BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Episode 16

General Summary

The party meet up in the morning for breakfast at the Water Dragon Tavern before heading over to the mayor's home to sign his Writ of Patronage.   The mayor is overjoyed at the group's agreement to join him, and the adventuring band is named; The Unlikely Association. Terms are agreed, and include:  
  • 100GP to be paid to the party at the beginning of each month, provided they continue to do good deeds
  • A bonus provided for each good deed completed (with proof)
  • The mayor's colours are to be worn at formal events, but not required otherwise
  • A signet ring with the mayor's symbol will be provided, this should allow the party access to most places in the capital, and may have some weight in other cities/towns
  • The party are free to do as they please (within the law). Should the mayor have need of them, the group are expected to come to his aid at their earliest convenience
  • Standard adventuring gear will be provided by a man called "Kimblee" at the Kureta Markets. This includes things such as rations, rope, climbing gear, etc. (Basic PHB stuff)
  • With everything officiated, the group leave the mayor's home to take care of some separate business. Godric heads to the Order of the Shield to meet with Devianne - the Knight-Commander of the order. Upon his arrival, there is a fanfare lead by Harmony as the Knight-Commander seems to have recently arrived herself. Ariadne Knightsbridge escorts the leader of the knights and Godric into her office, where they tell Devianne of the recent happenings in the city. The Knight-Commander listens with some interest, but doesn't seem particularly impressed with Godric's lack of apparent intelligence... Ariadne's reason for the meeting was to discuss allowing Godric and his new adventuring friends a chance to investigate some Unnatural Happenings in Nistaun - a town to the north that has apparently been having some trouble for the last 5 years. Supernatural occurrences have been reported, but all of the Templars efforts to discover anything were for naught. Devianne agrees that provided no further resources of the order are spent on the investigation, they may proceed as they see fit.   Leah heads to Potions & Poultices, where she finds a strange gnome called Zook Turen. After a brief discussion, Zook strikes up a deal with the nature witch, in which he will provide her with the ingredients to make healing potions for a discount, provided she share a portion of her creations to him to sell - as her potions seem to be more potent than what he is creating. Leah spends some time working in the gnome's small workshop, and manages to produce two healing potions before leaving for the day.   Veda and Eva discuss Harmony's latest antics, and decide to file a formal complaint against the brash young bard. They speak to a supervisor at the Knights of the Shield, who says he will look into the matter.   Adina, The Diviner contacts the group to discuss the results of the High Council meeting. The professors would like to investigate the Fey Crossroad to see if they can manipulate the portal into opening to the Shadowfell once more. Abenthe, The Conjurer is hoping this will lead to a discovery on planar travel. Ilea, The Illusionist and Solf, The Evoker are interested in the applications of Shadow Magic on their own crafts, and are hoping to go into the Shadowfell to experiment. The party have agreed to accompany the wizards on this quest, with the promised reward of magic items.   Odion, The Transmuter has offered to craft a pair of magical boots using the Shadow Dragon scales for the cost of 90GP - they should provide its wearing with better sneaking capabilities.   Before they leave, Adina asks to speak to Godric in private. She has seen Hope's true form with her True Sight, and not realising that Godric already knows about the young princess, leads them straight to the Royal Palace to speak to the queen. Once there, the party are intercepted by Valkia Orbeck, who explains the situation to Adina. Adina believes the princess is under some sort of polymorph spell, but it is far more powerful than what anybody at the university could manage. The divination wizard suggests that the elves of Erfu may be able to provide some answers, as their magic is quite powerful. Getting in however won't be easy.   With no further leads on the Shadow Witches just yet, the group decide to head north towards Nistaun. Once their business is completed there, they will attempt to speak to the elves.

    Rewards Granted

  • 50GP
  • 6 sets of fine clothes (purple and gold)
  • Report Date
    13 Mar 2020
    Primary Location


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