Caesar's Legion

Caesar's Legion is a totalitarian dictatorship founded in 2247 by Caesar and Joshua Graham. Built on the conquest and enslavement of tribal societies in the Southwest. To enforce unity in the absence of major civilian institutions the Legion loosely models itself after the military of the Roman Empire, but with great differences for the post-apocalyptic modern day. In simplest terms the Legion takes only the language and structure of the old Roman Empire, everything else is based solely off of a meritocracy. Where the strong rise through the ranks based on performance, and the weak remain foot-soldiers, or slaves. The Legion is also highly sexist, where only women proven too strong to slave drive are permitted to serve in other capacities, usually as spies or Frumentarii, where they are away from the rank and file troops.   As of 2300, the Legion controls major portions of the Southwest that is east of the Colorado River, extending from the borders of California and Arizona, all the way north to Denver and east to the lands of Texas. After Caesar's death at the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, he is posthumously worshipped as a god of war. The new leader Caesar Aurelius, is a far different leader, led less by ego and more of strategy and brutality, having come from the ranks of the legion itself.   Created in 2247 by Edward Sallow (Caesar) and Joshua Graham, when the two were captured by the Blackfoot Tribe of the Flagstaff area. Not wanting to die, the two began offering to teach the tribe warfare, survival, and other powerful things. This eventually led to them conquering much of central, northern, and eastern Arizona. An educated man, Sallow began integrating the tribes with the ideas of old Rome, but with much of its republican and civilian cultures omitted, intentionally. Sallow's ideal society was not a nation that desperately clung to the Old World within the New one, like the New California Republic, but a nation that pulled the harshest and most stalwart strengths from the old world, and evolving them for the harsh realities of the one they lived in. As a result, Sallow removed the weak parts of society, civilians that need protection, bureaucracy, and corruption. While many within the NCR claim its impossible to rid corruption, it is non-existent in the Legion, it does not use rusty caps or worthless paper, it uses silver. There are no companies that can bribe, and the only leader is Sallow, now Caesar. Despite his charisma and mind, Caesar was infamous for being egotistical, spiteful, and prideful, often to the detriment of his Legion, who only could obey even the most ludicrous commands.   Erasing tribal cultures, regimenting society, rebuilding Flagstaff in his image, Caesar and Graham, now the Malpais Legate, began conquering and assimilating tribes as they found them. From across old reservations Caesar found more and more to fill his ranks, eventually carving out a might nation. Unlike NCR, which struggled with bureaucracy and corporations, the Legion had nothing to do but patrol its territory, by 2260 all raider gangs within the region were wiped out, making the Legion the safest territory in the Southwest. Eventually Caesar's agents arrived at Hoover Dam, and beyond it, New Vegas. Caesar's ego drove him to focus on the area, before him he saw his Rubicon, Gaul, and Rome, all wrapped up in one. Caesar's intent was not to decimate like he did before but to fundamentally change the west. By taking Vegas and conquering the NCR he would do what the original Caesar did, transition the west from a corrupt republic, into an empire. "Until now every tribe I've conquered has been so backwards and stunted, enslavement has been a gift bestowed upon them. My conquest of the Mojave will not be an eradication, but a glorious triumph, marking the transition from a basically nomadic tribe into a genuine empire. Just as my namesake campaigned in Gaul and crossed the Rubicon, so to have I campaigned and will cross the Colorado." The NCR would be destroyed, and in its place would rise Caesar's Empire, a true nation, with his Legion being its military.   In 2277 Caesar ordered the attack, and Malpais sent his troops forward. At the outset, the Legion performed perfectly, the NCR was not prepared for the brutality of the Legion's warfare, but the legion was predictable. When marching into battle they used the old tactics used by the legions of Rome before the reformations, with recruits in the front, regulars in the middle, and veterans in the rear. This allowed Ranger Snipers to pick off veterans and officers easily, causing discord. To counteract this Malpais ordered his veterans to storm to the front and deal with the Snipers, causing even more confusion among the ranks in front of them. This worked perfectly as the rangers and NCR Troopers led them straight into Boulder City, and detonated massive amounts of C4 when the Legion entered. Losing most of the troops at his disposal, the Legate ordered the retreat, and Caesar was not happy. As punishment, he had Graham covered in pitch, lit aflame, and thrown into the Grand Canyon, though he survived, and would go on to be a ghost of the Legion.   Caesar was then faced with two problems, a loss in Nevada, and no Legate. Solving the latter came quickly, make more. The Title of Legate became a rank equal to General, with a Legate in charge of individual regions of the the forming Empire, and an extra to serve as a Prime Legate, his mobile Command, Legate Lanius. Lanius was a large brutal man, who could sense weakness in any army, even his own. This made him the perfect candidate for a frontline commander, and to prove it, Caesar had him seize all of what was once Colorado. Lanius succeeded spectacularly, integrating 13 more tribes, bringing the total to 86. Lanius was awarded with absolute command, and told to take the bulk of the Legion on campaigns, until the NCR was ready to be broken.   