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Lady Caledaya Alvishar

"I will never stop being proud of her."
Lady Caledaya Alvishar was daughter of Lord Sebastian Alvishar of the Bhrennish city of Szecha, and a powerful paladin, a knight errant of the Shields of Mannaret at the time of her death. She was known for her membership in the Light Brigade, and perished on their mission in the Tors to recover the Tether of Kaeli. Lord Cedric Alvishar was her brother.

Early Life

When Caledaya was born, she was immediately recognizable as an aasimar, even a more notable event than usual seeing as her third cousin, Amivri Nathandam, had just been born two months before and also shown obvious signs of celestial blood. The girls were inextricably associated with one another as they grew up. Caledaya was eight years old when she announced her directive from her angelic guide to join the Shields of Mannaret when she was old enough. She was well known across Szecha for her kindness and strength.   When she turned 18, she and an escort of five guardsmen made their way to Goldcrest to offer herself to the Shields. On the way, they were attacked by dire wolves, which were struck down by an angel which appeared just before Caledaya and the final guard were killed. This was regarded as a good omen, and when Caledaya demonstrated her skills, the Shields accepted her readily as an initiate.   Caledaya spent about ten years advancing in rank before becoming a knight errant. It was at this point that she began traveling outside of Bhren, and quickly made her way across Talazic. She met Æshir Þorlássón in Gaulvista when she saved him from brigands at the direction of her guide, and the two met Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex, Zachár Flame-tongue, and Silaqui Serpenthelm in Ecrindon not long after.

The Eventide

The new party adventured together for a time before heading to Geldereth at the behest of Silaqui, where they encountered Strimien the Lightless, disguised as a surface half-elf named Naal. He betrayed them some weeks afterwards, landing them in the Underdark town of Trigafor, where they were to be executed. They escaped, and later, Strimien joined them, having been slated for execution himself for the slipup. As they traveled together, Caledaya reportedly had some hope that Strimien may have a change of heart.   After the Light Brigade escaped the Underdark, Caledaya officially became one of the founding members of the Light Brigade when King Talesan Fairfell of Jeltir hired them to seek out the three artifacts the nightbringers were after: the Tether of Kaeli, the Phial of Miranelle, and the Eternal Flame of Kishike. She was with the party over many adventures as they awaited the formation of an army in Silverkeep to go search the Tors for the Tether, and therein was part of a scandal that tainted her final days: she, along with Adrex, helped to conceal the presence of Vetrano the Illustrious within Æshir, and his instrumental role in the actual finding of the Tether in the Tors, which would mean that no army was necessary. The Light Brigade reports that she atoned for this violation of her oath on the direction of her angelic guide, who instructed her to purge the evil from an ancient temple of Mannaret in the Tors. She also, when Æshir died as a result of the corruption of Vetrano, willingly traveled with Adrex to the Space Between to barter with Na-Ima and retrieve Æshir's soul.   Caledaya fell in battle to aberrations created by the undead Epherion Gelathirniell shortly before the party's final victory in recovering the Tether of Kaeli and bringing it back to Silverkeep. She was buried in the Tors where she fell.
Date of Birth
3 June 971
Date of Death
6 July 1000
971 EL 1000 EL 29 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born with much ado to the rulers of Szecha
Circumstances of Death
Explosive pulmonary embolism caused by cry of avian aberrations
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Lady Emmanaia Alvishar (mother) †
Lady Martina Alvishar (sister-in-law)
Éadoros Alvishar (nephew)
Seth Alvishar (nephew)
PC Information
Level 15 paladin
—Oath of Devotion

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