
Sanctuary of Abundance   Eidon, the heart of Pacura's harvest, unfolds its vibrant tapestry beneath the relentless sun. This fertile sanctuary yields bounties thrice that of the mainland, cultivating a legacy of sustenance echoing beyond its shores.   The Blindbat's Enigma, a mysterious jungle within Eidon, conceals a weathered shrine to Sootha, the sea goddess. Among towering bamboo abodes, batgoblins, clad in vine attire, rest and thrive beneath the moon's nocturnal glow.   Maritime mysteries unfold along Eidon's northeastern shore, marked by the Anchorage of Dhomas—a monument to lost souls and a testament to the island's resilience. From the Mudguard's vigilant shoreline to the legacy of the Shatterbrand in Driord, Eidon's tale weaves a narrative of tradition, resilience, and an unyielding pursuit of abundance.   In Eidon, where the sun kisses the soil, nature's blessings and ancient traditions converge, creating a guardian island, a beacon of prosperity.   Eidon: Fertile Sanctuary of Pacura   Heart of Harvest: Eidon, bathed in the relentless sun, emerges as the granary of Pacura. Its rich soils, enhanced by drizzles from the Weeping Willow, yield thrice as much as the mainland. A triple-crop island, Eidon's bounties are legendary, ensuring sustenance beyond its shores.   Blindbat's Enigma: The depths of Eidon house the mysterious Blindbat Jungle. A verdant maze of towering bamboo and echoing calls, it's home to creatures like nocturnal batgoblins. Within, the Eidon Clearing holds a weathered statue of Sootha, a solemn reminder of past reverence.   In bamboo abodes, batgoblins rest by day and venture out at night. These beings savor fruits and insects, living under the watchful eyes of Eidon's hidden tribe.   Maritime Mysteries: Eidon's northeastern shore whispers tales of maritime adventures. Once a graveyard of stranded ships, it now celebrates resilience through the Anchorage of Dhomas, a monument to lost souls.   Guardians and Settlements: The Shatterbrand, once mercenaries, are now revered saviors. Their legacy imprints on Driord, a thriving trade hub. Overseeing security, the Mudguard, with a unique shoreline vigil, ensure peace and stability.   Rich Traditions: The island pulsates with traditions. From ceremonial tree laws to the Sansaint’s Festival, Eidon's culture blends respect for nature and a celebration of life. Locals, in vine attire, share stories and seek blessings at shrines of the stormmother.   In Eidon, to burn is to blaspheme. Bodies find rest beneath the island's soil, embraced by nature, revered by kin.   Nature's bounty becomes Eidon's fashion. Clad in intertwined vines and adorned with natural armor, islanders shield from the scorching sun with layers of nourishing mud.   In Eidon, trees are revered. While one can build from their wood, homes remain hollow until nature reclaims its space, sprouting anew.   In tales passed down, the Stormmother departs, leaving the Stormfather with their terrestrial brood. Eidon's shrines honor her, hoping to quell her wrath.   Coastal Colossus: Anchored firmly to its northern coast is the renowned turtle ship, Tortuga. Symbolizing freedom and resilience, it stands as a beacon for mariners, a testament to Eidon's maritime legacy.   Legacy of Conflict: Eidon bears scars from its past — being the first to fall during inter-island tensions to the tragic events of Sansaint’s Festival. Yet, each scar is a testament to its resilience, its ability to rise, rebuild, and renew.   Surrounded by azure waters, Eidon stands as a beacon of abundance, tradition, and resilience. Through every high and low, this island continues to flourish, embracing its legacy, looking forward to a prosperous future.     Whispertails: These are luminescent, hummingbird-sized dragons that flit about the Blindbat Jungle. By day, their iridescent scales blend seamlessly with the foliage. By night, they glow softly, guiding lost travelers. Jungle Moa: Standing about knee-high, these flightless birds have bright, multicolored plumage and a knack for mimicry. They often copy the sounds around them, leading to tales of "talking trees" in Eidon. Vine Serpents: Slender, green snakes that have a symbiotic relationship with certain plants. They weave through the undergrowth, helping pollinate flowers in return for nectar. While not venomous, their rapid movements often startle unsuspecting wanderers. Mudmantas: Living along the shores, these creatures resemble rays but move through mud flats instead of water. Their dorsal fins protrude from the mud, resembling plants, and help them absorb sunlight for energy. Bamboo Drakes: Small, herbivorous lizards that primarily feast on bamboo shoots. Their tough jaws and sharp teeth allow them to efficiently chew through the tough plant. When threatened, they emit a loud, drum-like sound by tapping their tail against hollow bamboo trunks. Shadowferns: Not exactly fauna, but these mobile plants have earned their place in local tales. By day, they root themselves and photosynthesize. By night, they use rudimentary limbs to move towards areas with richer soil or better sunlight. Tidehoppers: Frog-like creatures that dwell in the tidal pools along Eidon's coast. Their skin has a shimmering, mirror-like quality, which reflects the moonlight and makes them almost invisible during nighttime high tides. Crescent Moths: These nocturnal moths have wings shaped like crescent moons and are believed by locals to be messengers of the stormmother, Sootha. Their brief, sporadic appearances are often seen as omens.     