Talathriel Barrier Reef Geographic Location in Haluan Seas | World Anvil
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Talathriel Barrier Reef

From the surface, it appears as just a normal patch of sea, maybe a bit shallower than the surrounding water. But under the surface, a whole new ecosystem of life exists and flourishes. I'd say it's breathtaking, but then we'd drown while looking at it.
-Al'Leran Fenguer
  The Talathriel Barrier Reef is named after Talathriel Halua, the first Emperor of the Haluan Empire. This reef lies along the eastern side of Holokai Island and protects the island from many a storm or unwanted seafaring vessel.


Many varieties of coral populate this barrier reef. In addition to coral, broken and busted up ships that have crashed and been battered against this rocky reef also litter the seafloor here. The ocean has reclaimed these vessels and this land. While the tides have a large effect on the shoreline, there is not too much of an effect on the reef. If the tide is so low that the reef is visible, there is a much bigger problem going on.

Natural Resources

The reef is home to many fish and plant life. The fish make this reef one of the most popular and profitable places for the fishermen of both Coralvein and Tide's Watch. Regularly, one can see fishing boats lining the reef, hoping to bring in a good haul. Rarely do boats have to stray beyond the reef to bring home enough fish to feed both their family and make a profit at the local market.
Coral Reef, Barrier
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