Procession Staff

The procession staff are those who train and manage recruits within the Accian Military Training Program, travelling with them throughout their journey. These are separated into different departments and have colored uniforms so recruits can easily identify them. Each department has their own head who takes direction directly from the Marshal.

Marshal: This is akin to a principle of a school. They oversee the whole program and guide the specific structures or practices within the compounds, making all decisions in the kingdom's stead. They also approve or disprove of staffing. Their uniform is all white.

Instructors: The various teachers, trainers and tutors who are responsible for the actual education and training of each recruit. Many of these are retired veterans interested in passing on their skills and knowledge to the next generation. Others are scholars with the specific knowledge on subjects the kingdom deems important enough to pass on to their soldiers (such as magic concepts). These instructors all have a variety of courses they facilitate at various levels, organized and scheduled by the administration department. Some of these courses are academic but most are physical. This is a respected and sought after position, the competition can be fierce. All those within the Education Department wear blue uniforms.

Administrators: This administration department is responsible for the organization and scheduling of all instructors and recruits. They are scholars, clerks and strategists that handle the bureaucracy, paperwork and planning required to keep the program running smoothly and maximize the potential of all recruits. They process the progress of recruits, recorded by aides, and adjust each recruit's schedule/program accordingly. They also organize and manage the recruit units. In this way, they also act as councilors of their assigned units, discussing progress, schedules and assignments. They wear green uniforms.

Aides: These staff interact and communicate directly with recruits, often guiding them to where they need to be. They help instructors with their courses at times, pass along messages, find or deliver orders, etc. They also record down the progress, infractions and behaviors of recruits to be processed by their administrators. They make sure recruits know where to go and what to do and essentially "grease the wheels" of the program to keep things running at maximum efficiency, making it easier for other staff to focus on their own roles. They wear yellow uniforms.

Security: These staff monitor, supervise and protect recruits and the compound itself. These are generally soldiers who kept on after required service and were considered suitable and alert enough for the position but many soldiers see it as an unfavorable assignment, a demotion. While recruits are free to come and go from the compound, these staff record and/or approve these comings and goings. If a recruit hasn't returned by the allotted time and/or are absent from one of their courses, trackers are sent out to find them and these soldiers are permitted to use deadly force. The staff also intervenes within the camp itself to maintain order and prevent/stop fights. These staff enforce rules and even inflict punishment assigned by the Marshal in some cases. They wear black uniforms.

Medical: There is clinic within the compound or a medical tent while travelling. This is the base of operations for medical staff and an on-site hospital when necessary. There is at least one medical staff present in each location and/or course of the compound, ready to maintain the health and wellbeing of the recruits and staff. The head of the medical staff will appear in emergencies but otherwise stays stationed within the clinic, organizing and running all operations. Some of these staff double as medical training instructors. They wear red uniforms.

General: These are the rest of the staff needed to keep the procession running such as food preparation, stable hands, supply management and even the commissary. The commissary is set of stores set up to provide tools, weapons, armor, enchanted items, etc. in exchange for the credits recruits can earn. They wear brown uniforms with various accents to indicate specific roles within general staff.

Uniform Colors
Marshal : White
Instructors : Blue
Security : Black
Medical : Red
Admins : Green
Aide : Yellow
General : Brown
-Commissary : Orange Accents
-Kitchens : Red Accents
-Stables : Green Accents

Department Heads

Marshal : Beatrice Schwarz

Instructors : [undeveloped]

Security : Modeste Aydem

Casimiro Vela

Administration: Casimiro Vela

Cortez Fecundo

Medical : Cortez Facundo

General and Aides : Ezra Friedman


This can be a very demanding and exhausting lifestyle and employees do not have much of a personal life. Constant travel, managing clueless and stressed out teenagers, consistent life and death situations, travel through extreme habitats, inability to set down roots. There is a considerable turnover in Security Staff, these being unglorified positions and not seen as desirable compared to being active duty. Yet some still find it a safer alternative for surviving service. Many General staff come from lower class positions and enjoy the safety and stability of this role, taking care of animals, preparing food and running shops. Aides have the highest turnover as they are run ragged and often disrespected by both recruits and staff. Administration and especially Instructors tend to stay on longer than most others. It is a demanding but respected position working as an administrator, many scholars taking on the job until it wears them out. Many don't realize the de-escalation necessary for the role. 

Most instructors are either young and desire a life of travel and adventure, enjoyed their time in the program and want to relive some of that experience or are older individuals looking to escape the demands of their family (nobility for example), are retired and empty nested or generally are seeking to pass on their skills while they can. However, due to the prestige and importance of these roles, it is a competitive position as well. There are many applications and the screening process is lengthy. They all have their own internal friend groups and drama given the extended careers.

Trade & Transport

General staff running and maintaining the commissary and mess hall have an interesting relationship with merchants and local markets. They will touch base with Compound Staff when they arrive, resupplying as necessary after their journey and begin preparations for their next departure. While recruits are given the first day off in the new compound, Commissary Staff are hard at work preparing their stock with the aid of Compound Staff. It isn't uncommon for them to work out deals with local merchants, shops and vendors, purchasing signature crafts of a given region so even less adventurous recruits nit prone to leaving the compound can sample local culture and goods. Mess Hall staff will also use local ingredients and provide cuisine common to the area.

Commissary Staff offer recruits credits in return for local materials, not only to encourage them to set out and practice their skills as they travel but to ease the burden on local economies and staff themselves. They also have worked out trade agreements with cities near compounds so that recruits can utilize credits in most local establishments, able to cash these in with the kingdom itself. However, newer territories are less likely to accept credits and might even be hostile to recruits and staff.

Formation Type
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Ruling Organization
Leader Title
Parent Organization

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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