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History of Kureta


... 0 BCE

In the beginning...

  • -10000 BCE

    -9000 BCE

    Creation of Ekina
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Goddess tasks the Titans to create the land, skies, seas, and life.

    More reading
    Dawn of Creation
  • -5500 BCE

    Life of Medea
    Life, Career

    The hero, Medea, was active around this time.

    Erfu Forest
  • -40 BCE

    Life of Rhea
    Life, Career

    The hero, Rhea, was active around this time.


Dawn Age

1 KCB 500 KCB

Age of Conflict

501 KCB 1000 KCB

Kureta had many enemies during this time, and fought many wars.

  • 501 KCB

    622 KCB

    Kuretian-Sonkais War
    Military action

  • 625 KCB

    Order of the Shield Established

    The Order of the Shield are established as the official protectors of Kureta.

    Kureta City
  • 642 KCB

    Founding of The Miner's Guild

    The founders of the Miner's Guild were the original discoverers of the mine, a group of dwarves who were searching for a suitable location in the mountains to build a new settlement. When searching for their new home, they found lumps of gold ore in what is now known as Bounty Lake. After a period of exploration, they continued to discover more and more veins of metals and gemstones, uncovering what is now known as the largest mining operation in the country.

  • 700 KCB

    Life of Kelvir
    Life, Career

    The hero, Kelvir, was active around this time.

  • 716 KCB

    768 KCB

    Kuretian-Polemi War
    Military action

  • 900 KCB

    Life of Leander
    Life, Career

    The hero, Leander, was active around this time.

  • 956 KCB

    Monastery of Stone Constructed

    Sunstra arrives in Kureta from Sonkai and founds the Monastery of Stone - a place welcoming to all who wish to perfect themselves.

  • 962 KCB

    1000 KCB

    Kuretian-Nakaban War
    Military action

    More reading
    Kuretian-Nakaban War
  • 1000 KCB

    Abdication of King Alaric
    Era beginning/end

    At the height of the Kuretian-Nakaban war, Kureta's eastern enemy was largely defeated. King Alaric knew that one final attack on the capital, Nakaba, would end the war - but at the cost of 1000s of lives. This wasn't what the King wanted. The war had started before his rule, and Alaric had often suspected that the cause was not just. Alaric negotiated a treaty with the enemy force, which would peacefully incorporate their lands into Kureta - but the state of Nakaba would be able to retain some of its independence. In order to appease the generals on Kureta's side, Alaric abdicated the throne to the Orbeck family, who had been the biggest noble family with something to gain in the war - access to the sea ports and its trade routes.

    More reading
    Alaric Knightsbridge

Age of Peace (Orbeckian Era)

1001 KCB 1500 KCB

With the end of the Kuretian-Nakaban war, Kureta finally entered an era of peace.

  • 1001 KCB

    Coronation of Riza Orbeck
    Cultural event

    The first Orbeck queen is crowned.

    Kureta City
  • 1002 KCB

    20 Decin

    Introduction of Glacious Day
    Cultural event

    Queen Riza Orbeck introduces the first Glacious Day, an annual holiday to celebrate a new era of peace.

    More reading
    Glacious Day
  • 1153 KCB

    Founding of The Templars

    Unlike the founding of the Order of the Shield, the Templars did not begin life as a direct response to a specific event, rather they were instituted as a way of fighting against the unknown.

    Kureta City
  • 1200 KCB

    Life of Astolfo
    Life, Career

    The hero, Astolfo, was active around this time.

  • 1282 KCB

    Takari Peak

    Takari Peak becomes an independent city.

    Takari Peak
  • 1312 KCB

    28 Sectin

    University of Magic Founded

    Kureta City
    More reading
    University of Magic
    Additional timelines
  • 1321 KCB

    Introduction of Euphemian Calendar
    Scientific achievement

  • 1400 KCB

    Life of Toral
    Life, Career

    The hero, Toral, was active around this time.

  • 1472 KCB

    College of Exquisite Arts Founded

    Kureta City
    More reading
    College of Exquisite Arts

Age of Discovery

1501 KCB 1800 KCB

A period where magic and technology greatly advance in Ekina, where spells reach the highest circles, and humans take to the skies in great airships.

