VoH: 2. Modest Farmhouse & Barn

Clean but slightly run-down buildings indicate that this farm is not very prosperous. However, the stock appears quite healthy and plump. An active lad of 12 or so is doing chores. Nothing appears of particular interest.

Purpose / Function

  • There is nothing of particular interest to be seen, and these folks have nothing to trade.
  • The Patron is, in fact, captain of the local militia, though he will say nothing of it.
  • If engaged in conversation, the elders say that their son Elmo would be interested in talking with strangers—he's at the inn having a jack of ale.
  • Elmo is strong, but not too quick, and is overfond of brew.
  • Their other son, Otis (they sadly shake their heads), took service with some gentlemen and is away seeking his fortune.
  • Elmo may (50% chance) return while the party is here, and may otherwise (25%) be encountered on the road after the characters depart. He will otherwise be encountered at the Inn.


  • An elderly couple are master and mistress, while an active lad of 12 or so, a servant, does chores.
  • Patron: “Ben” Benathan Mirtus (Captain of the Militia)
  • Matron: “Corny” Cornelia
  • Older Boy: Elmo
  • Older Boy: Otis
  • Servant Boy: Oso 


  • Underneath some rusty nails in a keg in the back shed are 172 ep, 51 gp, and 20 pp.
  • A cupboard in the house holds a silver service worth 1, 300 gp.
  • Elmo's valuables are hidden in a leadlined oaken chest buried in the dirt floor of the barn: chain mail +1, shield +2, battle axe +1, 100 sp, 50 gp, 10 pp, and and small pearls worth 100 gp each. The lead will foil all attempts at magical detection. He also owns a longbow with two score arrows, half of them silver-tipped, though he does not bring this weapon on adventures.


  • The elderly farmer is a retired fighter still somewhat in practice, equivalent to level 4.
  • He owns a suit of scale mail, a shield, longsword, and a light crossbow, all kept in a chest in the front room.
Parent Location