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Zachár Flame-tongue

(a.k.a. The Lost Sorcerer, Unrol)

"He was many things at once—a versatile mage, a dazzling entertainer, a dangerous fool. I will do no disrespect to any of those he killed nor those he saved by commenting on his character, but I think it safe to say that his move to the water plane, out of harm's way, was for the best..."
Zachár of Fjolsing, often known as Zachár Flame-tongue, was a Jeltiri performer and mage.

Early Life

Zachár was born in the village of Fjolsing to Samara, the daughter of an innkeeper, and Svern, an entertainer. He had an older brother called Amiol. Zachár had his start at a very young age in the Elemental Equilibrists, where he put his wild magic sorcery to use juggling fire. For many years the troupe traveled around Jeltir until they struck a contract to perform permanently in the same place, whereupon Zachár left the troupe to pursue his own path. He did this for less than two years, earning minor fame for himself in a variety of towns, until he accidentally burned down Fairbell Inn in Arvallad, resulting in the deaths of eight people. He fled the kingdom, traveling quickly through Thessélias and coming to the kingdom of Gaulvista, where he met Wivvyrholdalphiax Adrex and Silaqui Anlugthâl less than a month later.

The Eventide

The party went on a few minor adventures together in the area, meeting Æshir Þorlássón and Caledaya Alvishar a few weeks later in Ecrindon. Shortly afterwards the party headed to Geldereth at the behest of Silaqui, where they encountered Strimien the Lightless, disguised as a surface half-elf named Naal. After leaving Geldereth, the party passed through Arvallad, where Strimien reported Zachár's presence to the guard and he was put on trial for his destruction of Fairbell Inn. Despite Æshir's attempts to charm the captain of the guard, Zachár was sentenced to provide monetary recompense to the innkeeper by retrieving a valuable magic item from a nearby wizard tower, which he did with the assistance of his party. Zachár was also sentenced to community service, which the ensuing events of the Eventide prevented him from completing until later in his life.   As the party quickly traveled southwest afterwards, trying to track Strimien, he betrayed them from within their ranks, landing them in the Underdark town of Trigafor, where they were to be executed. They escaped, and later, Strimien joined them, having been slated for execution himself for the slipup. During the harrowing experience, Zachár's mental state deteriorated as he suffered multiple nervous breaks, culminating in a wild magic surge that regressed him physically to the age of fifteen. After the Light Brigade escaped the Underdark, Zachár decided to take a break from adventuring to visit his family.   He traveled to Fjolsing and found that his ailing mother had departed some time before to seek a cure for her illness from a mysterious entity in the Torbord mountain range. Zachár found her and bargained with this entity, trading his own wild magic for his mother's health and freedom. Shortly afterward, while his family was living in Idashu, he encountered a woman who told him of a Hexblade whose sword was hidden in a cave somewhere on the shores of Alishikta. Zachár immediately began journeying north to find this blade and form a pact with the entity that had created it. He spent some months training, rebuilding his skills and learning how to use his new font of magic, before traveling to Hemejdd and reuniting with his party, who had begun calling themselves the Light Brigade.   Zachár traveled with the Brigade to the elemental plane of water to recover the Eternal Flame of Kishike, and it was during this journey that he first made contact with the Grand Padishah of the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, Her Eminence Kalbari al-Durrat al-Amwaj ibn Jari. He performed for her and was offered a position in her palace, and though he declined, she left the offer on the table for if he ever returned to the Citadel.   Very shortly after the party retrieved the Flame from the Mountain of Ultimate Winter and returned to the material plane, Zachár was contacted by his patron and commanded to travel to Paper Fern Lake and conduct his usual ritual there. When he did, its waters turned dark and foul. For a long time the precise ramifications of this act were not known, and the water's appearance did not seem to affect its potability. The darkness was noted to have cleared up at dawn on December 23rd, the morning following the Battle of Geldereth and the end of the Eventide, though a few years later, it was discovered that most or all of the children who had been in utero when their mothers were drinking the lake water grew to be shadow sorcerers.   Zachár went with the party to gather the research and materials needed for the forging of the Twilight Blade—namely, tablets from the ruins of the Gamirian College of Necromancy, and the anilith of the lapendra known as the Crepuscule from the Shadowfell. During the latter venture, he made direct contact with his patron, the Swill, and learned a bit about its nature. The party made a deal with the Swill and were sent to the headquarters of the Cult of the Runic Dusk, wherefrom they were able to find the Crepuscule, in exchange for freeing the Swill from its confines. Afterwards, Zachár fought at the Brigade's side in the Battle of Geldereth and directly assisted in the killing of Mavislak the Blood-eyed.

Later Years

Come the end of the Eventide, Zachár's activities faded from public knowledge for several years as he mostly performed in Idashu and reportedly went on the occasional adventure with other members of the Light Brigade. As information on what he had done during the Eventide spread through Talazic, he became a controversial figure for his hand in various acts of mayhem with little displayed interest in recompense, in opposition with his contributions to the salvation of the realm through the defeat of Mavislak.   About ten years after the end of the Eventide, Zachár at last made it back to the elemental plane of water, and was not seen again on the material plane for some years. He was accepted into the Padishah's service and, shortly after his arrival on the plane, reneged on his pact with the Swill, and almost immediately entered into a new pact with Kashif-Na Varud al Far, father of Æshir Þorlássón. Now employed by two marids, he began a busy life of performing at the Padishah's palace and adventuring in the material plane to collect items and knowledge for Kashif-Na Varud al Far.   He eventually married and fathered four sons with Naria of the Citadel, a genasi performer in the Padishah's court. Their first two sons, Hezek the Sixteen-fingered and Luro Flódweg, had breathing problems and were raised on the material plane by Zachár's brother and sister-in-law, Amiol and Kata. Their other sons, identical twins Swip and Sten, were healthy enough to be raised on the water plane.   Zachár was involved in several high-profile events over his life, many of which stemmed from his rivalry with the bard Dula the Setter. Many scenes between the two of them took place over many years in various very public locations, and he generally vanished back to the water plane shortly afterwards, leaving Dula's side of the story generally uncontested. Zachár's childish and careless actions were somewhat defended by Æshir Þorlássón when he could be found on the material plane. On the plane of water, he quickly became famous across the Citadel and remained so all his life mostly by never actually speaking in public in high society for fear of committing dangerous social transgressions. Later in life, Kashif-Na Varud al Far facilitated a journey to the elemental plane of fire, wherein Zachár was inspired by the sights he saw and people he met to form a performing troupe of his own called the Planar Players, together with the fire genasi Cikueria of the Fire, whom he met on this journey. Zachár semi-retired in the midst of the troupe's relocation to the material plane, his last appearance on the plane of his birth being related to the promotion of the Players.   Zachár, Naria, Swip, and Sten moved to the genasi village of Arrensha outside the Citadel when he was about 60 years old, and the village was attacked by sahuagin raiders about five years afterwards. He fought well against them, and in the end perished in his own fireball protecting his wife and sons.
Date of Birth
9 July 980
Date of Death
20 December 1045
980 EL 1045 EL 65 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born to a poor woman in the height of summer
Circumstances of Death
Kamikaze and self-immolation
Place of Death
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Samara of Fjolsing (mother)
Svern the Tumbler (father) †
Amiol (brother)
Kata Puck (sister-in-law)
7 nieces and nephews
Swip (son)
Sten (son)
PC Information
Level 20 warlock
Boon of Spell Recall
Zachár Flame-tongue of the Elemental Equilibrists  
Zachár and Naria

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