VoH: 13. Trader & Stables

Outside the door, a shield and lantern are suspended from chains. The shield is painted, showing a sword and a cheese. This is the local trading post, wherein a merchant apparently provides for the needs of villagers, travellers and adventurers alike.

Purpose / Function

  • This is the local trader, Rannos, a merchant providing the needs of villagers, travelers, and adventurers alike.
  • Both traders claim disinterest In all politics, proclaiming that they happily deal with anyone who is a paying customer.
  • The traders will gladly buy any items which the adventurers happen upon, they say, and pay a fair price for such too, they say. The sum paid for any Item In good condition is 40% to 70% of book value.
  • Rannos Davi is chaotic evil and highly suspicious.
  • Gremag is as evil and even more chaotic.
  • Both are servants of Lareth and the Temple of Elemental Evil. They are charged with reporting activity of the druid, militia and church in Hommlet.
  • They deliver their letters to a brigand courier, and aid any and all other evil creatures who come In Temple service.
  • Cadum, the groom, is chaotic evil and a member of the Temple of Elemental Evil.
  • He will hire on with interested adventurers. He requires 2 g.p. pay per day, and purchase a chain moil suit of armor for them.
  • Naturally, Rannos & Gremag are desirous of having their agent accompany the party.
  • If the group does not hire their agent, the traders will keep close track of their activities by any means possible, including following them personal­ly if the situation warrants it, i.e. if they know that the party has been particularly successful.


It is run by Rannos Davi and his partner Gremag.
  • Patron: Rannos Davi, 24 -- The proprietor of this ship. He is best described as slow, fat, clumsy, and placid.
  • Partner: Gremag Ulu, 32 -- Gremag is tall and thin, with sharp features and protruding eyes. Gremag tends to dither and fuss at Ronnos Davi and customers alike.
  • Groom: Cadum, 26 -- A groom is strong man of ample size who bears visible scars from combat weapons.

Contents & Furnishings

  • In the rear barn there are various animals for sale-mules, draft horses, riding horses (light), ponies, and 1 medium war horse.
  • There ore 2·5 of each type; these can be restocked in 9 days from passing dealers.
  • If war horses are desired, it will toke from 15 days to obtain 1 heavy or 1-3 medium or light steeds, with a maximum of 4 such animals obtainable in any 30 day period.


  • Rannos Equipment: magic leather armor, +1 dagger. +1 ring of protection. a +2 short sword under the counter, a medallion vs crystal balls and ESP under his jerkin.
  • Gremag's Equipment: +2 chain shirt, dagger of venom, disappearance dust sufficient for 3 uses in pouch.
Parent Location