Lunarferns: These silver-leaved ferns glow faintly in the moonlight, illuminating patches of the Blindbat Jungle. Local legends suggest they're a gift from the stormmother to light the way for lost souls. Tidetangle Vines: Found along the coastal areas, these vines react to the saline content in the air. During high tide, they bloom with azure flowers, and during low tide, they retract and display thorny stems. Whisperwillows: Unlike regular willow trees, these have translucent leaves that emit a soft, harmonious sound when rustled by the wind, reminiscent of whispered secrets. Sapphire Caps: Bright blue mushrooms that thrive in the damp underbelly of the Blindbat Jungle. When disturbed, they release a cloud of spores that shimmer for a few seconds before settling. Sunseeker Palms: Unique to Eidon's beaches, these palms have mobile roots, allowing them to slowly relocate to optimal sunlight spots over time. Veilferns: Growing in the deeper, shadowed parts of the jungle, these ferns have a natural camouflage ability. Their fronds can take on the appearance of their surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the naked eye. Bloomheart Trees: These trees have thick trunks with what appear to be heartbeat patterns. When in full bloom, the tree produces heart-shaped fruits with a sweet nectar inside, a local delicacy. Moonlit Moss: Found predominantly around the Eidon Clearing, this moss absorbs sunlight during the day and emits a soft, blue luminescence at night, creating a dreamy landscape. Guardian Grass: Growing around historical sites and landmarks, this tall grass has razor-sharp edges. Legends say it grew to protect sacred areas from intruders. Drizzlebuds: Small, bulbous plants that react to the moisture levels in the air. When rain or drizzle is imminent, they bloom with tiny white flowers, making them nature's own weather predictors on Eidon.     Moonberries: A nocturnal crop unique to Eidon, these berries ripen under moonlight, absorbing its soft glow. When harvested, they emit a gentle luminescence and are used in many local desserts for their sweet and tangy flavor. Golden Rice: A variant of rice with a shimmering golden hue when cooked. It's a staple grain of Eidon, celebrated for its rich nutritional content and slightly nutty flavor. Tidetubers: Root vegetables that grow best in the sandy soils near the coast. They have a saline, earthy taste and are often used in local stews and roasts. Jungle Maize: A taller and thicker variant of corn with deep green kernels. It's both consumed directly and used to make a popular local drink. Blindbat Beans: Climbing vines that produce beans with a strong, caffeine-like effect. They're ground into a powder and brewed into a stimulating drink by locals. Sootha's Tears: Tiny, droplet-shaped fruits that have a refreshing, watery taste. They're often eaten fresh or squeezed into a rejuvenating juice. Lunarlettuce: A leafy green that glows faintly at night, much like the Lunarferns. It's a favorite in local salads and is believed to have calming properties when consumed. Stormspice: A herb known for its intense, peppery kick. It's used sparingly in dishes to add heat and is believed to be favored by the storm gods. Cane Reeds: Tall, sturdy plants used both for their sweet stalks, which are processed into sugars and syrups, and for their tough exterior, useful for building and crafting. Eidon Eggplants: Large, bulbous vegetables with a deep purple, almost black color. They have a creamy texture when cooked and are a staple in many traditional dishes.         Forest with lush wildlife.   Nomadic people.   Green, vine clothing.   Great Pacuran farmers   center of island has a clearing with a shrine to the sea goddess Sootha, where the locals go to worship the seamother   NE coast of the island is a ship graveyard where Diggory finds marooned sailors to heal and take care of   northern coast is where Diggory's turtle ship the Tortuga is docked. it is attached by a roped channel to Kyra   Miles the Mud Man sells mud on this island   The merchant only deals in trade but takes a lot of coin as "shiny objects" as trade currency. The mercahnt loves taxidermy and only trades for product. Has a high amount of coins because he isnt dumb and knows how trade works.   the Oh Brothers are the villages best hunters, not very bright, it is said that they share a brain so are only a third as smart as a person   to the west of the island is a hidden temple worshipping the vengeful sea goddess. A hidden tribe lives with the dungeon and take sacrifices from the uppper land, mostly creatures form the local batgoblin tribe   a batgoblin tribe lives in t shaped towers where they hang in the day and hunt at night, bugs and fruit are their main meal   a ghostly spirit haunts the ship graveyard, if you can get the ghost to travel on your journey it is said to bring your sail good luck   Snerz is a friendly batgoblin who uses simple magician tricks to convince people he is magical. Snerz wants to be a druid   the temple to the underworld has a teleporting fire cauldron that leads to the dungeon underneath the island.   The mudguard are the elite guards of the island.   cremation is the sacrileges act, burying on the island cemetery is how the bodies of the eidonans should be put to rest.   Diggory is a farmer who has a magic staff called the Weeping Willow, it can help influence the weather   the clothes are vines wrapped around their naked bodies with natural armor overtop   eidon is known for its harsh sun so the locals cover themselves in mud every morning. On rainy days is when most people mingle and court as they are able to fully see the other citizens   the best farming due to the strong sun. The stormblood of Eidon have passed down the Weeping Willow to create overcast skies to keep the crops growing. Eidon is a triple crop island, producing thrice the amount of growth as the mainland.   