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The north end of New City, east of the Processional, swarms with students from the dozens of colleges, universities, and academies that have made Greyhawk one of the foremost cities of learning on the continent, yet another improvement initiated during the reign of Zagig Yragerne. Called Clerkburg or simply “The Halls”, the neighborhood also houses the professors, administrators, and menials necessary to keep the schools running. The presence of scores of private libraries—as well as the Great Library of Greyhawk itself—ensures a healthy presence of scholars and sages in the neighborhood, many of them experts on the ancient cultures that once inhabited the region surrounding the Free City. The Street of Temples along the southeast corner of the district boasts edifices in honor of Celestian, Kord, Lendor, and Boccob.   Clerkburg maintains a laconic atmosphere that makes it popular with students, artisans, and labourers from other districts. Most of the quarter’s small taverns and eateries have seating on the street or a veranda, resulting in a social atmosphere. Students walk and relax along the Millstream that bisects the district, which is second only to the Garden Quarter in its quantity of plant life and small parks. Some of Clerkburg’s taverns erupt into violence now and again, and events at the popular Free City Arena occasionally get out of hand enough to attract City Watch patrols with truncheons to break up unruly crowds, but Clerkburg is, in the main, a sleepy community, and its streets are some of the safest in all of Greyhawk.   In contrast to the rest of the Middle City, Clerkburg is spacious and leafy for the most part. The lofty halls that house the various schools are surrounded by carefully tended lawns and formal gardens. In the summer months of Wealsun and Reaping, when colleges are not in term, Clerkburg is an oasis of calm and quiet in the otherwise bustling metropolis, with the city’s cadre of eccentrically clad academics enjoying an all too brief moment of peace. For the rest of the year, the district is awash with raucous tides of students, moving from class to class (or, more often than not, tavern to tavern).


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