Coralvein Settlement in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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While it started as a quaint fishing and mining village due to its proximity to the barrier reef and mountains, Coralvein quickly evolved into the headquarters of the Haluan Navy upon its founding. Despite mainly being a military town, many people still flock to Coralvein to make a living either through fishing, mining, or opening a business.


Due to heavily being a military town, the population of Coralvein is varied. People from all across the empire come here seeking to become a marine in the Haluan Navy. While not as culturally rich as Tide's Watch, Coralvein boasts a large cultural diversity that rivals many cities throughout the empire.


Coralvein is a heavily defensible port for two primary reasons. The first one is obvious: it is the home to the Haluan Navy. No sane person would directly attack the headquarters of the largest military force in the empire. The second reason is a bit more subtle: the Talathriel Barrier Reef spans the length of both the city and the island. The only point of the reef that is open to the sea is heavily monitored by the navy.


With the construction of the Haluan Navy Headquarters, Coralvein had a surge in infrastructure. Streets were created, the city gained blocks and organization, and the shipyard was constructed in order to house the navy ships. However, despite being the home of the Haluan Navy, this is not the largest port in the Haluan Empire. That title belongs to Kula Kula.

Points of interest

The main point of interest in Coralvein is the Haluan Navy Headquarters. This building is the largest in the city, is the most built up, and is the main reason any person comes to Coralvein. While it doesn't house every member of the navy, at any given point there are many members here either working or stationed.   Another main point of interest in this town in the downtown area. There are many bars and taverns that cater to the navy personell. In these bars, at any time of the day, you could find many marines. You may also be able to find shady figures trying to overhear some navy intel or just swindle some lousy sot.


Sitting on the northern coast of Holokai Island, Coralvein is where the three major biomes of the island meet. This city has easy access to the mountains, the jungle, and the ocean. Being cradled by the mountains and the barrier reef gives Coralvein a very defensible position and allows it to prosper withouth much outside influence.

Natural Resources

The biggest natural resources near Coralvein come from the mountains to the northwest and the ocean to the east. Coralvein is well known for the Haluan Navy Headquarters, but it is also known for its strong fishing and mining industries.
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