Sylvan Elves Species in Dramoor | World Anvil

Sylvan Elves

In the lush, verdant heart of Dramoor's ancient forests dwell the Sylvan Elves, a race as enigmatic as the woodlands they call home. With their deep connection to nature and the rhythms of the earth, they are the guardians of the green, the whisperers of the wind, and the keepers of age-old secrets that lie beneath the canopy. Recognizable by their earth-toned skin that mirrors the palette of the forest, and eyes that sparkle with the hues of leaves under sunlight, Sylvan Elves embody the spirit of the wilderness.   The Sylvan Elves, often known as Wood Elves, live in harmony with the natural world, their lives intricately woven into the tapestry of the forest. Their homes, built high among the treetops or hidden within the embrace of ancient oaks, are rarely seen by outsider eyes, blending seamlessly into the surroundings. The songs of birds, the rustle of leaves, and the gentle murmur of streams form the backdrop of their existence, a symphony that guides their daily lives.   Their culture is a celebration of the natural world, rich with traditions that honor the cycles of the seasons, the moon's waxing and waning, and the quiet wisdom of the trees. Sylvan Elves are the stewards of the woodlands, nurturing the flora and fauna, and maintaining the delicate balance of their ecosystem. They move with a grace that speaks of their profound understanding of the forest, their steps leaving no trace on the mossy floor.   To the Sylvan Elves, every plant, animal, and brook is part of a greater whole, a belief that manifests in their deep respect for all living things. Their societies are led by elders and druids who possess an intimate knowledge of the forest's secrets, guiding their kin with wisdom accrued over centuries.   Despite their deep connection to their environment, Sylvan Elves are not isolated. They engage with the world beyond the forest with a mix of curiosity and caution, often serving as mediators between the natural world and other races. Their interactions with outsiders are marked by a quiet dignity and a willingness to share their understanding of the natural order, albeit often shrouded in allegory and metaphor.   The Sylvan Elves of Dramoor are a testament to the beauty and resilience of the natural world, a reminder of the ancient bond between the land and its children. In their songs, stories, and silent vigils, they preserve the heart of the wilderness, a legacy as enduring as the oldest trees of the forest.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

  • Heightened hearing, approx. 3x as sensitive/detailed as humans
  • Night-vision up to 100 feet, Sylvan Elves do not have infra-vision, they have day-quality clarity even at night
  • Additional 90% resistance to sleep and all charm related spells.
  • Additional 50% resistance to natural poisons, venoms and toxins
  • Additional 70% resistance to any plant or earthen based spells.
  • +2 attack bonus when using a bow.
  • Opponents suffer -5 to surprise rolls under most conditions. That penalty increases to -10 if the Sylvan Elf is within any wooded/forested environement.

Ecology and Habitats

Sylvan Elves are found throughout Dramoor, however, due to their inclinations towards isolation and their general avoidance of others, they are almost never (there are exceptions) encountered outside their respective communities/domains.   The Forest Of Shor
Sylvan Elves perceive the world as 'wholistic' concept, they do not see the distance or area between their Sylvan domains as separators of their domain. All forests of all Sylvan Elves are names The Forest Of Shor as a result. All Sylvan Elves consider any other Sylvan Elf as kin, despite any particular difference in where they come from around the world. From their perspective the world of Dramoor is their home and it provides them the forests a a whole, not simply any individual Sylvan area. This perception can lead to confusion for any non-Sylvan Elf attempting to locate a particular Sylvan Elf individual.
Eg: "Have you seen X Sylvan Elf?" - "Yes, you can find them within The Forest Of Shor, head east from here. Now, leave me alone."

Dietary Needs and Habits

Sylvan Elves enjoy a wide range of foods but do not eat meat whenever they can avoid it. Sylvan Elves will avoid overly complex recipes or large feasts due to their tightly controlled resource usage within their communities. They detest waste of any sort and perceive feasts as a tremendous waste of food. Additionally, Sylvan Elves avoid alcohol and narcotics.  
  • Hunting/Foraging:
    Sylvan Elves are considered some of the highest skilled hunters to be found in any area. However, these skills are rarely used due to their avoidance of meat as a food source. The predominate use for these 'top-shelf' skills can be seen when they track and kill their enemies, which they hold no respect or leniency for. As for foraging, Sylvan Elves have an almost intimate relationship with their Sylvan homes. They will absolutely know where to find any required food source when needed. They cultivate a variety of plant food within their Sylvan communities often in the ares that such plant food would naturally grow. Mushroom farms, lichen farms and other gardens are a consistent and regular aspect of Sylvan Elf culture.
  • Cooking:
    Sylvan Elves believe that simplicity and refinement are some of the highest achievements an individual can reach. This is reflected perfectly in their diet and cooking habits. Sylvan Elves will use spices native to their Sylvan areas but will 'process' these at a minimal level and almost always only use fresh ingredients. Beyond their majestic gardens, Sylvan Elves keep few provisional food stores since it could go to waste, which again, they are find abhorrent. While this may seem odd to outside observers, Sylvan Elf food is considered some of the most vibrant, healthy and delicious food on Dramoor. The inherent freshness of each and every meal means Sylvan Elves find most other food overly prepared, needlessly elaborate, too rich and generally inedible. Most Sylvan Eves would rather eat a stick than engage in deserts.

Biological Cycle

Sylvan Elven females will usually only have one or two children in their life, many will never have children. Much of this is due to the 'regulated' population controls used by Sylvan Elven socities.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Sylvan society does not recognize the distance between any particular communities are separate entities. They consider all Sylvan communities as a singular kingdom. Individual communities will usually be led by the oldest member. These members have never been known to leave their particular community.   All social aspects of Sylvan life are regulated and organized in a manner that allows them operate with nature in a general equilibrium.

