Andrew Roosevelt

Andrew Roosevelt is the Chief Ranger of the Mojave Rangers, the paramilitary special forces of the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave. Andrew was born in Vault City, inside NCR  in 2237, and would go on to join the NCR Rangers, where he would excel. Things would take a turn for the worst in 2278 though, when Caesar's Legion, used a child as bait. When Andrew went to save the child, the young boy left a grenade at his feet before bolting. He ended up with shattered famurs and a fractured left arm.    Following this, Andrew would be discharged, but the benefits NCR Vets are promised never reached him, lack of resources and funds meant he was cut loose, with no lifeline. He ended up drifting into Novac, and acting as some sort of sheriff, though he would lament at feeling useless constantly, due to the lack of problems in the area.    Fortune would turn around in 2282, when he was asked by the Courier to lead his new ranger corps. Andrew would quickly accept, glad to feel useful in a role he was familiar with. As Chief, he lead the rangers through the Vegas-Legion War, and the Raider War, both successful campaigns, where his rangers distinguished themselves as serious dangers to any opponent, excelling in recon, sabotage, and ambushes.    THroughout the late 2280's and throughout the 90's, Chief Roosevelt has lead the Rangers with confidence and ease during peacetime, dealing with frontier problems, and patrolling long, empty roads.
Year of Birth
2237 AD 63 Years old
The Hub
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Brown
6' 1"
150 lbs.
Aligned Organization


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