Adrien Lain

Adrien Lain is the steel magnate founder and ceo of the Lain Steel Company.   Born in the ruins of New Orleans, Adrien grew up as an apprentice metal worker to his father, but whenever he looked up at the massive husks of skyscrapers, he knew that he should do so much more. In 2264, at the age of 18, he set out west, trying to find a metal fortune in the nations said to be rising out of the Southwest. Travelling across the texas and mexico territories, he would sail across the Gulf of Baja, and settle in the New California Republic's Junktown, attempting to make money working the scrap into modern buildings. Instead his business would remain small time, as more and more resources were claimed by the government and poured into its twin war effort in the NCR-Brotherhood War and NCR-Legion War, his own business would have its own metal seized for the war effort under Wendell Peterson's administration. This misfortune would eventually culminate in him being conscripted in 2276, at the age of 29, the age of the draft was increased to gain more troops, his business itself would be seized, and he would be sent to the front line as a private stationed at Camp McCarran  For the duration of his service, Adrien would take part in several skirmishes against the Fiends outside of the New Vegas ruins. It would be during one of these skirmishes that he would have his leg caught in a bear trap set by the raiders, which would leave him with a limp for the rest of his life. Despite the injury, the NCR was so desperate for manpower that he was relegated to Desk duty, instead of being discharged. During this time, he would draw various designs for buildings, and blast furnaces that he saw in the various foundries surrounding the camp. When his term of service was finally up in 2280, Adrien had nothing to go back to, and moved into Freeside in the NCR quarter. When much of the Vegas area was up for grabs following the Second Battle for Hoover Dam, he laid claim to an old foundry, and built upon it. Due to the massive amounts of scrap, and exponential demand for steel, Adrien would become an overnight magnate, and among many who would renounce their NCR citizenship, and become Free Economic Zone of the Mojave citizens.    Following the earning of his fortune, Adrien would become a major philanthropist, pouring millions into schools, and providing extensive benefits to his workers, along with the on-paper promise to never replace them with automated systems.
Year of Birth
2247 AD 53 Years old
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned Brown
290 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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