Facial characteristics

As all elves, Sylvan Elves have sharp upturned ears, but in the case of Sylvan Elves the ears are shorter but turned outwards more than other elven species. Their ears are also very sensitive to sound and changes in surrounding environment due to the wispy goldish hair that covers them.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

World wide but only within their communites and wooded areas. Encountering a Sylvan Elf outside these areas is so rare as to be legendary. To encounter a lone and out-of-place Sylvan Elf means there is something strange happening and you should be wary of those circumstances.

Average Intelligence

Sylvan Elves have little use for the cultural knowledge or intelligence of other races. While certainly on par with above average humans, Sylvan Elves have an intelligence of the natural world, it's systems and conditions. There isn't a species, outside some of the more mystical nature-based creatures, that is able to match the intelligence and knowldedge of most Sylvan Elves as regards to nature and the environment.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Sylvan Elf names could be considered the opposite of how Noble Elf names are made, as in, they are short concise and usually generic sounding. It is not uncommon for a Sylvan Elf to have a sound as a name, usually a mimicry of a bird song or animal call. This nomencalture can be traced to their reverence for natuyre and it's creatures. Sylvan elves see no reason for having more than one name.   Naming Stuff & Things
Sylvan Elves revere their environment more than anything else. They also believ that things should be simple so they carry this idea over to how they name the things around them. Names of landmarks, natural features and other such things would simply be what it is (eg: a tree is just a tree).

Major Organizations

All Sylvan communities are organzied around a central network of large earthen hollow mounds usually with intricate and well maintained tree forts and bridges. The hollow mounds are for their social gatherings while the tree forst serve as a homes.

Beauty Ideals

Sylvan Elves see grooming and aesthetic fussiness as bizarre behaviour. Sylvan Elves rarely comb or style their hair, leaving to grow long, unkept and wild with dreads. They see nothing wrong with having bugs in their hair. They enjoy a relationship with nature that gives them a sense of pride about being covered in stains, dirt and pther nature-oriented 'unkeptness'. The enjoy long finger and toe nails. Contrary to what might expect a Sylvan Elf to smell like, they all share a natural scent of wild flowers and honey. Sylvan Elves smell pleasant and sweet which is in total oppostion to how they look like they should smell.


Sylvan Elves claim a common birthplace with all Elven races in Kasteris Valley immediately following The Union Of The Chaos Gods.   When the First Elves saw Dramoor they were split into four distinct but related Elven races. The Sylvan Elves embodied nature, caution, respect and autonomy with a curious interest in the natural wonders of Dramoor. As they set out into the natural world, they came upon the other new species and were disgusted by what they saw. As they witnessed destruction, war and death, they knew they must protect, nuture and embody nature. Thus they call the wilds of nature home, shunning the lives of city dwellers.

Sylvan Elf Trait Bonuses

  Sylvan Elves, known for their deep connection to nature and particularly to forested realms, embody the essence of the wilderness. Their traits and abilities are a reflection of their harmonious existence within wooded areas, granting them capabilities that are finely tuned to the natural world. However, their affinity for the forests can become a disadvantage in environments that are far removed from the natural settings they are accustomed to, such as urban areas.   +3 Perception while in any wooded area: Sylvan Elves have an unparalleled awareness of their forested surroundings, a trait that becomes significantly enhanced within the confines of woodlands. This bonus to Perception reflects their innate ability to detect subtle movements, hear distant sounds, and spot hidden dangers or tracks in forested environments. Their senses are attuned to the ebb and flow of the natural world, making them exceptional trackers, hunters, and guardians of the woods.   -3 Perception while in any urban area: Conversely, when Sylvan Elves find themselves in urban environments, their heightened perception from the forest does not translate well to the man-made landscapes. The cacophony of city life, the lack of natural elements, and the foreign structures can overwhelm and disorient them, leading to a decreased ability to notice details or sense impending threats. This penalty illustrates the disconnection Sylvan Elves feel from environments that lack the presence of nature.   +1 Wisdom: The wisdom of Sylvan Elves is born from centuries of living in harmony with the natural world. This bonus reflects their deep understanding of natural cycles, an inherent respect for life and its intricacies, and the ability to make decisions based on a profound connection to their surroundings. Their wisdom aids them in navigating both social and environmental challenges, often allowing them to act as mediators or advisors.   +2 Dexterity: The agile bodies of Sylvan Elves are a testament to their life spent traversing the dense forests and adapting to its challenges. This bonus to Dexterity showcases their nimbleness, precision, and ability to move through even the most tangled underbrush with ease. Whether in combat or exploration, their agility serves them well, allowing for swift movements and expert marksmanship.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Lignum Dryadales
Kasteris Valley
250 years avg., upwards of 600 years in extreme/rare cases
Average Height
1.6 - 1.8 metres (5' 2" - 5' 9") Taller Sylvan Elves are rare.
Average Weight
50​ to ​59 kilograms (110​ - ​130 pounds)
Average Physique
Short, lean, and graceful in movement.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Sylvan Elves do not have the range of melanin differences found in other races. They have golden/tanned skin that is often dirty and stained from plants and natural environments they inhabit. As of this writing, my dear reader, there have been no recorded sightings of Sylvan Elves with different melanin levels. There are occasions where Sylvan Elves can be born with green skin. These are extremely rare instances that often carry omens and portents with them. Few Green-skinned Sylvan Elves are encoutnered outside their woode realms.