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6 Erathisway 4520: Confluence - The Execution of Arkomir Phinan

Arkomir writes...   Upon waking in the morning, Figgis is stirring next to me. She heads off to report in and I head back to The Lively Grotto. As Dharra wakes in the morning, Katya is gone. She has a chat with some of Thicoul’s crew on her way down to the tavern. I meet Dharra in the tavern as I arrive and we sit down to some breakfast. We talk about the coming day and I lay out what this might be about. Pharom is using the mechanisms of Mol Gentra to settle a soldiers squabble, which to us feels heavy handed. We finish breakfast and I head upstairs to gear up and discuss some subtle plans but also are keen to settle this fair and square. We want to show Pharom’s plan is a folly.   We head down to Myriad Plaza early and I sit at the fountain while Dharra starts to talk to the crowd and get them on side. The plaza is busy today. Some functionary’s of the Elector are setting some things up in one corner of the plaza and there is also a stone tower in the plaza that was not there previously. From all reports it appeared overnight, they tried knocking on the door but there has been no answer. There are some Confluence wardens nearby. Corelle is here and comes over and tells me of a dream she had last night that the faces in the crowd in her dream looked like Corellon. She thinks that Corellon appears to be watching me today. Isadora and Giavi are here at the tavern. They are trying to appear to be impartial. Dharra continues to chat to folks in the plaza and sets up with the Tavern owner to play a short set later on today. Funi & Figgis are in the top corner of the plaza. Figgis is coordinating the wardens as they prepare the plaza for today.   At about 11am, Jarmash the Seeker and The Blade of Mol Gentra set themselves up in the open space of the plaza. The Elector, Baerk & Hunnald also enter and set themselves up in the bottom corner of the plaza. I stand and head over to where the Elector has seated himself. I have a brief chat with him and then talk to Isabelle from the temple of Corellon. I kneel before the priestess and open my mind to Corellon and say my prayer. Isabelle watches me do this and I get the sense that many eyes in the square are on me. It does feels like Corellon is watching me today through the people in the square. I feel strangely at peace and sit at the fountain again, waiting. Dharra finishes her set and then makes her way over to me. Jarmash starts to pronounce to the crowd and getting people to step back. He says we are about to see an execution in the name of Mol Gentra and any interference will be seen as interfering with the law of Mol Gentra. Dharra investigates the tower on her way over to me. It is not dwarven in make and does not make a lot of sense. She casts detect magic and it is definitely a magic tower. She sends a message to Thicoul about the tower.   At noon, The Blade stands up. Two figures appear at the top of the tower, the lady looks vaguely familiar but the guy is definitely Pharom. I make my way round to stand in front of the Blade and ask to hear the charges. I am handed the charge sheet. I then have a long conversation with Pharom. I urge him to stop this folly. During our conversation, Pharom appears agitated, whilst I try toi remain as calm as possible.   The Blade then asks if he can question me and I submit. The Blade casts a zone of truth and asks his questions. Jarmash tries to hurry proceedings and The Blade asks him a question, not appearing to like the answer he recieves from him. The Blade turns back to me and says he does not want to kill me but he has a job to do. He will confer with The Circle of Mol Gentra and take Jarmash with him. At that point, we hear a female voice from the top of the tower.
Pharom, it’s time to stop diddling about
She casts a spell and we are in the fight.   During the fight, a number of civilians are injured or felled and Pharom is incapacitated. A member of The Circle of Mol Gentra enters the plaza. She states that she renounces these terrorists. We have the magic user, Prizira Shoneirin surrounded as they turn up. Funi & Isadora manage to stop her using her magic. The magic user drops to her knees and we are victorious it would seem. We quickly see to some of our wounded, and get Pharom and the magic user ready to be taken into custody. The Mol Gentra procession is lead by Elandrae Faelivrin, who is a member of The Circle of Mol Gentra. Behind her, is a contingent of the Wildwood Militia lead by Garrick and nect to him is Figgis, with a stern look on her face.  