For the next three years Caesar ordered raids across the canyon, earning footholds at Nelson and Cottonwood Cove, raiding towns like Nipton, and decimating NCR Camps like Camp Searchlight, every year the Legion inflicted thousands of casualties. By the time of 2281 the NCR was so demoralized that many considered defeating the Legion to be impossible this time, and the California Senate actually began debates to end the Mojave Campaign. When Lanius returned to Caesar he did so with tens of thousands of troops, victorious and high in spirit, and finally Caesar was ready to begin, but not before the Courier arrived to speak with him. It is said that the Courier and Caesar talked for hours, debating one another and speaking of the feats one another had accomplished, before Caesar sent the messenger into the depths of a building he had built his Fort around, to find and destroy whatever Robert House had planned there. The earth shook, and the Courier emerged victorious, that Caesar believed anyway, and was sent on other errands, but never returned.   When Caesar discovered that the Courier had no intentions to follow the Bull, he placed a death mark on him, and moved his plans along. on December 15th, 2281, the Legion surged across the Dam from the Fort, into Camp Forlorn Hope from Nelson, and into various ranger stations from Cottonwood Cove. The NCR seemed to be breaking, when the Fort erupted in flames. The sounds beneath the earth were not destruction, but revival, as the Courier had activated the Securitron Foundry beneath the earth. When the Courier gave the word, the came forth from the Foundry like a wave metal and death, Caesar and his entourage, along with the entirety of the Fort Garrison, were killed almost instantly. Next a bomber of the old world rained fire down on the Legion troops advancing into Nevada, and the Courier along with his strongest companions stormed across the Dam and directly to Lanius. Seeing the destruction, and convinced by the Couriers words, Lanius and his survivors fled back into Arizona.   In the weeks that followed, the Army of the new Free Economic Zone of the Mojave began clearing away the Legion holdouts. The final loss on the far side of the river was Cottonwood Cove. Centurion Aurelius of Phoenix held for two days, before Lanius ordered him to retreat as well. Back across the river, the Legion erupted into chaos. Lanius, having fled like a coward, was torn apart by the Praetorian Guard, and each of his limbs was nailed to a different cross. Various centurions and Legates began infighting over control of the Legion, the only who did not participate was Legate Indolus of New Mexico, who was seeing to the expansion into Texas. From 2282 through 2293, the Legates were decimated, new ones raised by their cohorts, and the Legion erupted into chaos. In the middle of all this was Flagstaff, the Capital of the Legion, held by the Praetorian Guard and Frumentarii, declared sacred, only to open its gates to Caesar. Centurion Aurelius, now Legate by vote of his troops, led large scale victories in Arizona and Colorado, eventually clearing away opposition, save for Indolus. When the two met in the ruins of the Oklahoma Panhandle, Aurelius entered Indolus's tent and remained there for almost two days. No one knows what was said, or what deal was struck, but when the two emerged, Aurelius did so as Caesar, and Indolus as the new Prime Legate. The two rode into Flagstaff victorious in late 2293, and began the process of healing the Legion, but also changing it. Caesar's attempt to cross the Colorado and change the Legion was a necessity, even if the late Caesar was doing it simply to leave a legacy born of victory. Now Indolus and Caesar Aurelius needed to do it out of necessity born of defeat. A new generation would soon be full grown, but the old was becoming to old to be used as foot soldiers. So the Legion began the process of becoming a sedentary Empire. Veterans began building towns on gifted plots of land, old towns were cleared and the materials used to build spartan-like new ones. Legion Veterans with wives could start families, though once boys reach 10 they would be taken to join the Legion, and girls were meant to be trained by their mothers on how to be wives. Slavery became more than just military servants but a legitimate economic commodity, that could be bought and sold by soldiers, veterans, and families.   During this time, since the battle of Hoover Dam, the Legion was still skirmishing the NCR near Yuma and the Gulf of Baja. Neither force made any major pushes though, due to morale, and supply. But in 2299, Caesar Aurelius ordered Indolus to ready for a resurgence in full hostilities. Making camp at Laguna Fortress, north of Dry Wells, Indolus planned his strategy, and gathered forces. Strategy was exactly what Aurelius wanted, he didn't want a fanatic like Malpais, or a brute like Lanius, he wanted a genuine military mind, and Indolus delivered. On August 4th 2299, the Legion executed large scale drills in Yuma, setting the NCR on alert and having them focus south. While the drills were ongoing, explorers and Frumentarii scaled the cliffs and set explosives beneath the cliffside city of Verde, while the main force crossed the river north near the FEZ border. After the Drills ceased the Legion waited for the City and garrison to resume normal activities. On the night of August 6th the attack began with the detonating of the explosives. In an instant, a quarter of the town fell into the canyon, and the specialists poured into the city, while the Legion attacked the garrison on the north side of town. Within an hour Verde was captured, and the Legion marched west, now in the NCR proper. They would be stopped 25 miles from Verde, but the damage was done. The NCR was now in the final fight of its life. If the Legion broke through its lines it could threaten the food ranches of Baja, and break the back of the Bear for good. As of 2300, the frontline is a stalemate, but the NCR is running thin of supplies, and Morale. With no Vegas wild card to push off the Legion now, it is all in for both sides.


