BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 12

General Summary

  • Following the grand reveal at the wedding, Danifae thanks Barnabus for the invite and dubs him as a 'Silent Watcher', an official member of The Order of the Faceless One. In due time, he will be invited to their church under Takari Peak - a temporary location until they move above ground.
  • The group retire to their rooms, and Blair takes a moment to reflect. The warlock believes that they might be able to detach themselves from the scythe using their innate Magic. Giving it a go, they find themselves in an endless black void instead.
  • A figure appears in the gloom, Pulcra, the god of the grave. The god confirms something that Blair had long suspected, they are actually the scythe. Pulcra explains that the scythe once belonged to him, but doesn't any longer. The god has been watching however, with curiosity and pride it seems. Pulcra grants Blair the ability to dismiss the scythe to this pocket dimension without detaching from the elven body. He also offers to reveal the cause of Blair's memory loss and reveal their hidden past, but warns that in learning these truths, the scythe will be breaking its own oath.
  • Blair decides not to learn the truth from Pulcra, and returns to the elven body now lying on the floor, surrounded by palace guards.
  • Barnabus is summoned, as a cleric and friend of the unconscious Elf, and orders the guards to bring water and soup. Blair explains that they are fine, and eventually is left alone once more.
  • The following morning, the party regroup for breakfast in the palace before heading into the library for some research.
  • Roan finds a book detailing creatures of the deep, hoping to find something related to her prophetic dream.
  • Blair finds some records about a trip to Erfholme, which seemed to end after the first trip.
  • The party then head to the College of Exquisite Arts for further research, where they find a few other bits and pieces regarding sea monsters, including an account of a young wizard who lost his mind at The Lighthouse, claiming to have heard voices whispering to him.
  • A quick stop to the University of Magic and Emeric and Althea's results in a few Magic item purchases.
  • Before leaving for Takari Peak, the party head to The Water Dragon Tavern for lunch - with a detour to Madame X {Organisation} for good measure.
  • Inside the somewhat shady establishment, those who dare venture in are met by Celestia, a Latharian (or Angelkin). She explains that Madame X offers 4 main services, all of the magical variety. None of the services sound explicitly illicit, but it is certainly alluded to the fact that they could be taken that way.
  • Some of the staff seem to be giving Meepo funny looks, and are possibly talking about him for some reason...
  • Blair decides to partake in the Memory Elixir, hoping to unlock memories of their past. Celine opts to stand guard outside Blair's room, but is not allowed inside.
  • The rest of the group head to the tavern for lunch, as Meepo's head has been pounding ever since he stepped inside.
  • Celestia guides Blair into a comfortable room, where the elixir has been prepared. They take the brew and focus on the time when the elven body met the scythe for the first time.
  • As they fade into unconciousness once more, Blair is shown a memory of a sick Elf on their death bed. The Elf, Caderyn, hears a voice in their mind. The voice claims to be a granter of final wishes, who has travelled the realms and seeks out those who have not fulfilled their heart's desires. The pair strike a deal to allow Caderyn to see the world through the eyes of a newborn, and to live a new life completely. As part of this deal, both agree to lose their memories.
  • The memory potion shows the scythe appearing in Caderyn's hand, before being whisked away to an area just a couple of miles out from Nistaun.
  • Now understanding why they can't remember anything, Blair wakes up with new purpose. They leave Madame X with an unnusual, and perhaps unsettling, grin plastered across their face.
  • The party group up once more, before gathering their horses and travelling back to Takari Peak.
  • Back at The MacGuffin Gatherers, the party are greeted by the rare site of both Tanfan and Inadi present at once. Apparently, Inadi likes to have exotic lunches and otherwise take care of personal business during office hours...
  • The group are taken into Godfrey's office and presented with their silver pins - officially promoted. This allows them access to quests further afield that require the teleportation circle, as well as a store discount and access to Magic Items and spell scrolls.
  • Tanfan mentions that they did receive a letter from Mayor Leon Jay of Aztaun, claiming that the group stole something from his estate. Tanfan says that they are willing to turn a blind eye considering the mayor is currently under investigation, and the group have been doing so well. However, if something was stolen, he wants it returned to him, anonymously.
  • The party claim their next quest, the mysterious request from Archmage Zephyrus. Inadi seems particularly Keen for this quest to be completed, as she seems to hold a lot of respect and reverance for the archmage.
  • The group head to the Magic shop through the taproom, where they encounted The Fist of Justice, who have also recently been promoted to silver rank.
  • Alexis is in the middle of a story of their heroics, boasting about bullying a grandma.
  • Amongst the crowd, Meepo spots a familiar face - a female Dragonborn called Aveline.
  • After the crowd disperses, Aveline spots Meepo and they have a brief chat. Meepo introduces Aveline to his adventuring party, and Aveline announces that she has recently joined the guild.
  • Some of the party notice that Aveline seems somewhat confused by Meepo's excitedness, as if she doesn't recognise his behaviour...
  • Groban buys a few spell scrolls whilst the party relax. They then head to Inadi to be teleported to Archmage Zephyrus' tower to see what the problem is...
  • Report Date
    14 Jul 2023
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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