Yuan-ti Species in Dramoor | World Anvil


Yuan-ti are currently non-playable

  Within the sprawling, diverse tapestry of Dramoor lies the enigmatic and formidable race known as the Yuan-ti, hailing from the distant and mystical continent of Kormangashi. Once rulers of a vast empire that spanned the jungles and ruins of their homeland, the Yuan-ti have endured through the ages, their civilization a shadow of the opulence and power it once wielded. These beings, with their serpentine grace and cold intellect, embody the remnants of an ancient, decadent society that fell from grace, leaving behind a legacy steeped in dark magic, forbidden knowledge, and an unyielding will to reclaim their former glory.   The physical manifestation of the Yuan-ti's serpentine heritage varies widely among their kind, ranging from subtle, almost human-like traits to those wholly consumed by their ophidian lineage. This diversity in form is matched only by their arcane abilities, with many Yuan-ti wielding innate spell-like powers that harness the essence of poison, illusion, and communication with their reptilian brethren. Their culture, formal and steeped in ritual, mirrors the complexity of their society, where hierarchy dictates the ebb and flow of power, and ancient rites connect them to the dark gods they worship.   Today, the Yuan-ti of Kormangashi remain shrouded in mystery, their intentions obscured by layers of intrigue and long-term machinations. They navigate the changing world of Dramoor with a mixture of disdain for other races and a calculated understanding of when to emerge from the shadows. As adventurers and scholars alike seek to unravel the secrets of this serpent race, the Yuan-ti continue their silent vigil, waiting for the moment to strike and restore their empire to its former, terrifying splendor. Their presence in Dramoor is a constant reminder of the world's depth and the ancient mysteries that lie hidden, waiting to be discovered.  

Yuan-ti Hierarchy

  The Yuan-ti of Dramoor manifest their serpentine heritage in three distinct variations, each representing a unique blend of human and snake-like traits that reflect their place within their society's intricate hierarchy.  


The most human-like among the Yuan-ti, Purebloods possess subtle serpentine features that allow them to blend seamlessly into human societies. Their slight scales, forked tongues, or snake-like eyes are often the only indicators of their true nature. Purebloods serve as the diplomats and spies of the Yuan-ti, leveraging their human appearance to further their society's secretive agendas without arousing suspicion. Despite their physical similarity to humans, Purebloods harbor the cold, calculating mind of a serpent, making them adept manipulators and strategists.  

Halfbloods (Malisons):

Occupying the middle tier of the Yuan-ti social structure, Halfbloods display a more pronounced mix of human and serpentine traits. With variations that might include a snake's tail instead of legs, arms that end in venomous fangs, or a fully serpentine lower body, Malisons serve as the warriors, enforcers, and priests within Yuan-ti society. Their physical diversity is matched by their versatility in combat and religious ceremonies, embodying the martial and mystical prowess of their race.  


At the pinnacle of Yuan-ti evolution are the Abominations, beings who have embraced their serpentine essence to the fullest. Predominantly snake-like, with only the barest hints of their humanoid origins visible in their upper torso and arms, Abominations are the embodiment of the Yuan-ti's ideal form. These formidable creatures possess immense strength, arcane power, and a deep connection to the dark gods they worship. Revered and feared in equal measure, Abominations lead their kind with an authority that is as absolute as it is terrifying.   Together, these three variations of Yuan-ti form a complex and hierarchical society that is bound by ancient rituals, dark magic, and the unyielding ambition to restore their civilization to its former glory. While their appearances and roles within their society may differ, all Yuan-ti share a common goal: to reclaim the power and dominion their ancestors once held over Kormangashi and beyond.

Basic Information


Yuan-ti display a wide range of physical forms, from nearly human to predominantly serpentine, but all bear distinctive serpent features such as forked tongues, snake eyes, or sinuous bodies. Their scale colors range from the common greens and browns to more exotic blues and reds, with patterns that can be simple or intricate. The most human-like among them wear clothing, while all are capable of wielding weapons, adapting to their physical capabilities.

Biological Traits

Innate spell-like abilities, particularly in poison and venom magic, along with animal communication, underscore their connection to serpents. Their immunity to non-magical poisons and venoms gives them an advantage in their hazardous homeland, although they remain vulnerable to the corruptive poisons of the Far Realm.

Genetics and Reproduction

Yuan-ti reproduce both through traditional means and through dark rituals meant to infuse their offspring with stronger serpentine attributes. This selective enhancement has led to the great diversity in their appearances and abilities, ensuring the perpetuation of their serpent-like qualities.

Growth Rate & Stages

Originally from the continent of Kormangashi, the Yuan-ti inhabit the ruins of their ancient empire, lurking within temple complexes and hidden cities. They've adapted to a variety of ecosystems within Kormangashi, often favoring locations with historical or magical significance to their fallen civilization.