The Legion is a Dictatorship. At the Head is Caesar, with his advisors, Praetorians (Bodyguards) and Frumentarii (Special Forces). Beneath him is the Prime Legate, a sort of Second in Command and heir. There are also an undetermined number of other lesser Legates that act as both generals and governors of their own individual regions. Beneath them are the Centurions, frontline officers who are the backbone of the nation. Beneath them is the Decanus, a rank equal to sergeant or squad leader. Under them are all the regular legionaries. At the same level of the Decanus is the veteran, men who served 20 years in the Legion and are placed on permanent leave to start a family. To do this they are given a half-acre of land in a settlement, and a wife, because after all, the goal of the legion and the women in it is to create more generations for the future of the nation. Even with leave these veterans can be recalled at any moment, like many were in the Yuma area prior to the Battle of Verde. Beneath the regular soldiers is the Merchant Caste, caravaneers and couriers, then the craftsmen caste, like blacksmiths, carpenters and sculptors. Finally there are the bottom two castes, Women and Daughters, essentially a class left for childbearers or those learning to become one, and then the slaves, menial labor and property.


Legion Culture is a meritocracy, where the strong and those who perform well are rewarded with glory and promotion, while the weak and lazy either stagnate or end up in chains. All exist for the betterment of the Empire, to defend it, build it, serve it, or produce the future of it. All men are taken from the age of 10 to join the Legion, spending 5 years in training then as squires, running messages, equipment, or supplies, or as apprentices to blacksmiths or other specialists. At 15 they become full Legionaries, frontline troops ready to fight and die for the Empire. After another 15 years of service they are placed on permanent leave to start families. Women spend their days with their mothers, learning how to keep a home, raise a family, and bear children. When they turn 16 they are eligible for marriage, and at any moment, can receive the name and location of their new husband and his land. If one can not handle either of these lifestyles, they are placed in chains, and made a slave, to do the menial labor of the empire, or become a household servant to the family of an officer or wealthy enough veteran.    There have been two major changes since the introduction of the family unit however, children of legionaries can grow or ruin their family's honor during their own service, and their have rumors from many caravans that veterans speak in fond tones of their wives and children.