The Aftermath of the Battle of Myriad Plaza

  Giavi moves away from the Elector and Baerk and moves to Isadora. Thicoul heads toward the area where the lightning bolt hit some folk during the battle and calls out to Dharra, 'Do you have your diamonds?'. She hands over the two we have to him and he moves among the fallen. Fastolm has moved over to that area as well. Dharra feels like she is back in the presence of the Matron of Ravens only this time a bright white 8 pointed star is illuminating her mask. Elandrae moves toward me and the space where the fight took place. Figgis is pointing to Prizira and Pharom as they make their way over. Figgis then heads over to where Thicoul is. The Elector moves to Prizira and Pharom before heading back to his seat, calling out for a horse. A lot of stuff is happening all at once, so I kneel and thank Corellon for today. Thicoul is moving from person to person, using diamonds as he goes, to revivify people. Elandrae is doing something similar to the fallen in the plaza. Amdrom, now revivified, heads back to the shop to get more diamonds at Dharra's urging. Dharra heals a bunch of folks and mends what she can as she goes as well. Dharra brings some folk to me and I heal them up as well. Garrick heads over to me as I sit waiting for the next thing to happen. He takes my sword and says he may have to arrest me once they catch up on things. As he leans in, I say that he and Katya may have a bigger case to answer than I - I will speak for them, but I wont lie for them. He heads over to Elandrae, and she takes my sword from him, she then comes over to me. She asks me to stand and asks Dharra and I to join her and sit and discuss things, so we submit to that.   Elandrae asks for our version of events from today. Dharra and I lay out the events of today, in particular speaking about people getting hurt. She confers that our version is similar to intel she had received. Pharom and Prizira will have to answer for their overstepping, so too will Pharlon, Pharom's grandfather. She is happy to let Dharra and I go and I urge her to be lenient to Katya as well. Before we leave her presence, we ask about the T sigil. To her it looks like a letter in common but rendered in a Sylvan style, like a wizard's mark perhaps. We ask that during the course of investigating Prizira, she ask about the sigil and if we could have access to that information that would be great as well. She gets up and heads off to speak with greater minds about all things politics.   We speak to Isadora, Giavi and Ellody. We thank Giavi for the help that he rendered to Trielle, Corelle and Katlyn. Unfortunately, he was unable to save Trielle during the fight. We head over to the healing space to see if anyone has a diamond and a spell slot, but they do not, so we head over to comfort Corelle and Katlyn. We offer what comfort we can to them. We head back into the square checking in on folks as we go. We run into Funi and she tells us that the Elector wants to see us in the Palace. We thank her for her help and head off to the palace.   On our way out of the square, we have a quick chat with Garrick and Figgis. We head up to the palace and are greeted when we get there and ushered into a chamber. It is similar to the chamber we met in last night but somewhat larger. The Elector is seated in a large chair and there is a young woman seated next to him. She is holding his hand and also pouring him a drink. Another woman is here taking notes and we take a seat at his bequest. He picks up a piece of paper next to him and reads the names of the people who fell in the plaza today and what follows is a tense discussion about our part in the today's proceedings. I offer our heartfelt sympathies for our part in what transpired. We offer to help Confluence when and where we can, he has but to ask. He will keep that in his coat pocket for now. He asks our opinion on political things and we offer that the political factions in town offered aid today. As such, it would seem to us that they definitely want peace, but they may push their own agenda in the process. We sit and have a quick meal with him before we take our leave.   We head back through the city to Myriad Plaza. The elven contingent are no longer here but the wardens are still milling about. It is ceratinly a lot more quite now than it was. Corelle is sitting at the fountain, so we head over to her. Katlyn is at home having a nap but Corelle was restless and decided to come back to the plaza. We sit with her and offer her whatever comfort we can. I open both our minds up to Corellon's presence and it brings us both a small amount of peace. We hold each other for a time. We make a plan to see her and Katlyn at the Grotto for a drink and a story later on.   We head back to The Lively Grotto. There is a bit of an influx of people here today. We check in with Fastolm and set up Dharra playing later on tonight. We settle in at the table to have a chat with Garrick and Anoz, who are here. Garrick and I have a chat about the events surrounding Pharom. Katya is being held in a secure location in Eastbank. He also shows us a piece of calico that the Elven Pure are using as a calling card, which is four stars arranged in a semicircle representing the four los cities of Foresthome. These lost cities are not within Forestome, but are north in the lands of Khurabil. They are; Fess Eldamar - Home of Elves, Fess Tirion - The Watch Tower (or Guarded Place), Mol Elostirion - The Tower of Starry Heavens and Mol Menegroth - The Thousand Caves. Elven Pure see these cities as a time of elven greatness and want to reclaim them. Anoz was instrumental in rallying forces to come to our aid. Garrick heads off after a short while. We continue talking to Anoz about what we have seen on our travels. As day becomes night, Corelle and Katlyn turn up at the Tavern. A couple of Westmarch guards tun up and give Dharra some paper with the names and lives of the fallen. As Dharra heads up to play, Isadora, Giavi and Lucius turn up as well.  

A Night in the Lively Grotto

  Lucius gets up to play with Dharra after watching her play for a bit whilst I am sitting at the table with Corelle and Katlyn. A little later on the red Dragonborn and the dwarf we have seen with Corelle et al come over to our table as well. Amdrom also arrives shortly after and joins our group. He hands me a small bag of coin and I head up to the bar and organise drinks for all and sundry. Lucius and Dharra seem to be in sync tonight and they play a number of songs of remembrance and also mention the fallen folk from today. As the night goes on a number of people stop by to pay their respects Corelle and the other companions. Some of them also press some coins into Corelle’s hand. Later in the evening, Jenni comes into the tavern and watches the bards. She seems quite taken by Lucius but she wanders over to our table and sits with Amdrom. Not long after, she and Amdrom head up to dance. During the evening, I stay at the table and try to keep a lower profile. Dharra takes a break and lets Lucius take over for a bit. A cloaked halfling, flanked by two humans enters the tavern, he goes over to Katlyn and they speak for a minute or so and then he hands her a 1pt piece. She nods by way of thanks and then he leaves. After that exchange, the companions have a chat amongst themselves. Katlyn asks me to dance and during that we talk about Trielle. She tells me a story about her and Trielle and their compassion and insight. Her story shows Trielle’s capacity for insight and advice. I thank her for telling me that story and highlighting Trielle’s light for me. Dravik, the dwarf companion, asks Dharra to dance as well. Dharra asks if their group is going to be ok and he says that they will struggle in ways they didn’t previously, but they will get by. I sit back at the table and listen to the stories of Trielle from the gathered group. I try to get a sense of their light. Trielle was very generous, giving, insightful, comforting and wise, but they also had their own flaws, as we all do.   As the night winds down, Jenni kisses Amdrom goodbye before heading off. The group from Merillion left at some point but we didn’t notice. Katlyn comes over and kisses me goodnight and I thank her for the stories she told about Trielle. We are the final group left in the tavern and decide to head upstairs for a long rest. Dharra casts Tiny Hut in our room and we head off to sleep.


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