VoH: 24. The Grove

This is obviously a place of worship. The trees are neatly pruned, and the grass is well tended. A carefully placed line of bluish stones sets off the path leading to a rock cairn where flowers, nuts, berries, and garlands of leaves are placed. A small path leads beyond the shrine to a low-roofed wooden building placed under the great boughs of the central oaks of the copes.

Purpose / Function

  • A call will bring forth the druid, Eulyria Grayleaf, an attractive woman with green tiger-stripes. 
  • Her owl famiar is named Hootz Alot and is a constant companion.
  • All comers to the Grove are expected to make an offering here and there (and the druid will remind them, if necessary).
  • If the visitors are not of the Old Faith, they are expected to give several silver pieces to Eulyria as donations towards the needy of Hommlet.
  • The druid will listen to requests for assistance from those who contribute.
  • Eulyria is an agent of the druids of the Emerald Enclave, sent to Hommlet to see if the Temple of Elemental Evil is totally destroyed, and to help repress any rise of evil of that sort.
  • She will give aid by spells, but will not accompany a party.
  • If the visitors are suspicious sorts, Eulyria will follow at a distance to see what goes on or send Hootz.


Druid of the Grove, Eulyria Grayleaf


  • Hidden in his cottage are a scroll of 1 spell (weather summoning), a potion of invulnerability, and a decanter of endless water. 
  • Stored in a trapped stone box beneath the floor of the root cellar are 42 gems worth a total of 16,380 gp (seven moss agates, one amethyst, three bloodstones, two carnelians, two citrines, five black opals, three blue opals, two fire opals, two black pearls, two white pearls, four sapphires, one topaz, six turquoise, and two zircons).

Hazards & Traps

Eulyria's Cottage, Stone Chest: Fire Trap (DMG 123). If the chest is opened without pressing hidden pressure plates, the trap springs. Perception DC 15 to spot, Investigation DC 15 to determine that pressure plates will bypass. PC can either disarm (Dex DC 15), dispel with dispel magic (DC 13, or engage the safety. When triggered, all targets within a 15 foot cone (centered on the lock) must make a DC 13 Dex save or take 2d10 fire damage.


  • She has a huge black bear, which is always nearby but out of sight 95% of the time.
Parent Location