deforestation is a huge crime. if someone cuts down a tree to build a home, they can construct a building but cannot use it until a sapling is visible out of the ground where they cut their tree down.   fallen trees are a sign of good luck the stormfather and stormmother. These two are at odds in Pacuran folklore because the father left the mother to take care of the kids on the land, a place where the sea goddess could not enter. The Stormfather needed to raise his children as human so they could carry on the legacy of men that he fought so hard to achieve. The people of Eidon know that their stormmother is mad at their bloodline so they keep shrines of her to try and appease her.   the Weeping Willow cannot stop a storm, it's power is to create a drizzle and help crops not control weather. The storm, no matter how strong is a blessing   Guards on the island sit dormant in the mud of the shore for 3 days until their shift ends   they have trained their bodies not to require sleeps or food. Once their shift finishes, they rejoice and join the village in a feast and party. This means the main village on Eidon throws and village feast every 3 days. Miles the Mudman sells mud or trades mud for mud. He is delirious and mostly harmless   A merchant who loves taxidermy and only trades for goods not coin. Has a high amount of coins because he isn't dumb and knows how actual trade works.   Driord Eidon Province Pacura Batgoblin Unorthodox Church 7233 25   Eidon was the island of farmers. Here you met Diggory the Stormblood. You learn that his son had been kidnapped a few weeks prior. The farmers can bring you to Kyra aboard a turtle ship named the Tortuga. Diggory has offered you to stay for the feast and then be brought to Kyra in two days’ time.   After Eelisma activated the Old Temple of Sootha, the other Obelisks chosen by Eelisma attacked other nations. Thormund of Typhon had arrived on Eidon. Borigan of Zephyr attacked Ios and Tayne commandeered the warriors in the prison ships on their way to the Pit on Gyaron.   Arriving back at the main village of Driord, Thormund had already slaughtered most of the villagers. Diggory and his people had been killed by Lord Thormund, Stormblood of Typhon. The Typhon army having the largest standing army of Pacura.   Thormund has gotten his hand on some ikarian fire and used this to flush the island with liquid fire. Diggory had told the new arrivals on island that his barge ship the Tortuga rested on the north shore of the island. Cortez, Sossari, Iona, Snrez, Chris and Henri made their way for the ship as the jungle set aflame.     You arrive on Eidon You are greeted by Mako in front of some stone walls being built in the center of Diggory's village. around you see mudguards and native batgoblins that lost their home when thormund burned it. they were building the structure in front of you. this was being built as a staging point for the war but with peace now here Max has no more use of it. Mako handed each of you 3000 gp within sacks, this is the reward Maximus promised you for assisting in the peace brought to Pacura. Mako tells you that the Eidon Stronghold is now yours to do with as you wish. your crew as well as anyone you recruit for your settlement will live and work here. They will assists you on a ravens notice if you are far away. you can build better walls, new shops with discounts to you, you can store items here, customize your rooms, raise taxes, build fleets or capture enemies. Everything you may want can be purchased with your rewards. I'm going to go build a shrine in the area you designate the graveyard, I never found my mother's body after the tsunami but I hope i can honor her hear on my new home. a few patrons have already taken up camp here as they think of you as good people. Bedlam and Sossari begin talking to the batgoblins, bedlam introducing herself to each one and sossari asking who knew snerz. You talk to nug who knows nothing and then suds who mentions merz still lives in the blindbat jungle. Then meet zom who left snerz to die in the forest, zom then tried to steal snerz girlfriend razzi only to be shot down. In anger zom sold her off to slavers, the leader with the last name of ahuud. Triss tries to make Joseph apologize to blimbo but the wound is still fresh, blimbonis unable to disenchant athos axe as it was his sister in law who made that magic. He has no weapons yet and is just getting set up. He gets angry at the elves so triss casts charm person to calm him. They all leave and then Joseph sneaks back in. Grek opened his third Aasimar's Landing potion shop with 50% discounts for your party. Iggy and Azalea moved to Eidon to help rebuild and start a new jam store that is also making other preservatives. Azalea has an iguana sanctuary that is open to take care of other animals you befriend along the way but don't want to have follow you. Blimbo has moved to your island now that his wife was buried, he couldn't go back to that shop. He plays his violin in the town square every other Incagur (monday) of each month, weather permitting. He runs a blacksmith shop where he provides discounts. Sol the dark elf has moved his bookshop from Ios to here and set up a more permenant shop, he is beginning work on a new manuscript that will hopefully not be erased by someone who needs to copy some text. Miles the Mudman has set up a mudshack and pottery booth. the remaining batgoblins rides boars into the regrowing jungle and hunt crocodile to help feed the settlement. Mother Maggie's sister Mildred has set up an inn and diner for any weary travellers, The back houses a Guzzler tavern run by Izill, Skalden works as a chef using his pyromancy at Mildred's diner. Skalden also runs a yandu tent inside the forest where he hangs out with the batgoblins. Franny opened a bakery to make treats for all your new citizens. A Milosian sailweaver named Brandi moved to begin her clothes making career. Merdock dropped of some of the fast growing sogwood bamboo that Ios was famous for arboring, it needs a swampy area to grow and the mud pits outside Eidon are just right, your builders can use this to build quickly. Garvin's houseboat could be seen docked as he set up a fish market on the shore. Brunhild provided some Wardens as both protection and efficient builders. Antiguo, the blind old fisherman from Kinaros could be seen carving sculptures of commissioned pieces. One of Sootha, one of Diggory, one of Tayne, one of Snerz and one of Henri Sallya. Sossari talks to grek and invests more into his business. Assaimars landing will be the