
Flagstaff is the capital of Caesar's Legion. Despite this fact, the original Caesar rarely used it, and was constantly on the move with his army.    When Caesar Aurelius entered the city in 2293, Flagstaff saw a true revival. Going from a city of ruins and barely reconstructed, to a city of large scale Legion architecture. Complete with marble and quartz buildings, and various statues. By the time of 2300 Flagstaff resembled a real ancient city along the Mediterranean, with a large palace complex for Aurelius, a command complex for Legion commanders, a temple to Caesar, a massive market, a functional nuclear power plant, and an enormous residential district.


Flagstaff is ruled directly by Caesar Aurelius and his advisors.


Flagstaff is a massive fortress city, complete with an outer wall, and a secondary wall protecting the city center. Combined with innumerable legionaries, towers, artillery, and outer trenches, the city is considered one of the safest in the wastes.


Flagstaff's pre-war architecture is long gone, replaced with a grid form, spartan-like city surrounding four major buildings: the Palace, the Market, the Temple of Caesar and Mars, and the Legion Command. Its primary building materials are quartz, marble, stone, and metal.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
New Rome
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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