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Inside this rough stone room is a single pod with a form inside. The pod is 8' tall and 3' in diameter. This pod has a 1/2M gear lock preventing it from being opened. The liquid in this pod is extra obsuring and all you can see is a vauge huminoid form that stands roughly 6'7". The man inside is Dino Virtus. It requires the crown gear key to open.


The entry to this room is a secret and can only be opened with the 0 and 1 gear key. There is an empty chest near the east wall in the pervious room that has a false bottom. With the 0 and 1 gear key placed in the empty gear slots the 1 must be turned 180 degrees and the 0 pressed in like a button. The room it connects to is the vault and the stone wall that hides this room slides down into the floor.
Parent Location
Connected Rooms


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