Joshua Graham

Joshua Graham (a.k.a. Malpais Legate, Burned Man)

Joshua graham was born in New Canaan in 2228. A religious community, Graham was raised Christian, in a post apocalyptic denomination that appears to mix Mormonism and Judaism. Graham took his faith very seriously, and was often considered a fanatic, especially when it came to verses and chapters dealing in justice and righteous retribution. He also had an affinity for exploration and evangelizing. By the time he was in his teens he would regularly delve into the canyons of Utah and Arizona, talking and dealing with the tribes that lived there. It was around this time that Graham was chosen to accompany a member of the Followers of the Apocalypse named Edward Sallow, another young man of serious intelligence, but with an egotistical nature. Together they were to travel into the Grand Canyon and record the languages and knowledge of the local tribes.   It did not end well, when they were taken hostage by a desperate tribe, looking to ransom them off in exchange keeping a rival tribe from continuing their raids. Instead, Sallow and Graham took to teaching the tribe warfare and modern weaponry. This proved excellent, and they quickly began conquering and destroying the other tribes within the canyon. By this time Sallow had birthed Caesar's Legion, with himself as Caesar, and Graham as the Malpais Legate. For his part, Graham cared little for Caesar's ego or Roman iconography, for him it was the idea of preserving Humanity at any cost, and dealing judgement upon the vicious raiders of the wastes. For thirty years, Graham led the Legion in battle, always to victory. He was not much of a tactician, what made him deadly was his fanatic devotion to whatever objective was before him, and his brutal efficiency in reaching it.   Malpais's end with the Legion came at the First Battle for Hoover Dam in 2277. After failing to recognize the New California Republic's trap in Boulder City and losing the majority of his forces, Caesar had him covered in pitch, lit on fire, and thrown into the Grand Canyon. Graham survived, if only barely, and crawled out of the Colorado River, into the Utah Desert. In his own words: "I survived because the fire within me burned hotter than the fire around me."   Graham returned to New Canaan, and though he feared being turned away, his family and friends welcomed him with open arms. Graham spent around three years in New Canaan, trying to heal, and to put his past behind him. He may have succeeded, if Caesar's wrath had not followed him. Near the end of 2280, on the orders of Caesar, a tribe known as the White Legs raided New Canaan at night, burning every building, and slaughtering every man, woman, and child. The only two who made it out were Joshua, and a friend named Daniel, who were out scavenging at the time.   Fleeing towards Zion, Daniel and Joshua came across the Dead Horses and Sorrows, two tribes that had been living in the Canyons there for centuries. Graham was familiar with the Dead Horses, having taught them much as a legate, he began turning them away from the Legion. Daniel on the other hand, made camp with the Sorrows, who were a gentle people. Unfortunately, the White Legs followed them, as Caesar did not consider the job done as long as Joshua still drew breath. For many months, fighting across Zion took place, mostly between the White Legs and Dead Horses, the latter of which stretched themselves quite thin trying to also protect the Sorrows.   This fight continued until 2281, when the Courier arrived as part of an attempt to reach New Canaan, unknowing that it had been destroyed. With the Couriers help. Joshua and the Dead Horses destroyed the White Legs, executing the White Legs entirely, the same way they had the Canaanites. At the same time, Daniel, not wanting to expose the Sorrows to such brutality, lead his tribe out of Zion and into the Wyoming Territories.   Following this, Joshua and the Dead Horses controlled Zion completely, not even Caesar Aurelius would go after them. In this way, Graham had finally escaped Caesar's wrath, as he had outlived him. But the price was a life of pain, and anguish. It is unknown if Graham was able to finally let his fanaticism rest, but it is known that his body became increasingly debilitated when he reached his 60s. He was strong to survive the flame, but age, combined with the physical damage to his body, made it difficult to breath and function. The fact that he reached his 70s is a testament to his strength, but eventually word of his death spread across the wastes in 2298. It is unknown if he ever went to see the New Canaan that Daniel rebuilt, but the Dead Horses and Canaanites had regular trading as of 2300.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Graham is covered in burns after being burned alive by Caesar. The scars and open wounds plagued him for the rest of his life.
2226 AD 2298 AD 72 years old
140 lb.


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