Demography and Population

The Legion has around 8 million people, around half of which are either active or retired soldiers.


The Legion's territory extends from the eastern bank of the Colorado, south into the Mexico Desert, East into Texas, and North past Colorado.


The Legion is every man and boy ten years and older. Young boys spend the first five years learning how to funtion in the legion, and undertaking smaller duties. When they reach 15 they become full fledged soldiers. If they reach the age of 25, they are made Prime Legionaries, the best of their Contubernia, or squad of ten men lead by a Decanus. If a Legionary reaches the age of 30, they are considered a veteran, placed on permanent leave with full honors, and granted half an acre of land, and a wife to start a family.    If a Legionary show incredible ingenuity in combat, they may be made a Decanus, or squad leader. A Decanus is a dangerous position, leading from the front with markings denoting their higher status makes them targets. But if a Decanus proves even more resourceful, they may be made a Centurion, and lead a Century. (10 Contubernia or 100 men.) Centurions are the backbone of the Legion, they lead from the rear, but can enter combat at their leisure. A Centurion's seniority is determined by their armor. When a Decanus becomes a Centurion they are only granted the signature helmet, and are told to build their armor from that of their fallen enemies. The more armored or trophies upon the armor that a Centurion has, the better. With each promotion to Decanus and Centurion comes an additional 5 year commitment to the Legion.   Centuries are placed in groups to form Cohorts. There is no minimum or maxim number that can be placed in these Cohorts, it is simply the number of Centuries a Legate commands. A Legate is raised from the ranks of the best Centurions, and apparently only when their is an opening. Legates cannot leave service, but are granted wives as they please, as their camp or city is effectively their home, similar to the half-acre of land that veterans get.   Chosen from the ranks of the Legates is the Prime Legate or Legatus. This Legate is Caesar's second in command and designated heir, as no position within the empire is ever hereditary by blood. This Legate is also designated for whatever frontline is most pressing, meaning they tend to govern over the Empire's frontier territory as well.    During the days of Malpais and into Lanius's time, the Legion used what we would call Pre-Marian tactics. An orderly advance with recruits in the first echelon, Primes in the middle, and Veterans in the back. Enemies would tire themselves out fighting the first two ranks, then be destroyed by the best the Legion offered. When this proved to be disastrous at the First Battle of Hoover Dam due to clear targets, and the fact the Contubernia were broken up with Primes being placed away from their squads, it was left to Lanius to refine the military's doctrine. What he eventually used was a more modern form of combat, relying on squad tactics or Century formations where the field commanders had more freedom to react to changes on the battlefield. This turned the Legion from a terrifying but predictable enemy, into a genuinely formidable one, coupled with their natural brutality and fearlessness, they are dreadful to face in combat.   The Legion uses slightly different equipment than during the Mojave Campaign. When the old sports equipment of Arizona Universities ran out, they began building new equipment with leather and metal. with leather chest-pieces, shin-guards and boots, bracers, and helmets, with goggles and red face-wraps, with leather and metal waits straps like roman soldiers, all over a red tunic. When in fast-paced squad assaults, they will throw javelins at the outset to confuse and terrify opponents, and to remove them as carry weight. They will then move in close with SMGs and gladius to overwhelm and either destroy or rout an enemy. During large scale conflicts, Centuries might even deploy ballistic shields when advancing on harder targets.
A Legionary on the move

Foreign Relations

The Legion is in active Hostilities with the NCR, and an unconventional stalemate with the FEZ


There are 7 laws within the Empire:  
  • Do not steal
  • Do not speak lies
  • Do not murder unjustly
  • Do not lay hands upon another man's wife or children
  • Obey your superiors
  • Never disgrace Caesar
  • Never be captured

Aeterna Imperi

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Legion, Rome, Red Slavers, the Empire, Redbacks
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Post-scarcity economy
The Silver Denarii. A small silver coin worth 40 caps.
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Executive Body
Related Ranks & Titles


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