  • 1513 KCB

    Assassination of Princess Catelyn
    Life, Death

    It is strongly believed that the Silent Owls were responsible for the death of Princess Catelyn, who was heir to the throne at the time. Unlike most of their other killings, no calling card was left on Catelyn's body, but the nature of her death seemed to indicate that the Silent Owls were undoubtedly involved.

    Kureta City
  • 1550 KCB

    Founding of The Hunter's Guild

    Okin had always had a great connection to nature, following in the footsteps of their hero, Leander. Seeing that other settlements did not share the same respect for the land, the mayor of Okin at the time decided to found the guild, attaching it to their town's Order of the Shield base.

  • 1557 KCB

    Tama Sodanya Built
    Construction beginning/end

    The Tama Sodanya is commissioned to be a place for the most prestigious performers to entertain the nation.

  • 1600 KCB

    Jagged Blades Instituted

    Despite the existence of thieves' guilds dating back to at least the early 1300's, it wasn't until the early 1600's that the most infamous of such guilds became a "household name".

    Takari Peak
  • 1686 KCB


    Birth of Leah-Avi
    Life, Birth
  • 1692 KCB

    Founding of The Reapers

    The Reapers were founded as a mercenary guild in 1692 by their leader Tarhorn Nightmane. They began life as an above-board guild, operating out of Nakaba. Their primary service was providing protection, bolstering town guards, or acting as personal bodyguards.

  • 1716 KCB

    27 Dumin

    Ophelia Orbeck Born
    Life, Birth
    Kureta City
    More reading
    Ophelia Orbeck
  • 1718 KCB

    Birth of Atlas
    Life, Birth

    Year is an estimation.

  • 1736 KCB


    Birth of Godric
    Life, Birth
    Phoenix Forest
    More reading
    Verana Mavros
  • 1738 KCB

    Birth of Marty
    Life, Birth
    Hiku City
  • 1739 KCB

    Birth of Veda
    Life, Birth
    Kureta City
  • 1740 KCB


    Birth of Kenshin Shishio
    Life, Birth
  • 1741 KCB

    17 Camin

    Death of Queen Ama Orbeck
    Life, Death
    Kureta City
  • 1741 KCB

    17 Fitin

    Coronation of Ophelia Orbeck
    Cultural event
    Kureta City
    More reading
    Ophelia Orbeck
  • 1743 KCB

    Birth of Eva Monroe
    Life, Birth
    More reading
    Eva Monroe
  • 1743 KCB

    15 Sesin
    1744 KCB

    12 Sectin

    Ophelia Orbeck & Ral'Kaseer

    Ophelia's first husband was an Elf from Erfu called Ral'Kaseer. Together they had the queen's first daughter - Princess Irena. Shortly after Irena was born, Kaseer passed away due to illness.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Ophelia Orbeck
  • 1744 KCB

    Discovery of Necromancer's Tower
    Military action

    The tower was discovered in 1744 by members of The Hunter's Guild, who noticed strange lights to the west when patrolling the northern edges of the Okina Forest. The area was subsequently investigated by the Order of the Shield, who found the tower and its undead inhabitants.

  • 1744 KCB

    2 Sesin

    Birth of Irena Orbeck
    Life, Birth

    The heir to the throne is born.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Queen Irena Orbeck
  • 1744 KCB

    12 Sesin

    Princess-Adoptée is Chosen
    Life, Identity

    Ursa is adopted by the royal family to serve as Princess-Adoptée.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Ursa Orbeck
  • 1744 KCB

    12 Sectin

    Death of Ral'Kaseer
    Life, Death
    Kureta City
  • 1746 KCB

    22 Camin

    Ophelia Orbeck & Thorton West

    Ophelia re-married to a man called Thorton West. Thorton was a high-ranking officer in the Knights of the Shield, who had served the crown directly for many years.

    Kureta City
  • 1748 KCB

    30 Tremin

    Birth of Valkia Orbeck
    Life, Birth

    Ophelia Orbeck and Thorton West have their first child, who will eventually serve as Knight-Royal (The Knight Princess).

