
Healing Haven
  Nestled within the gentle embrace of the Milos island, the village of Bugganwai stands as a testament to harmony and healing. Both a place of great beauty and a refuge for the wounded. Bugganwai is a sanctuary for those who seek solace in the art of restoration. The people of Milos, known for their compassion and deep connection with the sea, have mastered the craft of healing through the abundant berries and herbs that grace their shores.
  Milos is more than a haven for the injured; it's a circular tapestry of unity. Divided into ten vibrant sections, each adorned with a distinct color, the island's landscape mirrors the diversity of its people. From the Green to the Deep Purple, Milos is a living kaleidoscope, a reflection of the interconnected lives that call it home.
  The city's vibrant soul extends beyond its borders, with the sprawling fields of colorful flowers and the grand temple that stands as a testament to both creation and celebration. On Milos, healing isn't merely a profession—it's a way of life, woven into the very fabric of this island community.
  The people here mends sounds, create clothing, sew sails and create clothing unmatched in all of Pacura.

  Good lawful people.
  Don't want any part of the fued.
  great healers. Have an abundance of berries and herbs to create potions to heal wounded sailors.
  Milos never turns away an injured person even if they are their enemy.
  A circular island spanning about 2 km in diameter.
  The island is divided into 10 pie shaped sections. Each division has homes and seamstress shops placed sporadically around the large flower beds that take up most of the space. Each section is a different color. Green, Blue, Orange, Red-Brown, Deep Purple, Violet, Red, Yellow, White and Black.
  At the center of the island is a large stone pillar where announcement and plays are performed. The areas around it has lowering seating like a cylindrical pyramid.
  Milos was said to be created to emanate the beauty of the sea goddess.
  The sea goddess and the ocean king travelled the waves together for years, building a family together, when the ocean king wanted to claim a home, his wife was angered that he would want to leave the sea. After their 9th child, the boat they sailed on, Ilma's Beauty, (named for the human name the sea goddess Sootha had taken) was getting too small to take care of the young ones. The Ocean King, seeing his brethren claim land and build castles, longed for a settlement of his own. After a near death experience of 3 of their children, he brought it up knowing his wife could not stay on land for long, she grew furious and unwittingly created a great storm. This storm twisted the very face of the lowlands nearby. Islands rose from the sea, creating the archipelago known today as Pacura. This storm endangered his children and he decided to leave his wife, he set up a home on an island he deemed Hydri, the first of the Pacuran islands. He raised his children for years under an ongoing hurricane, he told them that this was their mother teaching them how to live in the harsh conditions of the water. Years of being the storm caused her to lose all motherly instincts, the human nature she picked up when she was in love had all but faded into hatred and vengefullness. 4 years of constant storm led the ocean king, who had begun creating a home on Hydri, to sail out on their former ship to confront his wife. He was able to calm her as she resorted back to her human form. He was able to convince her to come home and stay with the family, even though she would have to make only short visits, for she needed the water. One of the people in his settlement he recruited for their powerful mage capabilities. They lived together again for 1 year. One day, when her grasp on reality was weakest, she deliriously hugged her husband as if for the first time in years, she spoke of how they could sail together again, forget the kids who ruined their lives and be together forever. The ocean king agreed and invited his wife to the island of Milos, a romantic getaway full of lush flora. He pulled out a blue gem necklace the mage had given him as a gift for his returned wife. He placed it around her neck and she frantically talked about drowning the islands, wiping out the people of his kingdom. As he clamped the mages necklace on, it tightened around her neck. She looked back in betrayal and sadness. The gem shone bright as her godly powers were stabilized. He told her "this is for our family" as he tossed her into the water, the necklace acted as a cement block, dragging her down under the sea. Where her heartbroken body hit the ocean floor, she drowned underneath the sea with her godly powers rendered innate. From her body a 10th island formed, Basilika. Unbeknownst to the king himself, Ilma was with child when she was thrown into the water. Atop the small forgotten island lay a distorted child with blue , fish eyes and scales over its elongated fingers and lizard like tail. Many Typhon and Gyaron men patrolled the island where you crash landed. The immediate vicinity had no guards present, as you tried to see what was being done at the top of the pillar, you heard the cry of the infant. This baby was not forcibly ripped from its mother's womb, it had come to full term but was now in the hands of the woman who killed Diggory's young boy.
  You make your way forward through the poppy red field ahead of you, trampling flowers as you rush toward the pillar to get a better look.
  From a home to your right, you hear a scream of a young woman, this scream is abruptly cut short with the sound of steel cleaving through flesh. A guard in black and gold walk out of the house laughing. Another two red fur bearing guards walk around the home and toss a flaming torch at the home. It sets ablaze.
  Encounter 1 blackguard 2 vikings 1 swarm of beetles as the fire around you grows larger. Ensure evan withering Way is happening and notable. Eelisma is beginning to a transfer the essence if the sea goddess from the hurricane into the newborn baby.
