VoH: 31. Two-Storied Tower

This structure is some 55 feet tall, a smaller tower rising inside the greater at about 35 feet above the ground. Its entrance is accessible only by going up a curving flight of stone stairs which terminate in a landing about 10 feet above the ground. The outer door of the tower lowers to form a bridge to the stone landing. There are numbers of arrow slits around the tower, and it has a splay around the base to about 6 feet in height. The lower and upper battlements are machicolated, the merlons being pierced for archery as well. Two men-at-arms watch from its roof.

Purpose / Function

  • Inside dwells Burne, a magic-user. He is Lawful Good, clever, but a trifle on the greedy side.
  • Burne is on the young side for a magic-user, average in appearance and dress.
  • He came to Hommlet with a warrior named Rufus but after a raid on the Chaos Caves, everyone in the party died except Burne who escaped with his life.
  • Burne is now frightened and wants to devote himself to his studies. He feels ashamed about it but is suffering from PTSD and will need at least a year of downtime to return to form.
  • It is well known that Burne is suffering after his defeat and no one has seen him since it happened a month ago.
  • Burne is scared and a shell of his adventuring self but he is willing to give some aid to adventurers for a price.
  • Burne is on the Council of Elders and friends of all the important folk in the village.
  • All services Burne renders will be paid for handsomely.
  • He is a follower of Torm.
  • He is not likely to risk his life or be duped.


  • All sorts of standard equipment is stored in the keep including arms and armor.
  • Burne and Rufus have odd potions and scrolls as well.


  • All sorts of standard equipment is stored in the keep, including a large number of weapons, arms and armor.


  • Burne and Rufus came to Hommlet some three years ago, and had considerable success in adventuring.
  • They defeated a large bandit force which had plagued Turmish, and it is rumored that they gained considerable treasure in killing a green dragon which preyed in the Kron Hills to the west.
  • These two were friends of all the important folk in the village.
  • He came to Hommlet with a warrior named Rufus but after a raid on the Chaos Caves, everyone in the party died except Burne who escaped with his life.
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