized the Salamanders' love for displays of strength and dominance.   However, the spirit of the Desert Gnomes could not be quelled indefinitely. Secretly harboring resentment and a burning desire for freedom, the Gnomes began to form plans, slowly and covertly laying the groundwork for rebellion. The uprising, when it finally came, was swift and unexpected, catching the Salamanders off guard. Though the Salamanders fought fiercely, employing their most devastating magics, the Gnomes' determination, combined with their intimate knowledge of the desert and the Salamanders' reliance on Gnome labor, ultimately led to their emancipation.   The liberation of the Desert Gnomes marked a turning point in Salamander history. No longer able to rely on brute force and overt domination, the Salamanders shifted their approach towards subtler forms of manipulation and control. This event also sowed the seeds of an eternal enmity between the Salamanders and the Desert Gnomes, a deep-seated hatred that persists to this day. The Salamanders, while still powerful, were forced to recognize the limitations of their might and the dangers of underestimating the will of those they seek to dominate.   The legacy of the Desert Gnomes' enslavement and subsequent rebellion remains a pivotal chapter in the history of the Shimmering Ultra, a constant reminder of the Salamanders' capacity for both grandeur and tyranny. It influences every aspect of Salamander society, from their political strategies to their interactions with other races, and continues to shape the complex tapestry of power, resentment, and cautious coexistence that defines the region.

Common Myths and Legends

Centered around the origins of their magical abilities and their divine right to rule the desert. Legends often depict Salamanders overcoming great challenges through cunning and power.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Salamanders maintain a complex web of manipulation and subtle control over other races. They despise the Lizardfolk for their perceived inferiority and view the Yuan-ti with suspicion and rivalry. Their avowed enemies are the Desert Gnomes, against whom they harbor deep-seated animosity for past rebellions.   By integrating these aspects, the Salamanders of Dramoor are depicted as a complex and deeply intriguing race, whose influence over the Shimmering Ultra and beyond is both feared and respected.

Salamander Trait Bonuses

  Strength (STR): +2 Salamanders possess a natural strength derived from their elemental constitution and the demanding lifestyle of the Shimmering Ultra desert. This bonus reflects their physical prowess, enabling them to perform feats of strength that surpass those of most other races.   Constitution (CON): +3 The harsh environment of the desert and their inherent elemental nature grant Salamanders exceptional resilience. This bonus signifies their ability to withstand extreme temperatures, resist toxins, and recover from injuries more efficiently than other races.   Intelligence (INT): +2 Salamanders are cunning strategists and skilled magicians, with a deep understanding of arcane and elemental magic. This bonus reflects their intellectual capacity for learning and mastering complex magical disciplines, including fire-based magic and psionics.   Wisdom (WIS): +1 With centuries to hone their insight and patience, Salamanders develop a keen awareness of their surroundings and a profound understanding of the long-term consequences of their actions. This bonus represents their ability to perceive intentions, anticipate threats, and navigate the intricate web of desert politics.   Charisma (CHA): -2 While powerful and imposing, Salamanders' overt confidence and disdain for other races can hinder their ability to forge alliances or inspire trust. This penalty reflects the challenges they face in social interactions outside their own kind, often resulting from their perceived arrogance or aloofness.   Fire Resistance: Salamanders have innate resistance to fire, allowing them to traverse through flames unharmed and manipulate fire without fear of self-injury. This trait does not have a numerical bonus but provides a significant advantage in environments or situations where fire is a prevalent hazard.   Innate Spellcasting (Fire-Based): Salamanders can innately cast fire-based spells, with the number and power of these spells increasing with their level. This ability reflects their elemental heritage and mastery over fire magic, enabling them to wield fire as both a tool and a weapon.
approx. 500 years (double and even triple for certain individuals)
Average Height
Due to their unique physiology, which blends elemental fire with a physical form, the weight of a Salamander can vary widely. Typically, an adult Salamander weighs between 180 to 250 pounds (81.6 to 113.4 kg). This weight range accounts for their dense, muscular build, necessary for withstanding the harsh conditions of their desert habitat and the physical demands of their magical endeavors.
Average Weight
Salamanders possess a serpentine or humanoid form, contributing to their varying heights. In their more humanoid manifestations, Salamanders stand on average between 5 to 7 feet (152 to 213 cm) tall. However, when adopting a form that embraces their serpentine heritage, their length can extend up to 10 to 15 feet (3 to 4.5 meters) from head to tail. This remarkable variation in size and form showcases the Salamanders' adaptability and their elemental nature, allowing them to command presence and intimidate foes in any confrontation.
Average Physique
Strong, with bodies honed by the desert. Their physical prowess is matched by their magical and psionic abilities.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Ranging from dark, volcanic rock-like scales to brighter, flame-colored patterns. Markings often signify lineage and magical prowess.