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Valkia Orbeck
  • 1752 KCB

    5 Decin

    Birth of Armen Orbeck
    Life, Birth
    Kureta City
    More reading
    Armen Orbeck
  • 1756 KCB

    16 Camin

    Birth of Olwyn Orbeck
    Life, Birth
    Kureta City
  • 1768 KCB

    1768 KCB


    Disappearance of Olwyn Orbeck
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Princess Olwyn went missing around this time, despite the palace's efforts to keep this secret - her absence was soon noticed by the public.

  • 1768 KCB

    30 Fitin

    Eye Tyrant Attack
    Disaster / Destruction

    A strange creature, now identified as an 'Eye Tyrant' appeared and attacked Kureta City. Thankfully nobody was hurt, though some buildings were damaged.

    Kureta City
  • 1768 KCB


    Deddo Forest Restoration
    Geological / environmental event

    The Deddo Forest begins to magical restore itself, sprouting life and attracting creatures at an incredible rate.

    Phoenix Forest
  • 1768 KCB


    Nistaun Restoration
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The town of Nistaun had been plagued by paranormal activity for a time. A group of adventurers removed the threat, and the town's restoration began.

  • 1768 KCB

    1 Sectin

    Ruins of Akai Expedition

    Famed explorer Weddy McDowel's discovery of the lost Ruins of Akai leads to an expedition funded by Mayor Tomias Stoutson. The mayor forms a new adventuring party to assist the expedition.

  • 1768 KCB

    1768 KCB

    2 Decin

    Days of Dark Dreams
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    For a period of time, everyone is plagued with nightmares - resulting in mass fatigue and exhaustion.

  • 1768 KCB


    Greta Boulderfist Arrested
    Criminal Activity

    The leader of Nakaba, Greta Boulderfist, is arrested for a myriad of crimes, including treason.

    More reading
    Something's Rotten In Nakaba
  • 1769 KCB

    1772 KCB

    Return of the Gods
    Celestial / Cosmic

    During the years 1769-1772, word begins to spread that new deities have arrived on Ekina. Old histories reveal that these gods and goddesses are not so new however, and the new pantheon is quickly identified by scholars and acolytes of the heavens.

    More reading
    The Divine Dozen
  • 1769 KCB

    5 Sesin

    Day of Disappearance
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    On what became known as the "Day of Disappearance", many notable figures around the world simply vanished - never to be seen again. Many speculated that this marked the herald of a new era, which in the months after saw the arrival of new deities, and beings from different places of existance.

  • 1769 KCB

    1774 KCB


    Elven Civil War
    Military: War

    The Elven city of Erfu erupts into civil cold-war. Believed to have been sparked by growing tensions between those who wish for the elves to remain segregated, and those who wish to integrate with the other races - the elves fight amongst themselves for several years before agreeing to open their doors to the rest of Kureta.

  • 1770 KCB

    The Watcher's Legacy Established

    The Watcher's Legacy is founded by the Half-Elf, Harmony. This new military group's sole purpose is to protect the world from extra-planar and off-world threats.

    More reading
    The Watcher's Legacy
  • 1774 KCB


    Erfu Opens Its Gates
    Political event

    The elven city of Erfu, long shut off from the rest of Kureta, opens its doors to travellers for the first time in its long history.

  • 1781 KCB

    16 Ovin

    Birth of Devianne Orbeck
    Life, Birth

    The Knight-Princess, Valkia Orbeck has her first child, whom she names Devianne after her missing commander.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Devianne Orbeck
  • 1793 KCB

    25 Fitin

    Olwyn Orbeck & Wilson Page

    Princess Olwyn Orbeck weds Wilson Page - son of national heroes Karth Page and Romy Stephane.

    Kureta City
  • 1794 KCB

    11 Decin

    Birth of Cecelia Orbeck
    Life, Birth

    Princess Olwyn Orbeck gives birth to Cecelia Orbeck.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Cecelia Orbeck
  • 1796 KCB

    17 Camin

    Birth of Killian Orbeck
    Life, Birth

    Olwyn Orbeck has her 2nd child, Killian.

    Kureta City
    More reading
    Killian Orbeck

Age of Gods & Travellers

1801 KCB and beyond

Deities previously killed, return to Ekina. With them come new traditions, beliefs and rituals.   Travellers from other planes and worlds begin arriving on Ekina, some for the benefit of the planet, some for its detriment.