  Thormond Borrigan and tayne were told in dreams that they would become the obelisks on which the sea goddess will rise, taking over the land as the sea once was. Thurmond believes it is his religious duty. Borrigan seeks riches. Tayne wants his people to survive whatever calamity is set to occur. After the battle, tayne enters the field
  After the battle, tayne enters the field of poppies. He tells you that you can leave and get as far away from that monster as possible. He says he needs to save his people. He has the demeanour of a man not from the viking horde. He is clean cut but still battle hardened. Scars and bruises on his flesh and tears and mud on his armor.
  Fight to death
  Reason with to leave
  Honorable fight in hand to hand combat, to see who the gods think is right.
  If he lives, he disappears into the smoke
  If you win, he calls off his men, lessening the amount to fight later
  If he dies then his people run.
  Eelisma is using a blue gem that was used to kill sootha. She is transferring the god into the baby. 3 obelisks of yellow blue and red have been constructed around the black pillar. The flag of typhon on the yellow, gyaron on the red and zephyr on the blue. Eelisma stood atop the black ivory pillar. The obelisks were guarded by members of those nations.
  If tayne was convinced to leave then his obelisk has lessened in power.
  The baby screams as they try to stop the crystal. After 10 rounds the transfer finishes. Fight the guards and destroy the obelisks. If baby is now sootha, eelisma runs with the baby and Thurmond holds kricia over the pillars edge, if they get there first, she fights then and the mound runs off with the baby.
  As the baby escapes with whomever, the ss tempest is waiting to take the baby away. The storm comes to an end when the transfer finishes.
  A ship battle takes place as you take either the blackfly or the ilma's fury.
  The ss tempest and one of the two ships versus the other one and the howling porpoise. Kyra could show up, or diggory
  Tayne may also lend a hand if you convinced him to stop.
  01: Flaming Flowers Encounter
  01.5: sossori needs to begin withering after damage
  02: Tayne encounter
  03: obelisk
  04: top of the pillar
  05: chase to the shore
  06: board a ship
  07: battle at sea.
  08: leviathan summoned, destroying ships
  09: friendly character is about to die.
  10: evan sacrifices himself to save person.
  11: is able to gift a giantsblood elixir to Christopher. He grows large and fires the anchor using his crossbow, killing the leviathan.
  12: find a chest in the howling porpoise with Mitchell the gravekeepers name on it.
  Old gear he found in the ocean kings tomb.
  Riversight Eyepatch - henri
  Spring Peg Leg
  Hookshot hook hand - moira
  Gobling pistol
  Helm, Just Helm - chris
  Golden Gauntlets - moira
  You are sling-shotted by Maximus' ship, the Howling Porpoise through the gusts of the hurricane. The Gobsnapper is more or less wrecked but you make it through mostly intact, Henri lost an eye. You arrive to find the baby has been born and Eelisma was trying to transfer the sea goddess into the baby atop a black ivory tower in the centre of Milos. You learn how the sea goddess and Ocean King were in love, having 9 children centuries ago. As Sootha grew more crazed, Oceanus Tempest had to kill his wife. Unbeknownst to him, she was with child. Their 10th child became the grotesque Eelisma and she spent ages plotting how to bring her mother back. You have an honor fight with Tayne, Stormblood of Gyaron, which Sossori wins by turning into a bear and he concedes what he is doing is not honorable. He pulls his Viking horde from the battle. After an obelisk puzzle and a battle atop the spire, the party embarrasses Lord Thormund using a charm spell. A Zephyr soldier takes the baby in a carriage and rides for the docks. Moira needed to finish her pact or her soul would be lost for eternity, Moira kills Snerz as the battle with Eelisma nears its end. He still thought of the group as his best friends and family. Henri kills Eelisma as Sossori and Chris race to retrieve the baby girl. Using some wild shape trickery, Sossori as a jaguar with Chris on her back take out the carriage and save the baby. They jump on the nearest ship which is the legendary Blackfly, the brig of Lord Thormund. All of this death caused Sossori’s body to begin to dissipate. She fell to the ground as Chris tried to steer the ship to protect the baby. Sossori was plucked back into the heavens by her Goddess Danara. Danara being the patron deity of motherhood rewarded Sossori for her actions. The goddess gifted the group with some boons to help them in her absence. As a last ditch effort, the remaining energy of Sootha called upon a Leviathan to attack the Blackfly. Christopher had the baby as he watched Sossori begin to turn into blue dust. As the monster neared the ship, Sossori sacrificed herself and jumped into the leviathan’s mouth. She exploded in magical energy causing severe damage to the beast. She drifted up in the god's realm. Essence energy surged through him as Sossori gifted Christopher with a potion of giantblood. A 50 ft. Chris took down the whale like monster in a fist fight that shook the ocean. Through the power of Sossori's death, Henri and Moira were teleported onto the Blackfly. Max sailed by with his fiancée alongside him and took his daughter. He sailed off saying the mutiny will stay strong and take the islands back from Thormund and Borigan. The sun sets as you see an armada of large, Zephyrn ships sailing towards you from the horizon.
  Buggangai Milos Province Pacura Batgoblin Church of Dhara 6970 63
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