Kormangashi in Dramoor | World Anvil


The continent of Kormangashi, a land sculpted by the relentless forces of nature and history, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of its myriad inhabitants. Amidst its vast deserts, where the dunes whisper tales of fallen empires and the air shimmers with secrets long buried, the legacy of the ancient Yuan-ti empire lingers. These serpent-like beings, remnants of a civilization that once dominated the continent, now seek to reclaim their lost glory, their presence a subtle but constant reminder of Kormangashi's storied past.   The oases that dot the desert landscape serve as life-giving havens for nomadic tribes, the descendants of those who have navigated these sands since time immemorial. Their culture, rich with ancient knowledge and tradition, contrasts sharply with the lush, verdant expanses of Kormangashi's forests, where life thrives in the embrace of the woodland. It is within these contrasting environments that the stage is set for the complex tapestry of kingdoms and realms that define Kormangashi's political landscape.   The kingdoms of Kormangashi, each with its unique allies and adversaries, engage in a perpetual dance of power, influence, and intrigue. Among them, Thornwood Vale stands as a beacon of elven wisdom and strength, its ancient Sentinels of Thorn a symbol of enduring protection. Silverpeak, with its sky-bound airships, exemplifies the pinnacle of gnome ingenuity, while Mithralford's dwarves guard the secrets of the Forge of Kings, a testament to their unmatched craftsmanship. Goldenhall, a human kingdom of unparalleled valor, shines brightly, its knights a dazzling force of honor and might.   Yet, amidst this kaleidoscope of power, the sinister shadow of the Crimson Marsh looms. Here, in the dominion of the Reptoids, strategies born of isolation and venomous might are concocted, their enmity with the surrounding realms a dark cloud over Kormangashi's landscape. This tension is mirrored in the remote reaches of the Burning Sands, where Reptoid tribes, descendants of the ancient Yuan-ti, wield illusions to conceal their cities, a mirage of power in the vast desert.   The emergence of the Far Realm portals introduces a new dimension of threat and mystery to Kormangashi. These rifts, gateways to realms beyond comprehension, corrupt and mutate the land around them, creating horrors that challenge the might of kingdoms and empires alike. The valiant efforts of realms like Frostbite Tundra, where dwarves and elves forge a rare alliance, and the strategic brilliance of the Whisperwind Plateau's nomads, underscore the resilience of Kormangashi's people in the face of otherworldly terror.   Kormangashi is a continent where history and magic intertwine, where the ambitions of kings and warlords are matched only by the schemes of the Yuan-ti and the unpredictable menace of the Far Realm. It is a land of endless stories, where every stone, river, and forest holds a piece of the grand puzzle of existence. As the great game of power unfolds under the watchful gaze of the 99 Kings, Kormangashi continues to be a realm of unparalleled adventure and ceaseless change, a place where the past is always present, and the future is an unwritten saga waiting to be told.  

Selection of Kormangashi Kingdoms


Thornwood Vale - Elven Kingdom ( Noble Elves )

  Influence: High
Allies: Silverpeak Gnomes, Cloudtop Dwarves
Enemies: Ironclaw Goblins
Factoid: Thornwood Vale is safeguarded by the Sentinels of Thorn, ancient trees rumored to awaken during times of great peril to protect the realm from invasion or natural disasters.  

Silverpeak - Gnome Kingdom ( Deep Gnomes )

  Influence: Medium
Allies: Thornwood Vale, Mithralford Dwarves
Enemies: Black Mountain Giants
Factoid: Renowned for its innovation, Silverpeak's landscape is dotted with airships and mechanical wonders, a testament to its inhabitants' unparalleled ingenuity.  

Mithralford - Dwarven Kingdom ( Mountain Dwarves )

  Influence: High
Allies: Silverpeak Gnomes, Goldenhall Humans
Enemies: Cragjaw Giants
Factoid: Mithralford is the site of the Forge of Kings, an ancient forge where the royal armaments are crafted, imbued with magic and unparalleled craftsmanship.  

Goldenhall - Human Kingdom

  Influence: Very High
Allies: Mithralford Dwarves, Vale Elves
Enemies: Darkspire Yuan-ti
Factoid: The knights of Goldenhall, clad in radiant armor that gleams under the sun, are a symbol of hope and valor, their prowess unmatched in the realm.  

Serpent's Hollow - Yuan-ti Dominion

  Influence: High
Allies: None (Isolationist)
Enemies: Goldenhall Humans, Silverpeak Gnomes
Factoid: Nestled within the heart of Kormangashi, Serpent's Hollow is where the Yuan-ti harness natural toxins and venoms, derived from the desert's deadliest creatures, for use in warfare and rituals.  

Ironclaw Stronghold - Goblinoid Tribes

  Influence: Low
Allies: Darkspire Yuan-ti
Enemies: Thornwood Vale Elves
Factoid: Known for their resilience and adaptability, the goblins of Ironclaw forge their armor from scavenged battlefield debris, turning their enemies' discarded weapons against them.  

Black Mountain - Giant Territory

  Influence: Medium
Allies: Cragjaw Giants
Enemies: Silverpeak Gnomes
Factoid: The giants of Black Mountain, masters of forge and stonecraft, live in seclusion, yet their crafted wares are highly sought after for their beauty and durability.  

The Sundered Isles - Mongrel Coalition

  Influence: Low
Allies: Various minor factions
Enemies: Maritime principalities
Factoid: This pirate confederation, a melting pot of races and cultures, controls key trade routes, maintaining a fragile balance between lawlessness and necessity.  

Whisperwind Plateau - Nomadic Humans

  Influence: Low
Allies: Thornwood Vale Elves
Enemies: Darkspire Yuan-ti
Factoid: The horse archers of Whisperwind Plateau are legendary, capable of hitting a target with deadly precision while in full gallop, a skill honed over generations.  

Frostbite Tundra - Dwarf-Elf Coalition

  Influence: Medium
Allies: Vale Elves, Mithralford Dwarves
Enemies: Northern Goblin Clans
Factoid: A rare alliance between dwarves and elves, united to fend off the goblin threat, sharing their strengths to protect their shared borders.  

Mirage Spire - Yuan-ti Stronghold

  Influence: Medium
Allies: Serpent's Hollow Yuan-ti
Enemies: Goldenhall Humans
Factoid: In the midst of the Burning Sands, Mirage Spire stands as a testament to the Yuan-ti's mastery of illusion and subterfuge, its very existence a secret to all but a few.  

Tallgrass Frontier - Gnome-Human Alliance

  Influence: Medium
Allies: Mithralford Dwarves
Enemies: Ironclaw Goblins
Factoid: The frontier is a testament to innovation and cooperation, where gnome ingenuity meets human determination, yielding advancements in agriculture that feed the masses.  

Key Events:

  The alliances and enmities outlined reflect the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of Kormangashi, where old grudges and new alliances shape the destiny of its kingdoms. The Yuan-ti, emerging from their ancient shadows, have begun to exert their influence, challenging the established powers and introducing a new player to the intricate game of thrones that governs this land.