Ecology and Habitats

Carnivorous by nature, Yuan-ti diets consist primarily of meat, which they prefer to consume raw, utilizing their venom to subdue prey. Their hunting methods are as varied as their forms, ranging from ambush tactics to the use of magic and illusion to trap or lure their targets.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous by nature, Yuan-ti diets consist primarily of meat, which they prefer to consume raw, utilizing their venom to subdue prey. Their hunting methods are as varied as their forms, ranging from ambush tactics to the use of magic and illusion to trap or lure their targets.


Yuan-ti are cold and calculating, valuing power and the advancement of their race above all. Their society is hierarchical, with positions earned through cunning, magical prowess, or the favor of their serpent gods. Despite their often ruthless demeanor, Yuan-ti are capable of complex planning and strategy, working tirelessly to restore their race to its former glory.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Yuan-ti society is rigidly hierarchical, rooted in both their serpentine nature and the remnants of their ancient empire's caste system. At the top are the Purebloods, who often serve as leaders and diplomats. Below them are the Halfbloods, who fulfill roles as warriors, priests, and enforcers. The Abominations, though fewer in number, are revered for their strength and direct connection to serpentine gods. This structure supports a society where power, cunning, and adherence to ancient traditions dictate one's status and influence.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Yuan-ti venom is highly sought after for its magical properties, particularly in the crafting of potions and poisons. However, their secretive and guarded nature makes acquiring such materials dangerous. Some daring individuals seek out Yuan-ti as teachers of dark magic or illusion, though such alliances are fraught with peril.

Facial characteristics

Yuan-ti facial features are a blend of human and serpentine traits. Purebloods may have subtle indicators of their heritage, such as slit pupils or a forked tongue, while more serpentine Yuan-ti display pronounced snouts, fangs, and snake-like eyes. Their expressions can be enigmatic, with a cold, calculating demeanor that belies their predatory nature.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Yuan-ti primarily inhabit the ruins of their ancient empire on the continent of Kormangashi. These ruins are often hidden within dense jungles or desolate wastelands, places where their serpentine nature allows them to thrive away from prying eyes. While they are concentrated in Kormangashi, smaller, secretive groups of Yuan-ti can be found scattered across Dramoor, wherever ancient relics or sources of arcane power draw them.

Average Intelligence

Yuan-ti are highly intelligent, with a natural inclination towards strategic thinking and a deep understanding of arcane lore. Their long lifespans and the accumulated knowledge of their ancient civilization contribute to their intellectual prowess, making them formidable scholars, sorcerers, and tacticians.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Possessing keen senses, Yuan-ti can detect the slightest movements and sounds, giving them an edge in their environments. Their unique olfactory signature, undetectable by humans but recognizable by animals as a dry, musty odor, further enhances their predatory nature. Their vision and sense of smell are particularly attuned to identifying prey and threats alike.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Yuan-ti names are often sibilant and evoke their serpentine heritage. They favor names that can be hissed or whispered, with meanings tied to their attributes, achievements, or the divine beings they revere. Names are given with great ceremony, reflecting the individual's expected role in society.

Major Organizations

The most significant Yuan-ti organizations are their religious cults and arcane orders, dedicated to the worship of serpent gods and the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. These groups are often involved in dark rituals aiming to strengthen their connection to their deities and further their race's agenda.

Beauty Ideals

Beauty among the Yuan-ti is measured by one's resemblance to serpents. The more pronounced one's serpentine features, the more beautiful they are considered. Scale patterns, eye shape, and the grace of one's movements are all prized traits.

Courtship Ideals

Yuan-ti courtship is as much about political alliances and the strengthening of bloodlines as it is about personal connection. Rituals and demonstrations of magical or physical prowess are common, with gifts of rare poisons or enchanted items serving as tokens of affection.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships within Yuan-ti society are often utilitarian, designed to advance status or achieve specific goals. However, bonds formed over shared ambitions or through the successful completion of rituals can be strong, marked by mutual respect for each other's cunning and capabilities.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Yuan-ti speak a language that is rich in hisses and sharp sibilants, capable of conveying complex concepts and emotions. This language includes ancient dialects that are used in their most sacred rituals and ceremonies.

Common Etiquette Rules

Formality and ritual dominate Yuan-ti etiquette, with strict protocols governing interactions within their hierarchy. Showing deference to those of higher status is expected, while challenges to authority must follow traditional and accepted forms.

Common Dress Code

The most human-like Yuan-ti, the Purebloods, may adorn themselves in elaborate clothing that reflects their status. Other forms, particularly those less human in appearance, may wear minimal adornments, with jewelry or symbols that signify their rank or magical affiliation.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The Yuan-ti's culture is steeped in tradition, with an emphasis on the preservation of their history and the veneration of their serpentine gods. They are keepers of ancient magic, with rituals and ceremonies that date back to the zenith of their empire.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Yuan-ti observe numerous customs and traditions, many of which revolve around their worship practices and the veneration of serpents. Sacrifices, whether symbolic or literal, are a common aspect of their religious observances, as are the recounting of tales from their empire's golden age.