first shop seen when people arrive on Eidon. A missionary who came from Gyaron named rogerio tried to hand out pamphlets pushing for hatred against the lizard people. Bedlam was asking him questions as he called sossari over. The missionary explained that ralf of gyaron was recruiting people to take up the fight against dragons and their kind. The dragons that reawole on the mainland have been causing destruction and a group is trying to rally together to put an end to them. Sossari doesn't want this kind of garbage on her new island so calls arygos over. Rogerio is polite but insists that he wants to kills arygos for his dragon relation. They take one pamphlet and burn the rest. Arygos heaves the missionary off the cliff by aasimars landing . Sossari hands the pamphlet to grek and asks him to stop anyone coming into sidon with those. Grek plans to use the funds to hire some security. Joseph handed some smithy tools to zom to end the session.   This is your new stronghold and can be upgraded as you earn money. issues will arise where you may need someone to handle something but that would require an appointed official to run things when you aren't here. After they pick a representative that they feel will run their stronghold well, the can explore around. Arygos goes to Blimbo's shop to find he is missing as well as some of his tools. He then finds his body recently buried in the memorial garden Bedlam hires Wal'Du to begin work on an establishment. Joseph hangs out at the bar while Wal'Du is away. He meets a blind old man named Antiguo. Arygos comes to confront Dex but is greeted by the friendly Kinarosian man he has met before. Hey both head to the infirmary to check Blimbo's body. Triss spends the day working on the main parts homes. Replacing the shantys with actual homes. Sossari asks Grek who he can trust and is sent over to Garvin the houseboat owner. Sossari has never met him and interrupts Miles the mudman explaining blueberry muddies. Garvin is taken aback by sossari knowing about his past as a member of the high guard. Garvin was forced to retire after the public found out about the battle of snow peak and that it wasnt a battle to fight monsters, it was a church of dhara orchestrated genocide. Garvin cannot fight anymore but maybe knows some contacts of old high guard members out of work on the mainland. Grek also tells sossari he trusts blimbo the blacksmith so she heads over there, running into arygos and Joseph bickering over the dead body. Bedlam wanders over as well as she leaves the plans in the hand of the bone ogre bartender. They begin arguing about what to do when Grek comes in to get then to sign off a new business permit. Zom the goblin wants to use his new tools to open a smithy. The team interrogate him and find he dodnt kill blimbo and was told by a shadowy figure that blacksmithing might just be his calling. Zom was given blimbos shop and began work on a gold ring for bedlam horn. Everyone in town is calling the leaders lordiness. A loud noise is heard from the shore at aasimars landing. They rush over to find a crater burst out of the ground and fancy dressed kobold elites attacking the lighthouse. A burger flies by them as they begin to attack. A young wind dragon almost kills triss after both her and arygos try and speak draconian to no avail. They eventually defeat the monster and bedlam skins it. The grave it climbed out of had a swirling black and white mist at the bottom. They could see the rocks had what used to be fossils but had broken as the dragonkin had risen. This dragon grave had not been disturbed in thousands of years. Bedlam finds a small white rhombus inside the hole. After this the Ocean King arrives to check on his new colony. Max commends them on killing a dragon and says that people on the mainland would pay well to dragon slayers. The dragons have been causing havoc all over. Because of that, an emergency meeting has been called in Arboran, the capital of Mooncrest and bastion of the East. Max is going to stay one night and sail out in the morning. He informs you that you can catch a ride with him but cannot leave without assigning a regent to lead the island in your absence. The group selects grek as bedlam awkwardly runs off covered in blood to go put her new loot her establishment. Triss and arygos invest in some warmer clothes as its getting a chilly on the mainland. Joseph goes to bed, Bedlam finds a barrel on the streets to sleep behind. Sossari and Maximus walk back to the new blacksmith shop, where sosarri saw Grek was hiding during the battle on the shore. The lordiness and the Ocean King inform Grek that he will be regent and he is very emotional about it. He thanks then and shakes sossori's hand, he is about to bow to max but reaches out his hand instead, max smirks and shakes it. On their way back, sossari and max see bedlam, the king carefully picks her up and takes her back to her new bed. Sossari rests as max goes to the tavern to meet his new constituents. once you choose where to go, a seagull falls bloody and grayed onto your ship. then another, you looks up to see a swarm of birds flying away from something, all these birds are escaping pacura. above the waters and they all are beginning to drop from the sky and pelt the crew. the birds have an eeroe green glow to them. you look back to the distance of pacura when the light fades away. above you, blotting out the sun is an enormous mass of creatures taking up the entire sky, they look to be coming from the far east province of hearthen suddenly another ocean dragon breaches the ocean, and then another, as your eyes adjust and these leviathans take flight, you realize that the mass above is 1000s of dragons flying towards the mainland, you see them begin to fly off in all directions, breathing fire, lighting and acid on faroff fishing boats. they rains down chaos as you near the mainland. The Dragons have arrived. The Revenants of the Pit are unsealed. Adventure awaits you on the Galfin Mainland.


