VoH: 32. Tents and Wattle Huts

Some dozen temporary shelters are along the edge of this copse of trees.

Purpose / Function

  • They are the workers constructing the new castle.
  • A few villagers also work on the project from time to time; each puts in half a day's labor once per week.
  • Whenever a load of materials is sent from Alaghon, six new laborers arrive with it, and a like number then return to that town with the empty wagons.
  • One of the laborers is an agent evil, spying on this activity for the traders (area 13).
  • He secretly meets with them to give reports as needed.
  • After the tower is complete, he is expected to work for the traders as a guard, in garb that will probably leave his duplicity undetected.


Agent of Temple of Elemental Evil: Skir Tommo
Parent Location