Vegas-Legion War

The Vegas Legion war was a conflict between the Free Economic Zone of the Mojave and Caesar's Legion. Taking place from 2281 to 2285, the war was predominantly a stalemate following the opening push by the Mojave Military. With the Legion being incapable of hostilities due to their own civil war, and the FEZ not wanting to waste resources biting off more than it could chew before its feet were even on the ground.   In 2281 Securitron forces beneath what is today Fortress Arizona, a bomber From Nellis and a VTOL insertion from Enclave Remnants marked the first strike of the Independent Vegas in the midst of the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, between Caesar's Legion and the New California Republic. This immense and destructive strike killed Caesar along with the 50,000 reserves he had in his fort, while the bomber rained hellfire across Legate Lanius's lines. While the Enclave remnants assisted the Courier and his companions in forcing the Legion off the Dam. These forces converged in Lanius's camp in Arizona and forced him and his forces back off the River area near the Dam.   In the following weeks the Securitron Army and newly founded Mojave Rangers forced the rest of the legion out of Nelson, Camp Forlorn Hope, Novac, Cottonwood Cove, and their forward raiding camp. In total, by February 1st, 2282 the Legion had suffered about 55,000 casualties, most of which were killed on December 15th, 2281, the opening of the war.   The following April Mojave Forces removed Legion troops from Camp Guardian, forcing the last of the Legion Back across the river into Arizona. Following these first three months the war became more of a cold war, with the occasional skirmish taking place, but otherwise quiet across the line. It finally ended in 2285, when the Legate controlling Arizona, Aurelius, signed a truce, keeping the borders where they were.    Since then the Legion has an Embassy within New Vegas, and things have been quiet along the Grand Canyon, despite the actions of Commander Henry Orville in the 2290's.

The Conflict


  • The FEZ retains control of Hoover Dam and Fortification Hill
  • Colorado River remains Legion's Westward Border
  • Death of Caesar and Legate Lanius


  • Legion would be plunged into civil war
  • Ascension of Aurelius of Phoenix as new Caesar
  • Legion Embassy within New Vegas
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
2285 (4 Years)
Conflict Result
Mojave Victory



  • ~6,000 Securitron Robots
  • ~1,000 Mojave Rangers
  • ~200 Power Armor Infantry
  • 50 Vertiberds
  • B-29 Bomber
~800,000 Legionaries


8 Securitron Robots


  • Defend Mojave Territory
  • Keep Legion Agents out of FEZ land
  • Hold the line against any push from the Mojave
  • Maintain Colorado River as the border


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