Common Taboos

It is taboo for Yuan-ti to show weakness or to act against the interests of their race. Betrayal of one's kin or the divulgence of secrets to outsiders is among the gravest offenses, often met with severe punishment.


Once rulers of a vast and powerful empire on the continent of Kormangashi, the Yuan-ti's society was unmatched in its decadence and magical achievements. However, their empire fell into ruin following a cataclysmic event that shattered their power and scattered their people. The ruins of their civilization now serve as a haunting reminder of their past glory, with the Yuan-ti clinging to the remnants of their culture and the worship of their serpentine gods in an attempt to rise once again.

Historical Figures

The Yuan-ti view most other races with disdain, considering them inferior. However, their interactions are often marked by guile, as they seek to manipulate others to achieve their ends. Their history of conflict with other reptoid races, particularly the Lizardfolk, is well documented, stemming from territorial disputes and deeply ingrained prejudices.   The Yuan-ti of Kormangashi remain a secretive and potent force within Dramoor, their ambitions cloaked in shadow as they move through the ruins of their past towards an uncertain future.
Yuan-ti Half & Pure Blood
Yuan-ti Abomination

Yuan-ti Trait Bonuses

  For the Yuan-ti in the world of Dramoor, their trait bonuses would reflect their serpentine heritage, arcane prowess, and adaptability. These bonuses would make them formidable adversaries and valuable allies, depending on the paths they choose to walk. Here's a conceptualization of their trait bonuses within a typical fantasy role-playing game framework:   Intelligence +2: Yuan-ti's long history and affinity for arcane knowledge contribute to their heightened intelligence.
Charisma +1: Their manipulative nature and innate spellcasting abilities enhance their charisma.   Innate Spellcasting   Yuan-ti have innate spellcasting abilities, focusing on spells related to poison/venom and illusions. At a certain level, they can cast animal friendship at will, with snakes being the preferred target, and have access to poison spray and disguise self once per long rest, without needing material components.   Poison Immunity   Immune to poison damage and the poisoned condition, reflecting their serpentine nature and resistance to toxins.   Serpentine Ancestry   Yuan-ti manifest various serpentine traits that provide them with unique abilities:   Darkvision: Thanks to their snake-like eyes, Yuan-ti can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.   Serpentine Senses: Yuan-ti can communicate with snakes and have advantage on checks to detect hidden doors and passages due to their heightened senses.   Magic Resistance   Yuan-ti have advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects, a testament to their arcane heritage and their gods' blessings.

Scientific Name
Serpentis imperium sapiens
200 to 300 years
Average Height
The height and length of Yuan-ti vary significantly among their subraces due to their diverse physical forms:  
  • Purebloods: Standing almost as tall as humans, Purebloods average around 5'5" to 6'2" in height. Their human-like stature allows them to blend in with human societies when necessary.
  • Halfbloods (Malisons): Depending on their specific serpentine traits, Halfbloods can range from 5'5" to over 7 feet in height when standing upright. Those with more snake-like lower bodies may reach lengths of up to 10 feet when measured from head to tail.
  • Abominations: The most serpentine of the Yuan-ti, Abominations, can reach lengths of up to 15 feet or more, with their height when coiled or partially raised ranging from 6 to 8 feet.
  • Average Weight
    Weight also varies widely across the Yuan-ti subraces:  
  • Purebloods: Weighing similar to humans, Purebloods can range from 120 to 220 pounds, depending on their build and muscle mass.
  • Halfbloods (Malisons): With their more muscular and serpentine features, Halfbloods weigh between 150 to 300 pounds.
  • Abominations: Due to their size and muscular serpentine bodies, Abominations are the heaviest of the Yuan-ti, weighing anywhere from 250 to over 500 pounds.
  • Average Physique
    The physique of Yuan-ti varies widely depending on their subrace. Purebloods are nearly indistinguishable from humans and maintain a strong, if slightly slender, humanoid form. Halfbloods and Abominations exhibit more serpentine features, with the latter often possessing large, muscular bodies that reflect their power and agility. Despite these differences, all Yuan-ti are characterized by their strength and dexterity, honed through centuries of survival in harsh environments.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    The skin of Yuan-ti varies from smooth, human-like tones in Purebloods to the greens, browns, blues, and reds of their serpentine kin. Patterns such as swirls, stripes, or diamond shapes are common, with some Yuan-ti displaying vivid markings that signify their status, lineage, or magical affinity. These colors and patterns serve as camouflage in their natural environment and as a display of their exotic beauty.