
Legate Lanius

Legate Lanius was the second person to be Caesar's right hand, and was a brutal monster, known to the people of the wastes as the Monster of the East.    Legion myth holds that he was born to a tribe in Arizona sometime in the 2240s. When the Legion went to conquer his tribe he singlehandedly fought off patrols, and killed scouts by the dozens. When the Legion finally surrounded his tribe, and the chief surrendered, Lanius supposedly flew into a rage, and killed twenty of his tribesmen, before being severely wounded, his face mangled. When he awoke, Caesar sat beside him, offering him an iron helm with a bearded face, to replace the face he lost, in exchange for Lanius's undying loyalty. He accepted, on the condition he could kill the remaining men of his tribe for their cowardice.    Lanius went on to be a brutal tool that Caesar wielded. He was not a fanatic like Joshua Graham, merely a fearless monster. To his credit though, Lanius redefined Legion warfare, despite not being much of a tactician, he recognized that Graham's method of separating his ranks was not working. Rather than splitting the recruits, primes, and veterans between three ranks, Lanius opted for a more NCR-like approach, by relying on squads and centuries to carry out operations, with field commanders having a larger amount of freedom. It worked, and transformed the Legion from a simply terrifying enemy, into a brutally effective one.    Like Graham though, Lanius met his end after a battle for Hoover Dam, this time the second one. After the death of Caesar, the Courier somehow broke Lanius's will to fight, and he retreated back to Arizona. For failing to avenge Caesar's death, Lanius was cornered in Flagstaff by the Praetorian Guard, and killed, though he took down many before he finally fell. His punishment did not end there, as the Guards ripped him to pieces while he was still alive, and nailed each piece to a different cross on the road into the city.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
2240 AD 2282 AD 42 years old
6' 10"
Cult of Mars
Aligned Organization


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