Eidon is a lush island with diverse landscapes. From fertile plains at the heart to dense jungles like the Blindbat's Enigma, its northeastern shore features a captivating maritime expanse.


A rich blend of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, from vibrant jungles to flourishing coastal waters, supports a variety of life on Eidon.

Ecosystem Cycles

Eidon experiences seasonal cycles driven by its triple-crop agriculture, the Weeping Willow's influence, and the natural ebb and flow of maritime activities.

Localized Phenomena

Notable phenomena include the Anchorage of Dhomas—a maritime memorial—and the mystical clearing in the Blindbat's Enigma with the weathered shrine to Sootha.


Bathed in relentless sun, Eidon experiences tropical climates. The island's climate plays a crucial role in its triple-crop agriculture and the overall vitality of its ecosystem.

Fauna & Flora

Palm trees   Tower bamboo in the Blindbat's Enigma, the Weeping Willow influencing agriculture, and revered trees throughout the island showcase Eidon's diverse flora.   Wild boar and crocodile   From the nocturnal batgoblins dwelling in bamboo abodes to marine life along its shores, Eidon's fauna reflects the island's vibrant ecosystem.

Natural Resources

Grain produced on the farms   Eidon's resources include fertile soils for agriculture, timber from revered trees, and an abundant marine life that sustains its coastal communities.


Eidon's history is marked by its role as Pacura's granary, conflicts during inter-island tensions, and the resilience demonstrated through events like the Sansaint’s Festival.


The island attracts tourists seeking lush landscapes, maritime mysteries, and a glimpse into rich traditions. The Anchorage of Dhomas and the Blindbat's Enigma are popular destinations.
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