
Nonthal was a city, reputed for being the most peaceful and stable in the nation of Turmish, in the Vilhon Reach.   The citizens of Nonthal loved the city's stability and attempted to stay out of conflicts if possible. For that reason, the numerous adventurers that passed through were often met with cold shoulder and the overwhelming stench of the town's cattle industries. The city itself was quite dull in appearance. Its streets were filled with market stalls and tradesmen.   The city had a functioning sewer system, that was fixed, expanded, and improved by Joster Barbellow, of the Barbellow gnome family. The "Lord of the Sewers" was hired by Nonthal for the job sometime in the 15th century DR.


Notably, Nonthal had a significant gnomish population, reviled only by the city of Xorhun. Many of them were illusionists by trade and made a living entertaining and pranking travelers with sparkling lights and raucous sounds.


The city was named after a wizard, who moved there in the early-to-mid 13th-century DR. He built his cottage behind an inn and put up signs warning people to leave him alone, then promptly disappeared. His house was quickly ransacked of valuables, and the cottage's stone walls were broken apart to be used elsewhere. Within the remnants of the home, a map to a ruin called Nonthal's Hold was discovered. The map led to a road behind the Three Trees Inn at the city's center, a sunken and heavily trapped path, as the people who traversed it quickly found. The Inn was rebuilt so as to give a commanding view of the path and soon became the center of activity in the entire city and its main form of entertainment, as onlookers bet on how far hapless adventurers seeking Nonthal's fabled stash of gold got.

Points of interest

  • 13 Gates of Magic, a set of portal traps that guarded Nonthal's Hold, scattered every three steps along Nonthal's Path. Without uttering correct passwords for each, they spirited unwitting adventures to Yliyl of Anauroch, Whitehorn mountains of Thar, Dlathilvaer of Evereska, serpent-infested location in Chult, Halruaa, Underdark, among others.
  • Nonthal's Hold, the hidden lair of the wizard Nonthal, protected by a series of magical teleporting traps along Nonthl's Path. The hold itself was rumored to be hidden in Feywild, and contained powerful enchanted items and spellbooks.
  • Nonthal's Path, the road that began in the center of the city and led towards the magically-hidden Nonthal's Hold, beyond a misused dung-pit.
  • Three Trees Inn, the center of most activities in the city and the main lodging available for ambitious gold-seekers. Individuals who were brave enough to walk Nonthal's Path were a major entertainment for the guests of the inn.
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